
I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights

Low Value.


  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    Used to visit in equal measure. Realizing now ... just all around low value.

    * It can be harder to find parking
    * Entry can have lines with top cover charge
    * Seating can be hard to find
    * Drinks, Shots, Food all are at list price - all with longer waits
    * 2AMers
    * Dancers expect 80% of their weekly income from this day. Rushed and mechanical service.

    So. The one advantage that outweighed all of the above - more dancers on shift.
    And by virtue of Quantity - a customer could get very selective and ensure desired Quality.
    Sure enough when 50-70 dancers are on shift, it's easier to snag one (or two or three) 8+ dancers that you like - and have a good time.

    My experience - Fri/Sat dancer "Quality" is over-rated.
    There are adequate 8+ dancers in day shifts or say, Tue nights.
    Some clubs require hot dancers to work a day shift in order to earn a Fri night spot.
    Yet some hot dancers simply like to sleep early and only work day shifts.
    Fresh and young dancers (18+) almost always start day shift of weekday night.

    Not many hotties on weekdays/nights - but me the customer is not looking to make a community feast out of 20+ hotties.
    Just need one (or two) to make my visit worthwhile.

    With experience, I seem to have overcome this one drawback - and avoid the hassles of Fri/Sat clubbing.

    I would imagine very few TUSCLers visit strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights - and as such clubs are filled with Birthday boys, noobs, and noise-making, low-spending riff-raff.

    If you primarily visit on Fri/Sat nights - why?
    Have you tried weeknight? or day shift?
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I agree in every way with this. Unfortunately my only free time are those shitty weekend times. So it's either go then or not at all.

    Still, I'm gonna try to find some time to check out the weekday day shifts. When I go on vacation I usually go on day shifts and indeed, have my best experiences then.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Yep. Dayshift. No crowds and I seem to get away with more.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    Only when I'm doing something social with a larger group of friends like a bachelor party. And even then, I'm playing dumb like I know nothing about strip clubs and at most getting a couple innocent dances and nothing more. Pretty much just drinking with a view.

    I keep my hobby relegated to weekday early afternoons: less competition, less managerial supervision, lower costs, and more willing dancers.
  • Ch3ll
    6 years ago
    I don't usually get a Friday free, because I have my kids, but Sat - Tues I'll go and Sat. has been the bulk of those visits, because I don't have to go to work the next morning.

    I agree it's mechanical what they're doing on a Sat. night because there are so many customers. Also, seems rushed, seating, and other things you mentioned. I've noticed here weekend nights after 12 am drink prices go up $2, but certain clubs allow free entry then, unless of course it's a PPV fight on. However, I've had some memorable times from a Sat. and depending on what's going on in town might see the C team of dancers in there on a Sat. or just a slow Sat.

    I pondered going tonight, but like some things you've mentioned, I just decided I'd go tomorrow, Sunday, night, less crowded, pricing, etc.

  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I’ve stopped going on Friday and Saturday nights as well, just way too many customers.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Fri or Sat nights for a couple hours fit better with my work and home schedule. I honestly don’t notice that much of a difference between week night (sun - the) vs weekend (fri - sat) in value. I write this as someone who wishes he could have clubbed yesterday or today (I could really use a night out, lol!) but didn’t because i lacked a free hundred or two in this month’s budget to go.

    I haven’t honestly done that many comparisons. I’ve only been out 32 times in 22 years. But I did earnestly try some off nights visits early in 2016 based on Tuscl. Other than burning thru my meager savings (at the time) it satisfied my curiosity, different but not better.

    Roger, if you want a more detailed response, I’ll provide one.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    Weekends I've found are poor value and less mileage. I want to provide some of my own insight on some of your bullet items.

    I have yet to have difficulty finding parking except for a SC I've visited during an afternoon and just has a very small parking lot. I've yet to have encountered much of a line for a cover charge. I agree on it being difficult to find a good seat (let alone just a seat). Drink prices aren't on happy hour prices for obvious reasons and really isn't good value for me. Dancers turn up the hustle as they know they can pull off a "wanna dance" with as many patron as they can. I see why this is the route most dancers go with but it just comes off as poor customer service from my perspective

    I think afternoon visits are probably the way to go for SCers who want value
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    It really depends on that specific SC but I really doubt that the talent is that much better afternoon vs evening. I recently visited a SC during the afternoon and I noted that I was impressed with the quality of the dancers. I can't really see how much better the quality would be later in the evening. More dancers does not mean more value in my perspective
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I don't ever go at night unless I am out of town and the choice is the hotel room TV or a strip club.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Hi Roger,
    Let me also refute your bullet points.

