
Changed lapdance expectations

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 12:40 PM
When I first started strip clubbing, I was satisfied with one way contact, I just didn't want a air dance. Over time my expectations changed to two way contact, and I was not satisfied with one way contact. Fast forward to today, and I don't know if it's because I was spoiled by my CF and ATF, or it's the thousands of regular dances I've gotten in my strip club life, but now my expectations are FIV and DATY at the very least, with a BJ or fucking being the ultimate goal. I'm not satisfied with two way contact anymore. I live in a city where two way contact is the best you're gonna get, so I find myself not buying these overpriced dances anymore. I'd rather just tip on stage and spit game to these ladies working on OTC, much better value. Are any of you like me? Have your lapdance expectations changed over the years?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    My expectations have changed dramatically. I now expect to have sex with a gorgeous young thing every time. Doesn't always happen but it happen often enough that I have the same expectation on almost every visit.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    These days if my underwear isn't at my ankles by the start of the 2nd song I'm upset.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    My expectations have changed to keep up with the changes in what is being offered now.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I used to be content with good one way contact. I still consider that the cut off between acceptable and terrible. But I strongly prefer two way contact. I view anything extra as gravy, and I'm usually not willing to pay for it.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I haven't had a lap dance in years. I go to clubs for BJ or FS.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I should clarify, when I say over the years, I mean over the past few years or so, pretty recent. Obviously 20-30 years ago, there was probably no touching allowed in any strip club. With regards to DATY, my tongue is magical, and I don't put my tongue on just any ho. If she's at least a 8.5., and her pussy looks yummy, then yeah I'll want to dive in the buffet. But yeah I definitely don't want to DATY every girl I get a dance with. Only the special hoes...., Lol
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I haven't bumped up to OTC/ITC mostly because I feel it's a little embarrassing for a young buck at my age to even bother with it when I'm expected to pull tail left and right (24 yr). I really hope I can just stick to enjoying the sexual dances and booty shaking and not resort to paying for the sex.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    but like you, I too have gone from enjoying them immensly onstage to being satisfied with an air dance, to one way to two way. Anything below a 2 way is a waste of money. Exorbitant spending for a 2 way is also a waste of money. Thanks for you time fellas.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I hear you Esta, I'm a young guy too, and I'm uncomfortable paying for sex at this point. ITC though I don't look at it paying for sex, I just look at it as paying for more expensive dances. I can't see myself doing P4P OTC though.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^ I don't know how you guys do it. I guess strip clubs have turned into an alternative form of female interaction for young guys instead of dating or night clubbing.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^The nightclubs and bars are so lame in my area. I pretty much use the strip club as a bar. I don't mind interacting with 20-30 girls in their bras and panties. If I lived in San Diego in LA, I probably would never set foot in a strip club. The civilian women are so average here, you wouldn't understand Mikey, unless you checked out Portland. There is hope though, I should be permanently out of PDX in a month or so!
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Mine haven't changed, but they were always high to begin with. When I started SCing, I was used to going to regular dance clubs and getting all the grinding action I wanted from civvies for free (I started going to SCs when that action started to dwindle). Why on Earth would I expect less when I'm paying for dances? I'm with esta and ranukam on the 'young guys not going for ITC/OTC' thing, although I think I'm a bit older than they are. I also have other reasons for not doing ITC/OTC, but that has something to do with it. Re: SCs turning into an alternative form of female interaction, this is definitely the case among popular black SCs in Miami and Atlanta. Go to KOD or Magic City - especially KOD - and it just seems like a regular club that happens to have dancers.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "The civilian women are so average here, you wouldn't understand Mikey, unless you checked out Portland." I don't live in Portland, but that is good to know. Probably it is just that they don't like to doll up, regional culture and all? SJG
  • tusclfix
    9 years ago
    I travel a whole lot and have learned to temper my expectations according to the locale. Else it would just be a disappointment. For example, if I were in Chicago, my options would be: 1. Don't go to the club 2. Go to the club and be disappointed 3. Go to the club knowing that I'm going to get no mileage but still make a good time of it watching Really, it's when I pay a certain $$$ and I don't get the equivalent value then it's disappointing. If I hardly pay anything, I can still have a good time with the right expectations.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ I'm in the same boat, I travel a lot as well, and in a lot of cities I don't even bother going to a club anymore, its just too much of a blue balls situation and I'm not in town enough to build a rapport with a dancer (in other words put in work for OTC), so if it's football/basketball season I opt for a sportsbar or sweat my frustrations in a hotel gym. Now when it comes to lapdances, there are several places where I may not get full blown extras, but a heavy make-out session which is sufficient if it's the best I can find.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I thought Ranukam got all the free pussy?
