
Comments by IHearVoices (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Missed chances OTC
    Once I went to Foxy Lady (ATL) and a girl said she wanted to take me home (no mention of cash). It was the night the Zimmerman verdict was announced. After thinking I was a cop for a while, we talked about the verdict and about living in Florida as she used to live here. Led to a string of dances and then she asked about it. I hesitated because of my Spiedy sense and my desire to go to Central Station later - I like SCs plenty, but I'm a dance club aficionado at heart. I wanted to revisit the offer later, but I didn't see her the last half of the night. Probably for the best.
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    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Kobe - Will You Attempt To See Him On His Farewell Tour?
    I thought about it, but the only time he'll be anywhere close at a time I can go is 4/8 at New Orleans (5 hours away). Between the fact that I'll just be getting back from Dallas and the strong possibility that he may not play - it's the fourth to last game of the season, and NO isn't exactly NYC or Chicago or Philly in terms of basketball tradition - I decided not to chance it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Ever tell your girl to fuck your friend?
    This discussion makes me think of a couple lines from an old school rap song... "If a --- wanna holla then you a playa if you hit them ends and get the dividends - But you a pimp if you can get the same --- to wanna freak your friends Cause I study P-I..M-P...ology, but logically: be learnin these ---- biology: obviously, well..."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    This is my life in Tallahassee: every time I go on BP or wherever I see that from 90% of the non-black women (and maybe 20% of the black women) there. I doubt I would ever have the courage to partake anyway, but that obviously makes things so much more difficult. That said, that attitude is pervasive among civilian women here too - which is why I'm counting the days until I leave.
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    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Porn Stars doing special shows at local stripclub
    Uusally, no...but I have gone to SCs in such situations and had fun. It really depends on the regular dancers: if they're cool with it, then it could be great.
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    9 years ago
    Tell her that if she doesn't move, her seat's about to get real wet...and sticky.
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    9 years ago
    Rank the bimbos
    I want to say Hillary and Palin on some "so I can sell the story" stuff, but my life might not last long enough to spend the money and I have no heirs. So, the list as normal: 1. Scarlett Johansson (and it's not even close) 2. Kim Kardashian West 3. Sarah Palin (something tells me she knows her way around a bedroom) 4. Britney Spears (I remember the pictures, but it might be alright - and I can sell that story without fear of death) 5. Jessica Simpson 6. Hillary Clinton (yeah, I'd bend it over) The others I either have no knowledge of (Emily, Courtney) or no interest in (Pam, Gwyneth).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Acceptable attire on SW
    I found out during my last SC trip(s) that the neat little pocket on the inside of my basketball shorts can hold about $450 in 20s, 10s, and 5s pretty easily.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best tip for better strip-club experience you have got from discussion board?
    I believe it was shadowcat who said something to the effect of "if I have to ask a girl for a dance, it probably won't be that good anyway" once. Carried that with me like an emergency $200 ever since.
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    9 years ago
    What's your most valuable possession that you can hold in your hand...besides yo
    This here laptop. My PS4 is second.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A thousand times this. I hate that term, and if a dancer ever referred to me that way I'd tell other patrons that she forgot to shower that day.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do you ever find yourself thinking; damn; I gotta pay this dancer more than the
    ^ What Dolfan said, although it's (obviously) less likely to happen in places where the going rate is higher. Most likely, she has to do something I don't expect...but I usually just get more dances if she's that good. As far as a physical aspect, no...her looks are what get her in the door. Once she starts dancing, only her dancing matters.
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    9 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Acceptable attire on SW
    Wore shorts for the first time to a SC a couple weeks ago. It was rather enjoyable. Like most things in life, there's a time and place. I'd probably only do it at that one club, but it's fun there. Even clubs that don't have official dress codes have 'unofficial' codes. If everyone's in jeans and you have a suit, you're no better off than you are if the situation is reversed. I usually wear dress pants and a collared shirt, but I got the same amount of attention when I went in a T shirt and shorts. I think being clean matters more.
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    9 years ago
    Happy medium
    I'm cool with $25 since it's what I'm mostly used to. It's the going rate in South Florida and at 2001 in Tampa, although I usually get offered the 3-60. There's no chance of me going higher than that, which limits me to Passions when I go to NO.
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    9 years ago
    High Milage One Way or nah?
    If that means "grinding on me for the whole song, not doing that leg garbage, and at least looking like she's into it", that's all I need. I'd do that all night long.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    End of dance mileage ?
    ^ What ranukam said. I'm a near-guarantee to get at least two dances from every girl because I don't think I can really get an accurate read on her dancing from one song, but that's the one thing (other than simple amount of air dancing) I look for. If I only get one song from a girl, she did something wrong.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best US strip club city
    I agree with the people who said Miami...but if the club you went to in Atlanta isn't Follies, you messed up. Tampa is also seriously underrated, if you include the surrounding areas (particularly Pasco).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Changed lapdance expectations
    Mine haven't changed, but they were always high to begin with. When I started SCing, I was used to going to regular dance clubs and getting all the grinding action I wanted from civvies for free (I started going to SCs when that action started to dwindle). Why on Earth would I expect less when I'm paying for dances? I'm with esta and ranukam on the 'young guys not going for ITC/OTC' thing, although I think I'm a bit older than they are. I also have other reasons for not doing ITC/OTC, but that has something to do with it. Re: SCs turning into an alternative form of female interaction, this is definitely the case among popular black SCs in Miami and Atlanta. Go to KOD or Magic City - especially KOD - and it just seems like a regular club that happens to have dancers.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    To spend or not to spend
    I take far more to a club than I ever 'plan on' spending, but I never take more than I 'can' spend. I can't ball like some of y'all, but I'm at the point now where I usually have at least $600 walking in and can't imagine spending less than $300. I'm never taking my ATM card inside the club, though: heard too many stories, especially in NO. I'll leave and pay to re-enter first.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I enjoy the club atmosphere enough that I can go to a club, not get dances, and be alright. If I walk out four hours later and only get two dances, I'm cool for the next night. Crazy as this may sound, when I'm in a mixed club the first thing I think when dancers don't approach me - especially if they approach terribly dressed guys right next to me who think Walmart is a luxury - is that it's racial (thanks, BP). In general, though: one of the great things about SCs was that I didn't have to approach. If I have to initiate, I may as well start putting regular dance clubs back in my rotation.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How important is stage-dancing for you ?
    Stage isn't important to me at all. I hardly even look.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The pussification of a PL
    The part that got me was 'after' - if dude told the bouncer that she said that afterwards, the bouncer would've either agreed to me paying the going rate or been in the longest standoff. 2001 staff has always treated me well when I've gone, though. Wait: now that I read it again, the difference is only $10. It's worth $10 to know who's a ROB...but I'm never paying more than $25 for a lap anyway and always get 3-60 specials at 2001. He made a lot of errors.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancer took my phone number
    Had number exchanges Friday and Sunday at Follies. Both nights, the action pretty much went the same way: small talk (including them saying they wanted to see me later), dances, request. For some reason I decided to put my number in their phones and both of them texted me to essentially give me their numbers. They're playing a game, so you have to play yours. To that end, the girl who got down to business Sunday got more from me than both of them combined in less time than I spent with either of them individually...without any VIP.
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    9 years ago
    Dancer took my phone number
    I agree with the consensus - shoot, why are we playing around: it mostly applies to civvies as well.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    37, but in terms of SC experience and entertainment interest I probably rate like I'm 27.