    + Never had a problem with parking / plenty of spaces.
    + Never had a line / always print out a coupon for cover, or cover is at most $7
    + Seating can be hard, but this is no different than a lot of other night or weekend social activities (bands, concerts, GA shows) plus customers circulate in and out of dance areas or the club itself meaning seating is fluid and can free up quickly.
    + Never seen discounts nor happy hour pricing so i have no common reference point.
    + Never had a problem with 2AMers but I understand cubs are often in rough areas and/or attract rough crowds, plus there are more drunk drivers out

    The biggest issue i see in the list is seating, however, even with tight seating, I’ve never had it affect my enjoyment or cause me to re-consider going or to re-schedule. Even with th mild annoyance, strip clubbing is WAAY to much enjoyable for me. Each trip is like going to Disneyland. Why let a crowd or a slight crowded venue stop my enjoyment? No way, life i too short! If I’m going out, it’s because i need the outing that night. So I’m going to enjoy it.

    Let me refute your quantity/quality statements:

    “Sure enough when 50-70 dancers are on shift,”

    Roger, I’ve never been to a club with 50 dancers let alone 70. I’m not sure it this is hyperbole on your part or not. But in flyover country, most weeknights or day shifts are 4-5 ugly dancers who don’t circulate and nights are 7-8 dancers who at least do circulate. So of me, I’ll take circulating dancers over non-circulating ones.

    “Just need one (or two) to make my visit worthwhile. “

    Roger, exactly, except on weeknights or dayshift, the 4-6 dancers breaks down like this: 1-2 who I want to get with, except she’s either on lockdown with a regular, hiding in the DR, or talking to staff, 1 dancer who is “meh”, and 1-2 dancers who really aren’t my type. So what’s the point if I can’t ever get one?
    Roger, whereas on nights, they’re be 7-8 dancers who do circulate the room, so, yes I can get the 1 or 2 who will make my night. Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. And for the casual customer who goes once in a blue moon, Fri/Sat night can be a big winner on value, IME and IMO.

    With experience, I seem to have overcome this one drawback - and avoid the hassles of regular/whale lockdown of non-Fri/Sat clubbing.

    Also, I’m a casual customer who goes for stress relief, to take in scenery, and interact with the dancers when I feel I really need a club visit. I don’t buy sex mainly because, even on slow shifts, the invisible hand (curse you Adam Smith’s capitalism) still have me priced out of the market (ITC or OTC). Do I make do. And it isn’t worth the effort and energy to REARRANGE my home like or work life to club when SC regulars are out. They just lock the girls down and a guy like me has a harder time or gets no value. I can't really afford to leave and come back.
  • TonyT2
    6 years ago
    Some of the most amazing women I’ve met have been on a Friday night. Of course my favorite group works during the day.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    Fridays and Saturdays are good night to check out the dive clubs or new clubs that might not be busy. The hottest girl at the club will probably work that night but expect dive club customers. You can be her big spender. You probably won't get a 10, but you might get an 8.
  • DrunkPraetorian
    6 years ago
    I never go on weekends. Ever. Too crowded, all of my girls are busy, too many drunks. I like quiet weekday nights
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Friday and Saturday nights are only good for watching amateurs at work. I only go on weekday nights and weekend days.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    I mainly go on Fri/Sat evenings because it is what works best with my work schedule. I work a typical day job Mon-Fri and by the time I get home from work and shower, it is maybe 4:00 and then factor in anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour driving time to get to a decent club in my area. At the time I’d be arriving, it would be the last hour of the day shift and then it would be dead for a few hours as the night shift is getting started. It seems the day shifts at clubs in my area are notorious for whales locking down the best looking girls. That alone is the reason why I am turned off by the idea of going to a club during the day. I am not a whale, and therefore can’t compete in a setting that caters to whales.

    On a weeknight, I can’t stay out too late because I wake up early the next morning for work. For the purposes of brain function and living a healthy lifestyle, I try to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep each night, especially when I have to be to work the next morning.

