
Comments by Ch3ll (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do some PL'S spend a crazy amount in the club when ORC can be had for the sa
    He probably just doesn't know or doesn't want it to get that far. I'd be surprised if he was getting ITC and didn't want OTC. I'd think that the stripper is making more ITC as opposed to OTC with a guy like this, because she knows his spending probably wouldn't be up to par with what he's spending ITC even with club fees and tip out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Poof! TUSCL is Gone, How Do You Continue?
    Tuscl has been entertaining for sure, even when some trolls came through. What I'd miss is the platform to be able to discuss topics related to everything SCing and getting advice. Where else would I find besides the SC where like minded guys dissect SCing, but have extensive experience. I have learned alot about SCing from tuscl, but as crazy as it sounds I never knew you could just leave a hotel room without checking out at the front desk. So I'm proud to say I learned that as it helps with my paranoia and OTC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    I've never dated a dancer, only in my lust, fantasy mind. I can see where you're coming from that other men will be getting turned on by her. And I don't want to cast doubt, but I find it hard to shake VIP and CR when someone is making twice the money they are on the main floor, and much of the fantasy we go for, build up, is because we think something special will have in VIP or CR. But you and her know your trust so if that's solid, then what she's wanting is probably too.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I cant offer any info that necessarily directly answers your questions, but the two times I've been to Orlando on work travel I took the little over an hour drive to go to Cocoa Beach for some 2 way contact. I read reviews like crazy for Orlando because it was so many clubs, but the overall census was no contact. If I recall right the one club I did stop at for all of 10 - 15 minutes in Orlando was called Cleopatra's, but after that experience I was like nope!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think this scenario will vary from customer to customer. Two variables that'll affect it in my opinion are how well off he is financially and how much he likes you. If he's financially set or budgeted and really likes you, he'll probably keep everything status quo after OTC or even up his spending on you OTC to avoid the club altogether. However, if funds aren't so available to him, he may spend less in the club, only preferring OTC, because he'll come to know what he can expect OTC as opposed to ITC. Since this will be you guys first OTC I'd say don't bring up future ITC spending. Future OTC spending and expectations sure, but not ITC matters. More than likely if sex were to be desired by him on this first OTC, he'll probably be more inclined to reach a deal since you guys are already together. So given your scenario, I've typically decreased my spending ITC with the girl. After the first few OTCs and/or how much fun we had the price has fluctuated high to mid. It's just varied due to her current needs/wants or my fund availability.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    post your last text from a stripper
    Her: Hey hun you in *city*? Me: No not tonight. What's up with tomorrow? Her:
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    For the drinkers
    I can enjoy the club without, but usually I'll get some drinks to relax and enjoy the show. The alcohol hasn't made any visits any better in my experience, just relaxed me more and made me care less if it was a slow night. There is an all nude club in the city I SC in and they don't serve alcohol. When I first started SCing this was my club of choice. I had some okay experiences there. After going to other SCs and better experiences with alcohol available, the all nude is my last choice for a strip club visit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    When the subject of Strip Clubs comes up at work
    It depends on the feel I have for the group of people involved in the conversation. There are different departments where I work, and I being a part of the I T department, I've came across or everyone once. If it were to come up in my department, I'd keep quiet and ask questions like I've never been but once or twice. If it was another department and back to my feel of the people I'd drop some hints or join in, but not to the extent showing I know more than a little about strip clubs. A particular department's mid level boss had a birthday and they wanted to take him to a strip club. Him and I would talk from time to time and a worker of his I gave input on the different clubs based on what type of girls/music they were looking for. So most of his department and some others did go and I only dropped in briefly to say hello and bought him two VIP dances. Almost every time I passed him or came in his office area he'd be saying stuff about strip clubs and how I be going. So lesson learned. Best to not let it be known how much I go or know.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    How long do you usually stay at a strip club and how often do you visit in a wee
    I usually stay at a club for 1 - 2 hours, because when I always go it's night shift. If it's a weekday I have to leave at a reasonable time since I'm working the next day and if it's the weekend it's close to closing so I leave. As far as amount of visits per week, my norm is once, maybe twice a week if something in my normal schedule changed and I have some new free time. I may visit 1 - 2 clubs on that particular night out, but if it's two clubs in a night it's because I didn't see anything I liked at the other.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    I don't typically ask anymore, because if they want they'll offer it. But in regards to times I've asked, it's usually at the first visit or after a soon second or third visit and we get along good. So....the contact info that's the easy part, now actually having them respond in a timely matter or at all for something simple as wyd, is the who knows part!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the most number of clubs you've visited in one day?
