
Stage Leeches

layin low but staying high
At clubs with multiple stages that the girls rotate through, you sometimes find PLs following a dancer from stage to stage through the room. Sometimes they tip at each stage and sometimes not. They may go with their dancer to just some stages, or they may accompany her to all of the stages. Baby Dolls is where I have seen this most often but I’ve seen it at other clubs too.

I assume that these stage leeches are either regulars who want to stay with their girl, or guys who are claiming their pussy in advance so others don’t try to grab her for dances after her stage rotation is over. But I don’t think these guys are usually whales. Many don’t seem to spend too much at the stages, and I’ve sometimes seen a dancer who tries to ignore them or seems irritated with them.

Stages leeches irritate the crap out of me since stage sets are when I often try to get a very attractive dancer to leave her current customer and come to experience my charms. Yes I could do that right under the stage leeches’ nose, but that is uncomfortable and Mary Jane does not like it.

Does anybody else have any experiences with stage leeches? Have you ever been a stage leech?


  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Never done it. It's extremely pathetic even for a hard core PL. I find it very irritating for the same reason you do, especially when they stand at the stage the whole time, tipping just a few buck.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I always assumed they were just SRILs (super-RILs) - and yeah I used to notice-it at Baby Dolls Dallas also - perhaps it has to do w/ the high # of stages (7) which are often all-going - Baby Dolls being a very popular club there's often a good amount of PL-competition.

    When I used to visit BDs in the 2000s, there was a 50 y/o or so salt-and-pepper haired PL w/ mustache and glasses which stage-following seemed to be all that he did - he did not look like he had $$$ to do much else and I would see him often @ BDs.
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    Guilty ONE TIME and it was at Baby Dolls. You can check my review. I even mentioned it as being a PL move, but we were chatting and I wasn’t going to be there long so I figured WTH? It’s something I normally never do.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m guilty.
    i’m trying to get her favor...
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I would say its an amateur cockblocking move than can irritate a dancer if its an overzelous minnow. Saying that I will tip a girl at several stages if she is not getting any action and we are already locked up for dances. If she is mine later and getting the $$ on the stage I stay the hell out of the way from her income.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Never done it. It's extremely pathetic even for a hard core PL."

    I've never done it either. I almost never go to stage at all, for that matter, except for the specific purpose of getting the girl on stage back to my table. But, whether it's pathetic or not, you have to admit JS justified it in the same post where he complained about them -- after all, if the stage leaches are intent on saving that stripper for themselves, the stage is *exactly* where JS (and I, for that matter) intercept the girls to steal them away.

    Well played, RIL, well played. Next time I'll have to catch your girl on her way out of the bathroom instead :)
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Yes stage leeching is sometimes a successful, albeit particularly pathetic, way to keep the girl. But I get the sense that a knowledgeable tuscler could steal a girl away from one of these guys if we really wanted to. I know that the next time I see a dancer who is DS level,in looks, no stage leech will ever keep me from her.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    I still stage tip, but not to get the girl. Too many times she never comes, but yeah I've seen this. Both the following around, and drawing out the 10 minute conversation for what, a couple bucks. Guy is obviously cockblocking, and more common where stages are smaller and harder to get around Mr. Leach.

    I admit I've done it. Not to cockblock, but bc some asshole was harassing my fave on stage. Sure, I could've knocked him the fuck out,,, but he was a pretty big guy. So I did the next best thing, and drew attention away from him to me.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    If you wanted to handle it, I would say walk up and tip a 10 or 20(or more) across the leech, tell her to stop by and watch her's and his reaction.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If a regular is taking good-care of his dancer ($$$), he does not need to ccckblock at the stage - most likely she knows she needs to come to him post stage-set.

    I think the stage-leeches are the ones that don't have the $$$ to keep a dancer so the only-way to get time w/ her is when she can't go anywhere but be on stage.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Never seen it or maybe i have and didnt think anything of it at the time. That is pathetic. Im not following these hoes around begging them to take my money. In fact i 100% would rather it be the other way around and have them following me. Which never happens at places like baby dolls(too many pl's and im not in the habit of "competing" to give strippers my money). Just another reason to avoid those establishments i guess.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I only followed my atf to the stage sometimes when its dead and no one else going to tip her....if anyone else around I'd sit and drink and possibly chat with the other girls/patrons/waitress
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    and when I did follow her, she tell me not to tip her
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I’ve done this...