    Since 7pm is the start of night shift at most clubs in my area, I find that arriving between 8-9pm on a Friday or Saturday night is the sweet spot for me. Night shift is getting started. There are plenty of girls circulating. There is a decent sized crowd, but not too busy just yet. I am usually able to have a good time with a dancer that is my desired type.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    @s275 - clubs are open on your days off also, weekends etc if you want to try dayshift

    I never go to a club after 8 pm because the cost/level of service just doesn’t compare. That is unless I am checking out a new club or I’m out of town. I just set my expectation way lower for an evening visit.

  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ "On a weeknight, I can’t stay out too late because I wake up early the next morning for work. "

    Reconsider your priorities.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Dominic77 - 50-70 dancers is not hyperbole. That is pretty normal for the highest volume clubs in my area during nightshift.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I think liwet has the right idea. Dives and smaller clubs further from the closest metro area will have good enough talent and decent value but w/o the sausage-fest crowds and "rushed and mechanical service". Pretty much any club with not a lot of foot traffic o/w would be good.
  • ButterMan
    6 years ago
    I usually try to avoid Friday and Saturday nights but unfortunately there are few of the top girls that only work Friday and Saturday nights
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    +1 liwet and chessmaster. I rarely go on Friday or Saturday nights but I prefer the smaller, lower end clubs when that is my chance to go.
  • AmeliaSmith
    6 years ago
    I rarely work on Fridays and Saturdays for this very reason. Too many girls and too many non spending customers that just want to party. Weekday nights have just enough customers where I can have fun and talk. I also get anxious in large crowds.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    Are those your boobs?
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > * Dancers expect 80% of their weekly income from this day. Rushed and mechanical service.

    On the other hand, if it's an unexpectedly slowish Friday/Saturday night and you're the one guy visibly spending money, it can be more like holy fuck, how did this night just actually happen?
  • AmeliaSmith
    6 years ago
    They are
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ you gave me some morning wood

    Would like to meet you
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I'm sure it depends on the club, and even more, your style of SCing... for me, I'm with Roger 1000% (that's a lot of percent). I can't get the experience I'm looking for -- at a price that's affordable -- on weekend nightshift, period. Dayshift is more of a craps shoot, but it's a craps shoot you can usually win, big time. Yes, fewer girls, but going with the credo "all you need is one", then unless you're in a situation like Dominic where it's "4-6 girls, all of them ugly", then dayshift is more conducive to higher mileage, lower cost, a lot more free hanging around time. It's not uncommon to find nightshift-quality hotties on dayshift in this area -- there's just fewer of them, and you take some risk you won't be attracted to many/any. But I've been generally happy the quality of my dayshift girls, lo these many years -- in fact, a few times my CF has been the hottest girl on dayshift, talked me into visiting her on nightshift, and she was one of the hottest girls on nightshift, too.

    Of course, everyone is looking for different experiences -- someone looking for the party atmosphere, spending just a small amount of time with a large variety of dancers, a quick LDK, etc., might be better served by weekend nightshift greater eye candy and energy
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Hi Roger,
    > Let me also refute your bullet points.

    > + Never had a problem with parking / plenty of spaces.
    > + Never had a line / always print out a coupon for cover, or cover is at most $7
    > + Seating can be hard, but this is no different than a lot of other night or weekend social activities (bands, concerts, GA shows) plus customers circulate in and out of dance areas or the club itself meaning seating is fluid and can free up quickly.
    > + Never had a problem with 2AMers but I understand cubs are often in rough areas and/or attract rough crowds, plus there are more drunk drivers out

    Visit XTC Cabaret in Dallas, and you will be disabused of all of these notions. You really should go at least once, and it should be after 2AM as it's an afterhours club.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Amelia has made it difficult to concentrate on anything else right now. Great tits Amelia!
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I'm sure it depends on the club, and even more, your style of SCing... for me, I'm with Roger 1000% (that's a lot of percent). I can't get the experience I'm looking for -- at a price that's affordable -- on weekend nightshift, period.

    Definitely depends on the club. In the armpit of nowhere, weekend night shifts can be the only time an attractive dancer is working, and by the same token of being the armpit of nowhere, it's not uncommon to have no customer competition.

    Fucking Myanmar, man. Can't say anything good about it, and if you say something bad about it, it's the tribunal.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @AmeliaSmith come on down here to Florida You’ll like it here and with those bodacious boobies you’d bank.
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    Thanks for the responses guys and gals.
    It reaffirms my belief and majority of TUSCLers would rather avoid the Fri/Sat crowds unless that is the only time available (e.g. TFP) - and even Amelia attests to that! (great avatar btw).

