
How important is stage-dancing for you ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Monday, November 16, 2015 11:45 AM
For me stage-dancing is not that big of a deal; sure I like to see them dancing on-stage but it's not the focus of my visit and often times I don't pay much attention. In some instances there are clubs w/ only a few dancers on shift yet the club enforces having a dancer on-stage at all times – to me personally this is counter-productive since the few dancers thus have to spend most of the time on the stage and thus not as available for dances or other interaction. So – how important is stage-dancing for you – and if it is important; do you still wanna see dancers on stage even if the dancer #s are low and dancers have to spend a significant amount of the time on stage?


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Only if she has a perfect ass...jk.....I really don't pay attention
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Very important, I won't get a dance from a girl until I see her on stage. Sometimes I have a good time in the strip club just drinking and tipping girls on stage.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Not much, but if a girl looks good onstage maybe I'll be interested. usually it's the opposite though; I decide to move on. I do tip my regulars as a courtesy though.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Very important. Gives me a chance to chat with the honeys on the cheap and gives me something to look at when I'm not with a dancer. Break songs are an annoyance.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    It's huge. We love watching the stage show. If she can't move on stage or just walks around lifeless why would we think she's going to have any energy off stage? The ones who can do pole work are the ones that really grab our attention. Most of the time it's the only chance we get to interact with the dancers and let them know we're interested since they're so scared to approach couples.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    It is critical, especially in evaluating what the club has on shift and deciding which one i want.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    At Follies I don't even pay attention to the stage. At other clubs only watch it casually. More interested in what is walking around.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Very important, I won't get a dance from a girl until I see her on stage. Sometimes I have a good time in the strip club just drinking and tipping girls on stage. Very important. Gives me a chance to chat with the honeys on the cheap and gives me something to look at when I'm not with a dancer. Most of the time it's the only chance we get to interact with the dancers and let them know we're interested These statements i concur with Also maybe it's just because the first club that broke me in was so focused on the stage it's just that. I've been to some very "friendly black clubs" that to my suprise basically had no stage dancing. I honestly didnt enjoy it. I mean they did have a stage but, every time a girl was on all she would do was roll around or just lay/ sit on the stage. I use the stage like so : when i first get inside i whatch the full rotation so i know who is working and witch girl i desire attention from. Then on second round i tip only the ladies i want to visit me. After that the stage has served its purpose for me. The other way i use the stage as already mention above and i highlighted it. On nights i go with no intention of spending money i use the stage as a cheap way to interact with the dancers. Other than those ideas i mean i do think it's kinda pointless but, im just so used to that being a vital part of the idea we call a strip club. I mean if you take the stage completely out you would have a odd passage parlor kinda looking lay out i suppose. I guess it could work. I mean it would be a huge open floor with more chairs and tables and more room for vip sections. The girls would have more hard selling to do than what the stage offered as a soft sell. It would give more time to the floor,but i would bet the girls would just stay in the back dressing room....lol....so maybe we do need the pole and stage just to get them out off the dressing rooms lol
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Meant to say massage parlors not passage parlors lol Please excuse my sausage fingers
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    It is not that important to me. Mostly what it is something which is great when there is a strict no touching policy. Then I love it. But without that policy it would be unnecessary. Often I use it as I think 72_os does, to initiate interaction with a girl, in lieu of accepting the "wanna dance' offers. But if I can just get the girl onto my lap and get friendly with her, then that more than makes up for stage dancing. I can paw her when she is standing up too. Stage dancing was invented as a way of keeping it within bounds. SJG [view link] Joe Bonamassa [view link]
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    The less I go to a club, the more important the stage is. You have to see them perform once on stage. And it often where I end up setting up private dances.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Pretty important unless I'm in an extras club looking for a but(not that often). I don't do dives or day shift so low dancer numbers are usually not an issue. If I like the way they dance on stage I usually like the lap dance. If she's lame on stage she's probably lame in your lap too. And plus I like to converse with dancers I've never met at the stage first time. This is because they disappear, are always with somebody or something else after they get off stage.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I am always for a butt, but I meant looking for a nut.
  • eyeamlong
    9 years ago
    ZERO !!!
