
Dancer took my phone number

Okay so I got a super hot dance from a dancer. Jerked me off, FIV. After the dance she took my number. Should I even hold my breathe? Not really expecting her to call. Think I made a rookie mistake by not taking her number instead smh.


  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Lol if you think she took your number for an OTC hookup, think again. Dancers give out their phone numbers like Halloween candy to try to get you back in the club to spend more coin on them.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If you want outside communications with her, try to exchange phone numbers and emails. They like business cards too.

    But many find that strippers call too much, trying to get money out of you via club visits or OTC.

    If you want to make something work with her, better to have tried to get to know her some, there in the club, before going into any back room. Then you wouldn't be left holding your breath.

    Because cell phones have caller id and because their numbers can be easily changed, most women are very slippery with phone numbers. They can give you a number to placate you, but then never be willing to talk to you on the phone.

    Again, if you want more than 'extras', that is commendable. But to go that way best to get to know her some before going into any booths or back rooms with her.

  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Ah yeah another 35 year old virgin got to 2nd base with a stripper. Man if I were you I'd set up s tent in front of that strip club and camp out until you see her again!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yeah, that is the answer. If you want to engage with her, or see what happens, or find out why you don't want to engage with her, then just get back there.

    See her again, spend time getting to know her some, exchange all contact info. Then if OTC is what you want, try to set it up.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yes rookie mistake. You might hear from her but probably not. Just go back to the club and do it right next time.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    Women like it when a guy shows assertiveness and deliberateness. No difference in strip clubs.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    She gave you her number so YOU can call HER. If you don't do it in 2-3 days (or less), you'll end up calling her in 2 weeks and she'll say, "Who are you again?".

    If you do call her, it's an expectation for OTC although maybe not right away. So if that's what you want, go for it! But she's not in to you. Say That 5 times.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    She took your # so she can take more of your $$$.

    “... Should I even hold my breathe ...”

    If you give a hooker $$$; do you “hold your breath” she'll have sex with you?

    IT'S BUSINESS – IT'S SEX FOR $$$ - not a dating-ritual/singles-bar.

    If you want something from a dancer; you communicate what you want and if she's down you agree on a price – that's it – she did not get your # to be your GF nor fuck you for free nor go on a romantic date– most likely she'll call you when the club is slow and she's not making any $$$ so you can come-in for her to take more of your $$$ - that's the (strip-club) reality.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    And btw – don't fall in-love w/ a stripper – she's not the only dancer that would do that to you for $$$.

    And yeah; if you really wanna see a dancer again best to get her #; but even then 1/2 to 3/4 of the time they won't bother to answer your texts unless they need $omething from you.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
    Repeating what has already been said:

    - She took your number to call you when she works again. It's a business.
    - Your emotions are getting involved. Huge mistake!

    A friend of mine dated a stripper for a year. They even moved in together. She always came home from the club with a stack of business cards and numbers. She'd start making calls before her next shift.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Awwwwwwww.......aren't rookies just the cutest thing?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Like a kitten playing in a blanket :)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    From the first time I ever went to a strip club, the issue was always, are they like the playboy centerfolds and pics of fashion models and movie actresses, out of my reach. Or are they just ordinary girls that if approached right are highly available.

    It has turned out to the later, in situation after situation.

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Lopaw nailed it.

    Davin, she may text you if it's slow the next time she works. Be shocked if she texts you for anything else. And young women don't call anyone but their moms and maybe boyfriends these days.
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    I hope your not holding your breath, because you'll probably pass out! Its highly likely she want call, maybe a text, but it'll probably be the next time she's working or at some late hour if she works then.