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    There's a reason Tom Leykis used to call it "Porkland." Incidentally, more than two way contact *is* available at least at some of the strip clubs here. It's just difficult to find, especially with a girl you'd want to find it with.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Mine changed when I started hitting more high mileage clubs. Nowadays on the rare occasions that I return to any of the LM clubs that I used to frequent, I definitely push the boundaries way further than I ever did before.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @dtek you're right, you can find more than two way contact in a few places around here, but it's not from a girl you'd find attractive. @shailynn- makeout session would be sufficient for me too. I haven't had one of those in the strip club in a LONG time. I'm craving for one of those. Maybe these strippers are intimidated by this young rich black GQ modelesque looking guy who happens to have a huge dick?
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Hey,P-Nemesis,you're a big goofy looking black dude.That puss should have a feed bag strapped to it.Stop fooling yourself.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^I guess tumblingdildo doesn't know what a joke is.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Wow.I thought you had me on ignore.But anyway,you're still a big black ugly dude.
  • Bend7
    9 years ago
    ranukam.. +1 on your discussion. I feel myself in same bucket.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    Yes, my expectations for mileage (and mileage/dollar too) has definitely increased over time. My expectations for any given location have also changed over time. I have a much better sense of what can or cannot be had depending on where I am aiming to club.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Ranukam, i agree 100%
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I can't say that my expectations have changed much over the years, other than in degree. From night one in a strip club, sex has been in the table, and the same has been true, to a greater or lesser extent, ever since. Sure, there are some clubs and locations where sex is hard or impossible to come by, but by and large, my 17th birthday set the bar, and that bar has been pretty consistently met ever since.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    I agree with OP -- my expectations have absolutely changed over the years. I recently had a dance involving good grinding, but no touching, no GFE, no LDK and surely no extras and left quite frustrated.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    I agree with Ranukam. I still buy 1-3 very high mileage dances whitch is by definition what the best 2way touching means without sex being involved Once sex acts get involved its no longer a dance but a Extra. Like others i mainly go to clubs to get the sex. Just like the OP i have clubs i see whitch extras are not sold so i save lots of cash just by stage tipping and spitting game for OTC
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @mikeya02 what do you mean an alternative form of female interaction for young guys instead of a nightclub? I thought a strip club was a strip club. Am I missing something? @tumblingdice seriously bro, what happened to you. When did you become such a racist? And you used to be such a cool dude too?
  • reignfire
    9 years ago
    My lapdance expectations have definitely changed over the years, from ok getting air dances to one-way contact, two-way contact, extras to ITC/OTC action. Like some, I go mainly by the club I'm in and I take what I can get. If I can get a 8 or 9 for LDK or a 5 or 6 for ITC, I might lean for the LDK if it's reasonable, whichever can get me off and I can enjoy it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think my views might be closer to Ranukam's. I'm more interested in DFK, FIV, and DATY. But the best way to make this happen is in the front room. If this works, then GFE-FS in the back room Just two way touching and all, nothing wrong with it, but not the best way to go. In San Jose's underground table dancing shows it was all two way touching, and for $1 at a time, right there in the front room. Always better to play with the girl in the front room. Paying like $20 for 2 way touching in a booth is not really what I want. Rather get her onto my lap and just hand her $20 without discussing it. Doing "dances" to me it has always seemed like just a way to flatter a girl, like giving her money just to be nice, money for nothing. Nothing wrong with that, so long as you are being honest about it and not expecting anything. SJG more Buddy Guy [view link]
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