I'm in the strip club right now, and this 250 pound fugly stripper has been posted up on my lap for the past 15 minutes engaging in conversation. She's gonna crush my bones! I don't wanna die! How do I get her off me?!
Man up and tell her "Honey, I don't mean to be rude, but if you don't mind I would like to chill out by myself for a while." it's the line I use to move boring/obnoxious girls out of the seat next to me and it should work on fugly fat lap girl too, unless she is really desperate.
Simple if you want her off you. Tell her your legs are filling asleep or ask her to sit in a chair. If you want her to leave, just say it was nice talking but you're waiting on someone else. She'll get the hint unless she just wants to waste your time or doesn't want to move. If that doesn't work and without getting rude, get up to tip girls or use the restroom. A bit more blunt is simply to tell her you're not interested in her and if she asks why, just tell her you like skinnier girls. She probably won't bother you anymore.
Yeah; it sucks when a fugly comes and sits on you uninvited – that is why I sometimes cross one leg over another and keep it in that position for a good-part of the visit in order to fend-off potential offenders.
Funniest responses so far: faking a heart attack, calling in a bomb threat, pulling the fire alarm, fake being crushed to death, fake having a epileptic seizure.
Extras are pretty common at this club, so if I asked for her for a BBBJ, she likely would have said yes. The only thing worse than having a fugly sitting on your lap is having a fugly suck your dick.
Ask her if you can get a bbbj. When she says yes, tell her you'll meet her in VIP after you go to the bathroom. Pause at the door and as soon as she disappears, run like hell!
Ranukam posted: "She finally got off my lap because she had to go on stage. I'm glad I didn't have to be an asshole, but damn my legs are numb right now." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nothing wrong with being a so-called "asshole" to a girl who you have no interest in. Your time is limited and so is hers. In fact, if you have no intention of paying her, then you're doing her a kindness by being direct and moving her along. My patience would have been gone in about 10 seconds and, 30 second or less later, so would she. I'm not taking shots at anyone who has trouble being as direct as I am, but just saying that my impatience quickly overpowers my very limited concerns about what a girl that I don't want anyone thinks about me.
last commentAnd if all else fails, simply go to the bathroom.
And you are still able to make posts?
No matter, JUST FUCK HER!
Haha, too funny.
Tell her you don't have money to buy dances, you're broke. She might give money instead.
Ooooo...burn...yea i know lol
A bit more blunt is simply to tell her you're not interested in her and if she asks why, just tell her you like skinnier girls. She probably won't bother you anymore.
@Papi- she's black
@alabegonz- the club is Tommy's Too, high mileage club, but 80% of the girls here are ugggly.
She finally got off my lap because she had to go on stage. I'm glad I didn't have to be an asshole, but damn my legs are numb right now.
Or better yet find a skinny girl to sit on your lap.
Unless its FREE
Nothing wrong with being a so-called "asshole" to a girl who you have no interest in. Your time is limited and so is hers. In fact, if you have no intention of paying her, then you're doing her a kindness by being direct and moving her along. My patience would have been gone in about 10 seconds and, 30 second or less later, so would she. I'm not taking shots at anyone who has trouble being as direct as I am, but just saying that my impatience quickly overpowers my very limited concerns about what a girl that I don't want anyone thinks about me.
So where is she now. Maybe I'll like her. Or maybe Papi will.
Talk of the Town, Las Vegas
White Stripes Live at Peppermint Parade