    Dominic, I see your point about clubs with 10 or so dancers. In large urban areas - fortunately we have better choice.
    PaulDrake is right - the big clubs in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio pack in 50-70 dancers and 500+ customers on Fri/Sat nights. ppwh, our buddy in Myanmar is right about XTC after 2 AM.
    Liwet has a good suggestion for Fri/Sat - try a dive or a new club instead if a big club. Good idea I feel - if I must visit on a Fri/Sat.

    Of course if a customer is fixated on a certain dancer - then her schedule becomes "the schedule" for visits. (referring to LDK, Butterman, Tony)

    I also think certain States and regions - strip clubs are not open during the day. Are these guys missing out on some spice!?

  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I still go on weekend nights, but not as much and not at every club. Then again most if not all of your bullet points don't really apply to my experiences. I don't usually have trouble finding parking except when i go to a club in the actual city, but in that case parking would be fairly hard to find any time of the week. The thing that's annoying is the valet which is a constant on weekends but often still applies on weekday evenings (and even days) at clubs that require valet. The cover charge is higher on weekends, but i rarely pay full or even any cover on the weekends i go except for the one club that charges the same high full cover every night of the week.

    Seating, more specifically, preferred seating is definitely harder to find on weekends, regardless of the size of the club. But i generally don't care about where i sit ITC, although it is annoying to lose your seat after a lap dance. As for drinks, not a drinker and i've only eaten once or twice in a club. So those are just things i'm not really concerned about when going to a club. As for 2AMers, i didn't think that really was a thing, but apparently it does happen. It did actually happen once at one of my favorite clubs which resulted in a stronger police presence at the club working security on weekends. But it didn't change my clubbing habits or preferences.

    Do dancers really get 80% of their income from one or two days of the week? My ATF probably gets about twice as much on a weekend night than on a weekday so probably 67% from two weekend nights and 33% from two weekdays if she worked 4 days a week. She doesn't though. Curiously, she usually works only on a Saturday (occasionally a Friday or Sunday) and one or two weekdays, because of schooling. Her performances are similar quality and consistency on all days, but the value per time actually works out better on the weekends because they play the songs out longer (different DJ among other reasons). She's an ATF for a reason, but i haven't noticed a real difference between weekend and weeknight performances. There is often a difference between day shift and night shift performances but that often because of different performers. Not exactly apples and apples.

    On the other hand, some girls do even better on weekdays or weeknights because of less competition and that might mess up the whole desperate or mailed in performance theory. Also, some girls only work weekends, or don't consistently work a weekday that is compatible with my schedule so the only time i can realistically find them is on weekends. In that case, if i want to see them, a weekend it will have to be. And if they're still not there, there is often many other choices, often including most or even all of the club's A-team (in terms of looks), whereas you might not see any of them or only one or two on a random weekday.

    One thing you didn't mention, is depending how late you go, you might likely end up getting the sloppy seconds, or tenths even more on the weekends. Not something that can't also happen on a weekday or weeknight, but happens more on weekends.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I've always selected my times, favoring early in the week, favoring days, sometimes being in San Francisco, by the Cal Train + a long walk, as they doors were being unlocked.

    Less girls, but still more open seating and floor space, and a higher ratio of girls to custies.


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  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    " ... on the weekends because they play the songs out longer (different DJ among other reasons)"

    I have noticed that as well. I am really bummed when a DJ cuts songs short - that is less than 3 mins.

    Good points Dirk - and yes don't like getting sloppy seconds !
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    SJG - San Fran is ok, but Bay Area strip clubs suck (Brass Rail, Hanky Panky, etc)
    But you manage to make do with what you have there.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    When you are working ~60 hrs a week, and it is a 2.5 hr drive each way to your fav club... your options are pretty much limited to Saturdays and this particular club is not open for a day shift.

    However, I generally do agree that the non-regulars who turn out Fri/Sat night do tend to interfere with professional mongering.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I used to go mainly Saturday nights because that's what worked with my work schedule.
    Pluses, more girls, more hot girls, more of a party atmosphere.
    If the club is full and you don't want to spend money, it's easier to be a rock and not stand out.