    It’s a dead night at the club, and a particular dancer is on the A team. Say the club has 4 stages to rotate on even though the main stage is the only one getting action.

    I’ve gone to the 2nd stage and maybe 3rd or 4th and tipper her - kinda reminding her “come see me when you’re done.” Do I stand there the entire time? Hell no, stuff $5 or $10 in her g-string, smile and walk back to my seat. Instead of stuffing a $20 in her g-string once, I stuff $5 three times. After all going to 4 stages for some strippers, that first stage was like a lifetime ago by the time 4 songs pass. I mean how many times have you tipped a stripper and she comes over 30 minutes later saying “oh I’ve been looking for you but I couldn’t find you.” I think “ho this club floor is like 3,000 square feet I’m not that hard to find!!!”

    60% of the time it works every time.

    I don’t consider what I explained a leech, and yes I’ve seen what you describe. It’s usually some PL that has a headlock on his dancer all night. It’s very pathetic.
  • minnow
    6 years ago
    @Upright- Overzealous minnow ?? Surely you jest. (and yes I am calling you Shirley). I haven't been to BDD in a while. What I'd do if I really wanted a dancer was just wait until she got to last stage, tip her there, and ask her. If she was already taken, there was sure to be some attractive options on other stages. I wasn't one to be a leech, but I wasn't shy about moving to other stage(s) if I saw an interesting dancer there. As I recall, BDD had 6 or 7 different stages.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    The stage leech types are kinda annoying but it only bothers me much if there is only one stripper in the club I like and she’s the one who got leeched. Otherwise I’ve learned that I enjoy myself the most if I allow myself some flexibility. If one stripper is leeched, another goood one is probably bored and might appreciate some company.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Guilty of it several times at Baby Dolls with my, at the time CF. I’d start when she was on fourth stage and then follow her until last. She was the best looking girl in the the club and I was keeping the other Pls at bay. Must have worked some because she always came to me after freshening up, even if other customers were trying to get her.
  • Ch3ll
    6 years ago
    I've only seen what you've described JS69 probably once. It was a young PL and a young dancer and he followed her for two stages. After her stages, they settled in a chair and he maybe got one dance. From what I could guess, seemed they were close friends or in a relationship, because nothing but laughs and shortly after she's dressed and they left together.

    Most I usually see is a guy get up as soon as a dancer gets on stage to tip her. I personally have never done the stage leeching myself. I usually tip at whatever stage and ask that she come by when she's done.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Sounds like a unique issue, with Baby Dolls and similar clubs having all those stages and a dancer apparently (according to what's posted here) having to rotate through all of em before she can exit stage and give dances. That setup seems lame for the girl unless all that multiple stage rotation earns her more money than if (like most clubs) she has to dance on one stage or (like some clubs) she has to dance on one warmup stage followed by main stage before circulating and giving dances.

    In the Baby Dolls setup (as at any club, really), seems to me the girl needs to take care of her own business and happily collect a low-tipping leach's money while circulating on the multiple stages and then move on from the leach and spend time with a better paying / less annoying customer. Her choice to let herself be cockblocked or not.

    I have followed a girl to main stage when she got called up from where we were sitting and before we had moved to more private area as planned, so that I didn't lose her to a stage tipper. This thread makes me feel pathetic for even doing that; thanks TUSCL, another lesson learned.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    When customers have done this w me, they are usually customers that I haven’t talked to yet, and they want to keep up w me, and get dances after.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    I watched a guy do this at Bourbon Street a while back. He looked totally whipped and kinda sad. He would practically RUN from stage to stage, then grab her as she exited the last stage so she couldn’t go to someone else.

    Granted, I did see them go to VIP for quite a while more than once, so she was taken care of. But it looked desperate.
  • Notanewbie
    6 years ago
    I was seeing a young lass who asked me to go all 3 stages with her.....I did it twice but it made me feel like a real Tool so I had to stop. I think she was basically shy and just wanted a friendly face. Personally, I think it makes the guy look desparate...
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I haven't been to a SC with multiple stages off in each area of the building except for a couple (but there were in very close proximity to one another). With that said, I do find it pathetic to follow a dancer from stage to stage. I have seen patrons go up to a dancer when on stage and monopolize their time a bit. They're usually standing when doing this
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I rarely sit by the stage anymore. The atmosphere goes down the drain whenever I do
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    To me tipping at multiple stages is not stage leeching. Stage leeching is literally following the dancer around the room.