    The last stripper I exchanged numbers with on a Tuesday night I texted her that same night after the club saying I enjoyed our time together and she texted back something similar and sweet dreams. A week passes and Tues. night is here again and here's a sample text convo to expect

    Her: wyd
    Me: At the house chillin. You?
    Her: Come see me babe

    Oh and don't think it uncommon if you text something or a simple how are you and don't hear from her in a week
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Big rookie mistake

    You went to the wrong club. Didnt you get the tuscl memo ? Go to Follies no matter the distance or the cost. Pussy Juice is their by the buckets
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    You'll be making a real rookie mistake if you take any text from her seriously. Chances are, she'll text something like:

    "Hey, babe. Remember me? I sure remember you. Come on down to the club. Keep me company in VIP."

    Course, it'll probably be written in more of an incoherent teenage/stripper lingo, but you get the gist.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Well, to repeat what everyone else said :)

    ---> "Should I even hold my breathe? Not really expecting her to call."

    The tone of these two sentences makes it sound like you're expecting a romantic hookup call. If so, you're better off if she doesn't call. Chances are, she took your number just to intrigue you and get you spending more money and coming back in to see her (maybe to see why she didn't call :). If she does plan to text (0% chance she'll call you no matter what; if she wants to communicate with you, she'll text you), it will be "I had so much fun! I miss you! When are coming to see me again? I'm working Wed, Thurs, Sat this week".

    Which, quite frankly, is AWESOME -- if a had an great time with a girl, I absolutely want to be able to set up an appointment with her, so next time I go in, she'll 1. be there, 2. know I'm coming and gotten rid of her previous customer, 3. maybe, start to consider me a regular and YMMV me. THAT is the reason you should have gotten her number, to be able to set up appointments with her, and then ascertain if she actually made it into work on the day she said she would, if and only if you want to see her again. If you're breathlessly waiting by the phone like you're waiting for a date, best if you don't exchange numbers at all.

    What I don't understand is why so many guys
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Ugh, rest of the sentence got cut off, but really, who the fuck is still reading at this point anyway?
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I agree with the consensus - shoot, why are we playing around: it mostly applies to civvies as well.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… Ugh, rest of the sentence got cut off, but really, who the fuck is still reading at this point anyway …”

    Dude – I was reading – I was hanging on your every word and you left me “holding my breath”


    What happened; did you use the dreaded less-than-symbol?
    (a couple of weeks ago I got 1/2 of one of my reviews neutered after using the dreaded less-than-symbol)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Papi: That post was my season finale. You'll have to tune in next season to see what happens :) You're going along reading tuscl and then... BOOM! CLIFFHANGER, BITCHES!

    Ch3ll---> "The last stripper I exchanged numbers with on a Tuesday night I texted her that same night after the club saying I enjoyed our time together and she texted back something similar and sweet dreams."

    That's what I do. I text that night, because otherwise she might forget me completely by tomorrow, and definitely by 2 days from now. It's not Text her right away, say I had a good time, get a little text exchange in her phone, which seems to give me permanent texting rights
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… that's what I do. I text that night, because otherwise she might forget me …”

    I’ve noticed if I attach a pic of my penis to the text that often jogs their memory

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Stripper: "Oh yeah! It's that guy with the tiny penis!"

    :) :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Hey - an erect 4-inches is not tiny; it's petite - big difference
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    OP - if she asked for your number before you asked for hers, she'll probably txt you to come see her ITC. She may also need a loan. Lol.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Had number exchanges Friday and Sunday at Follies. Both nights, the action pretty much went the same way: small talk (including them saying they wanted to see me later), dances, request. For some reason I decided to put my number in their phones and both of them texted me to essentially give me their numbers. They're playing a game, so you have to play yours.

    To that end, the girl who got down to business Sunday got more from me than both of them combined in less time than I spent with either of them individually...without any VIP.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Jeez, some of you guys overreact much?

    He didn't mention falling in love, or spending zillions of dollars and getting nothing, or being promised nights of wild abandon in exchange for his number, just that he's unsure what to expect now.

    OP: As you surmise, you shouldn't hold your breath. It is likely that the only communication you'll get from her is notification of when she's working on a slow shift.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    We're giving him tough-love :) - he seems/appears ripe for the taking/ROBing and we want him to avoid getting burned like many of us were as newbs.
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