    Cons, clubs sometimes crowded after midnight.
    Lose your spot if you get up without a reserved table.
    Dancers are busier and may have trouble spotting you or are too busy.
    Lap dance rooms fill up quickly during announced two for ones.
    Dance mileage in some clubs is worse during busy times.
    In other clubs with very little mileage, you may not notice much difference.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    "I rarely work on Fridays and Saturdays for this very reason. Too many girls and too many non spending customers that just want to party. Weekday nights have just enough customers where I can have fun and talk."

    i've always ASSUMED that fridays and saturdays were the best days for dancers to work because of the high volume of customers. but my CF is just like you....she avoids fridays and saturdays for the sames reasons you do.

    she explained to me that weekdays have less customers, but they're typically businessmen and those are the types who spend money
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I've heard a few dancers say they are required to work a certain number of days to be allowed to work weekends when they make more. More customers equals more money at local clubs in my area. Bigger cities may have more customers on days. Could depend on location.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I just don't ever remember a time when I visited on a dayshift or weeknight and felt that it was that different than a Fri or Sat night. At least not different enough for me we want to avoid Fridays. I did go to Christies Cabaret in Cleveland last night in order to get an idea of what I big club might feel like. It was probably 30 dancers and 100 customers. I found 3 dancers to make the trip worthwhile and would have been happy with any 2 of that had the 3rd not come around.

    I guess my criticism is the value parts and the rushed and mechanical service. Other than dancers being more willing to sit for longer uncompensated for convo on a weekday day, I don't perceive much difference. Guys like you and subraman and Amelia make it sound like the contrast is so stark -- particularly value -- that anyone should see it. I don't see it. I don't know why. I mean, do you guys get a ITC extras or OTC p4p for a "discount" on those off days? I could see that being an issue. Is having the dancer sit and chat with you for a long time without having to pay for convo or having her rush off to work the room -- the clincher on the value equation for you guys.

    But then again maybe I'm one of those casual customers or newbs that your professional mongers think just get in your way. I probably am. I just don't have a lot to compare against and money and time are limiting factors for me.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Dominic77 - I didn't notice a big difference at first either but as I got more experienced I can tell a big difference. There is less hustle and the dancers are more appreciate of modest regular spending. I know my CF tries to make $200 in a shift so buying $100 of dances is a big deal.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    Just watch the body language of a dancer. There seems to be a difference, in general, between afternoon and evening shifts. I've come to the conclusion that there is far less hustle in the afternoon. Things feel more laid back and lounge-like. That's just my own experience and it won't be the same for others
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Dominic, I suppose this could to some extent be a function of what type of experience you're looking for; the less you care about spending lots of time with her, or getting higher mileage in a lower mileage club, the less you might notice it. I imagine the variety guys, who just grab a girl, aren't interested in conversation, just do a few dances, then go on to the next one, might not notice it as much.

    For me, even when I first started and barely knew how things worked, I always saw a big difference across the board -- drinks are more expensive at night, the girls will not sit for more than a few minutes without a dance at night, far more bouncers who impose the rules far more often at night (which translates to lower mileage), the semi-private VIP rooms are full of other PLs getting dances at night (which translates to FAR less rule-breaking), the girls try to charge more for everything at night, and the "I don't do lap dances only VIPs" girls exist only at night. As a more experienced PL, the already-stark contrast is even more so
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I’ve stopped going on any night.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Guys like you and subraman and Amelia make it sound like the contrast is so stark -- particularly value -- that anyone should see it. I don't see it. I don't know why

    It's because different cities and different clubs are a lot different.

    > As a more experienced PL, the already-stark contrast is even more so

    On the other hand, one of my most memorable experiences was on a Saturday night. In the morning, I woke up with the sheer terror that nothing like that may ever happen again. Maybe it was because the guy she spent a lot of time with was a dick to her and she felt inspired to reward me for making her feel pretty again, but ... who knows?
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    I tend to go late afternoon early evening and avoid post-10 PM Fri/Sat sausagefest for the reasons stated above unless there's a particular girl I want to see or if the earlier timing doesn't work out.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    What are some of you guys classifying as "night time." Evening is considered to start at 6 pm. Is "night time" after 10 pm?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I generally go between 3 & 7 pm I consider late afternoon and early evening to be before 9pm
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    When the dark of the night
    comes around
    that's the time
    that the animal comes alive
    looking for something wild


    The general idea is "peak hours", which at most clubs starts 9PMish. I had an amazing day shift experience at around 7pm where it was two strippers and me in a club that reportedly is packed to the gills after 9pm.
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