    It does happen A LOT at Baby Dolls Dallas.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I can't say I ever followed a girl from stage to stage, but I have gone from one at the beginning to the last one in the hopes of getting a dancer. It usually works, too. I do admit it's pathetic, but at the one club I used to go to where they rotate from stage to stage, most of the girls didn't interest me.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I'm just a bit confused by the question. Most clubs i go to don't have multiple stages with action, or more specifically, multiple stages where the girl rotates to each one right after the other. Larger clubs will have multiple stages, but even then usually only one main stage. And they don't always rotate to the other stages. When i think of a stage leech, i think of someone who just camps at the stage all night. I've only seen this at clubs where the stages are popular (almost always nude clubs) and if you leave the stage, it might be a little or a good bit before a seat opens up again.

    Sometimes a club will have a connected dual stage like a dumbbell shape, where the girl will leave one side and go to the other side at the next song. I've followed a girl to the other side when i wanted to see more of her stage show and not the girl before or after her. One time, many years ago, i was at a club that had three levels of stages (like top/mezzanine, main, lower level) where they danced for one song at each level, and one of the girls noticed i was tipping her well or at least a little more than the other PLs and suggested i should move to the lower stages to see her again (and give her more money). She was one of the better looking girls, so i followed her advice.

    I've also stage hopped when there are multiple stages and i see a better looking girl on a different stage and the girl at the stage i'm at is one i don't want to tip. I'm not sure what you would call that. At any rate, i don't really know how any of these behaviors could prevent someone from communicating their interest in a girl. In fact, with some popular girls, it did take multiple stage visits just for me to finally talk to the girl. I'm trying to figure out how you could possibly monopolize a girl by going to all of her stage sets, especially larger stages, say 5+ seats. I mean the girl picks who she wants to interact with for whatever reason (usually anticipating a better tipper or someone that came to the stage just for her and try to close the deal on dances).

    What i find more annoying is the guy who treats the stage like the front room and tries to hog a girl, just feeding her money (little or a lot, doesn't really matter, but it's usually not that much), talking to her and often loudly complaining when she tries to move on, in the hope that she won't go to anyone else. If they're not spending much at all, then they're just wasting everyone else's time.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    This sounds like a

    You know you're a PL when...

    you stalk a dancer from stage to stage
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I haven't seen this, but it's really just another way to lock down a dancer and keep other PLs at bay. Which, you know, we all hate... unless you're the guy doing it.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    They can try all they want. I see stages dances as just an audition for the dancer that I want to bring to the VIP. If there are a lot of people at the rail, I don't hangout at the rail trying to compete with those leeches, I simply walk over, tip the dancer a 20 and go back to my seat. It's the only stage tip I'll do during a SC visit.

    The other guys tipping ones become invisible to the dancer and she eventually walks past them to me when she's done. I can't recall a time that didn't work.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I've been on both sides. The clubs I frequent where I have a regular don't really have more than two stages, so its not quite so extreme. But, I'll see guys rush to the stage the second my fave gets up there, then follow her to the other stage, some of them follow her off to the dressing room or back to towards my table after. I don't really mind, as I know if she's coming back or not so either I'm good to just wait or I've moved on.

    As far as me doing it, I've never gone and sat at the stage with her, then moved to the next, etc. But, I have gone up and tipped her on one stage, gone back to my seat, then got up again and tipped her on the other. If that counts, I'm guilty. When I've done it there's been two motivations, if its a fave I'm not doing it in an attempt to keep her from stripper vultures, I'll do it as an excuse to give her a few extra bucks. Otherwise, I might just be bored/enamored. If a stripper is hot and I'm sitting at my table staring, it feels like I should throw her a few bucks. If that means looking a bit like a tool getting up more than once to do it, so be it.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I can see how it could be annoying. I don’t go to clubs with multiple stages. The dives I go to havea single stage - that’s more to show the guys the girls before they take them to vip.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    @flagonner...you are spot-on.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Shan a club has three stages the guys that follow the dancers from stage to stage are “tres leches” ;)
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    I’ve been a stage leech when the CF worked at Baby Dolls. Early night shift is very slow. If no one was tipping her, I would tip her at every empty stage.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ Amen!

    JS69 has lots of very narrow judgemental categories he boxes people into.

    Our Brass Rail has 4 stages, and no private dances. Also, often very few people. So following a girl from stage to stage is a way of recognizing her, giving her money, and having some fun with her. If one wants to be dating her, that method could work well.





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