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    But if I can just get the girl onto my lap and get friendly with her, then that more than makes up for stage dancing. I can paw her when she is standing up too. Amen, i used to use the stage strongly for this until i discover the power of doing it at the table
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    At table is the best, far better than in the booths or backrooms. Guys need to learn this. But in our Sunnyvale clubs, there is zero touching. So this is when the stage is important. Strip clubs got started in the US because we do enforce the laws against prostitution. Without that we never would have had strip clubs. SJG [view link] Joe Bonamassa [view link]
  • Profess2021
    9 years ago
    Depends on the club. If the club is larger with a ton of dancers and a high LD cost $35 and up per I want to see a stage show as an audition for my dance. Nothing worse than paying for a dance and then seeing someone you'd rather have in that spot when funds are an issue. It also gives me the opportunity to select the dancer, no better feeling than giving a great tip and having the girl make a beeline straight to your table. If the club is offering cheaper dances then I will use the first dance as the audition and the stage show is not that important.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    What Lone wolf said. It gives me more time to interact with my CF for cheap
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I think it's very important. I'm shopping for women. Stage dancing is like flipping through a catalog or web site. If I see something I like then I try it out (ie lap dances). If I like that then I but her, or rent her as some prefer to say (extras itc or OTC). You can't eliminate one stage of the shopping experience without diminishing the entire thing.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I buy her first, then I but her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Can't one just “shop” when they (dancers) are walking about the floor? IME stage technique isn't often necessarily a solid predictor of LD (or LD+) performance.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    But stage dancing is a better predictor than just seeing them on the floor. First you see them naked, and their body is what you are buying. I always see them on stage before a lap dance so I can avoid stuff I hate like fake tits. Second, with experience her stage performance can also be an indication of her permissiveness, although it's an inexact science. Stage dancing also gives me a chance to impress them with a big tip and steal them from some whale who they otherwise won't leave. Finally, I think it's a big turn on to watch them dance nude publicly. Watching them on stage is an intregal part of the experience. Not the most important part but indispensable nonetheless.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I would say yes, you can just shop when they are parading about. Stage dancing is only essential in zero touching places, like where I am. In such places, stage dancing is all you get. So it is the main way the girls make money. Most any other ways would mean breaking the rules. But it can still be a good way to initiate with a girl. I always sit at her stage after she has been on it a while, letting her feel that she is drawing me to her. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I use “the feel it method” for gaging possible mileage – i.e. when interacting w/ her on the flo (floor) if she's minds me being handsy then I usually pass.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    How about the talk her up and get to know her and get her onto your lap DFK method? That would be great in AMPs, except that they do everything possible to prevent front room fraternizing. But in SC's, unless they are run by Deja Vu or otherwise no touching, it should be great. SJG
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    How about the talk her up and get to know her and get her onto your lap DFK method? My favorite method
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Then kudos to 72_os, as this has been hotly contested for over a year now, ever since I first registered and started talking about it, as opposed to letting girls "sell dances" to you. And may the Deja Vu management consulting company vanish not just from San Francisco, but from the face of the earth. SJG
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Stage isn't important to me at all. I hardly even look.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I most definitely do look, I mean really look. I let them draw me to the stage. I let them feel the effect it is having on me. They do it because they want to be appreciated. They don't do it just for themselves. SJG
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I expect a preview so to speak
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    It's very important to me. It's where she sells it. Or not.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I like stage dancing. Like others, I like to see a girl on stage as part of my shopping experience. I'll stop short of rejecting approaches outright until I've seen them on the stage, but I'll wait on more borderline girls until I see them on stage. I'm not a boob guy, in that I don't like big tits, but I do like well shaped firm ones. Push up bra's do wonders these days and I'm sick of getting into the dance area and having saggy, floppy tits in my face. While it's not a reliable predictor for lap dancing performance, I do find it to be a worthwhile predictor of attitude. There's girls who sit on stage and won't take off any clothes until they get tipped, I don't want anything to do with those girls. The girls who go on stage and straight up ask customers sitting at tables away from the stage to come up & tip them, I want no part of them either. Its not much of a problem in the more southern clubs, but in the Palm Beach clubs there's a contagious problem with girls not taking their bottoms off. I've started avoiding them too. I hate seeing an empty stage, especially for long periods.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    It's pretty important to me. It's window shopping for many of us. Occasionally I'll spot a hottie walking around that I haven't seen on stage and then comes the decision - take her for dances w/o having seen her on stage, or wait for her to go on stage? The decision made will be based on her hotness level. I've been bitten bad by taking an 8+ straight to the back w/o having seen her stage show only to have her air dance. Some air dancers can be spotted by their crappy non-interactive stageshows.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    For me, clubs with no stage dancing is like pizza without toppings. I like the stage dance for many of the reasons listed by prior posters. Except for real dead periods, the 9-10 minutes on stage happens once every 1-2 hours, and isn't that big a deal. I have very rarely encountered less than 5-6 dancers on a shift. A club with only 3 dancers on shift has few options to start with- a whale could hog a dancer for 1-2 hours, which effectively sucks more than having a dancer unavailable 10-20 minutes every hour dancing on stage.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I'm not too big on it but I do like to sit at the tip rail from time to time. If it is a non-extras 100% air dance club, then I would much rather watch the stage dances since in that case my money would actually go farther instead of getting air dances.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This place always rates near the top on TUSCL, but they don't seem to put on much of a stage show: [view link] [view link] [view link] I mean, don't get me wrong, I love tipping the girls on stage in the Sunnyvale clubs. It is a real turn on, and the girls go for it too and get softened up. But the reason this is so much fun is that in our Santa Clara County clubs you can't do much else. SJG [view link] Emerson, Lake, and Palmer [view link]
  • tusclfix
    9 years ago
    Yeah I dunno, I like stage dances because they are "free" and I like looking at the menu. But at some point I like to order though.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @tusclfix, Watched the above videos? Pretty lame stage dancing, no? Would you avoid that club because of this? SJG [view link] Genesis, 2007 [view link]
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I use the stage dance to see how good or bad a dancer looks naked. I rarely get a dance unless I have seen the dancer naked on stage. It also gives me an idea of how comfortable she will be in the back giving a lap dance. You can quickly tell if a dancer is new and nervous, or if she has no desire to be there pretty quickly. The few times I have gotten a dance from a dancer without seeing her on stage, is also often those times I was disappointed during the dance.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I use the stage dance to delay paying for VIP or Booth Dances, and mostly to interact with her some first. But as the above videos show, that needn't be the only way. SJG
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I like the preview that stage dancing provides, especially if I'm looking for something new. If I'm just going in to get my nut, and already know the girl(s) I'm looking for, then it doesn't matter much.
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