    The most I've been to in one day is three. I don't prefer to hop from club to club. If there's something I like at the club I planned to go to, I stay/finish the night there. However, if nothing is catching my eye is when I move around hoping to find something nice.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    But hey, I have went bareback with three different strippers, all OTC. And time has passed and all is well. I can't rationalize it as I knew them for some time or I was just so sure she was clean. Nonetheless, in hindsight I'm thinking what the hell was I thinking.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nope! It might be enjoyable, great in the moment, but on the off chance you're rather unlucky afterwards, it'll probably be looked back on as not worth the risk.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I probably have once or twice in the past, but I tend to not by a stripper that's new to me drinks. Especially if she's the one to bring up the subject. I will buy drinks for a dancer I'm familiar with, because at least then I have some idea of what to expect afterwards. This is wishful thinking and I haven't ran into one yet, but.....I do wish I could find the dancer that likes to drink beer. Would be slightly lighter on the pockets.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    @Dominic77 Yeah it's what she'd pay just to show up and work. I feel you on the anathema, because I have felt that way in the past for some posters who said they simply pay for the convo. But it is what it is, not my main habit for sure. Nonetheless, this particular fee for her was $22. And the drinks I bought us totaled $18. Tips...$10. So to me $50 over 45 minutes as opposed to let's say ~10 minutes is good to me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    @Warrenboy75 I like you prefer the later days of the week and at night. I have yet to go to the strip club when it was still daylight out. However, I have been on Monday, Tuesday, and/or Wednesday nights if I didn't have my kids. I'll use yesterday, Mon. as a reference because I went to a club I've started frequenting. Anyway, I get to the club around 1030pm and the lot appears dry, but inside there were approx. 15 or more girls and I'd say 6 customers including me. The overall vibe with dancers to customers seemed as Regular or someone they knew, mostly just chill overall. My fav happened to be there and came in after she saw me walk in. I told her I wasn't doing too much, so unless she could count on someone else for dances to not change. Well, for about 45 minutes we just chilled drinking and talking. I only bought her one drink and before I left gave her money for her door fee. No dances on the night. So to me this was a pretty chill, good night, viewing the other girls and/or seeing her tip them. Way cheaper night than me getting dances. But in regards to all the dancers mentioned earlier, it was more than enough to go around amongst customers and I'd say 90% of the dancers there are ones who have worked Fridays and Saturdays. It was more A team dancers there than C and D lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever Not Pay a Dancer
    I'll be paying her next visit for sure. I think she was more interested in changing and getting home or whatever it being 2 AM in the morning. I had a fav walk away once before me paying her so she could get on stage, but when she came back I paid her. I'm a little more cautious if it's with a dancer I'm not too familiar with.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Ever texted the wrong dancer?
    @Shadow Wow. Talking to the wrong guy. @max Seems your wrong text may turn into something nice. I've never texted the wrong stripper, but I have texted the wrong civilian woman a handful of times. Luckily, it wasn't anything too bad or good the other shouldn't see.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Main Floor Only
    @Papi You bring up a good point and as I was thinking forgot to mention. In my brief hiatus and resuming the hobby, I haven't had any recurring visits with the same girl. A known stripper I've done OTC with several times has begun to flake out and/or exceeded her shelf life. With that said I do hope to find a potential candidate(s) and put in spending/time with her. Unfortunately, the last two that were "Oh I HAVE to see her again" I haven't been able to come across again
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stage Play Without Tip
    *wrong thread
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stage Play Without Tip
    @Papi You bring up a good point and as I was thinking forgot to mention. In my brief hiatus and resuming the hobby, I haven't had any recurring visits with the same girl. A known stripper I've done OTC with several times has begun to flake out and/or exceeded her shelf life. With that said I do hope to find a potential candidate(s) and put in spending/time with her. Unfortunately, the last two that were "Oh I HAVE to see her again" I haven't been able to come across again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Main Floor Only
    @Subraman I'm in a one year slump and now that taxes are filed, closer to being back on track. IMO from the past it wasn't difficult for me to arrange OTC especially if VIP has been the norm on recurring visits. Like shadowcat I've never done OTC without having done some VIP. Im trying SJG's approach of feeding them money in the front room. But in all seriousness, I would like to see this approach develop into some OTC. I recall a recent poster asking do we prefer the hunt. I do, but to a small extreme. The hunt is rather pricey especially if VIP is involved as where floor isn't. Moreover, I've grown to only take those I suspect will go the extra mile or are open to the subject of OTC to VIP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    dancers demanding tips
    Ive never had one demand a tip, but I've had it where they hinted at wanting a tip. I'll only tip if I feel the need to and if they ask/imply for a tip, I only tip if the dance was truly exceptional and it'll be however much I decide.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Im with orangepicture, I've never seen this occur in a club. Maybe I need to go to some better clubs where the dancers actually do pile tricks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do I cut this PL? (Long.. sorry)
    As a PL I don't see what he did wrong. He was probably excited or thought this girl that came over was about to do something special. He probably didn't know how to handle the situation eloquently. Being that he came back to you with a tip of $20 says alot. I could see if y'all had arranged for that day/night then that would have been a diss to you, but in my opinion he just in the moment wanted to try something else.