Sometimes it's fun looking through your local backpage escort listings to see what the whores look like in your area. Maybe you recognize one as a dancer at your local club. One thing I've noticed is a lot of the prostitutes, 40-50%, say they refuse to see African-Americans or black men in their listings. It is not just the white or Hispanic escorts, even black hookers say things like "no black men". So why don't whores want business from a chocolate customer? Why the war on black men?
Seems pretty messed up, theres no reason to discriminate, if the person has the money to afford her time it should not matter what race/color they are.
A myriad of reasons. Part of it is there's still racism in this country. Part of it is they feel that a lot of the black guys are pimps. Play but don't play is also valid, so is agressive as far as what the girls think.
I knew a white girl escort who was pimped by the bloods, her baby daddy was black, and she never dated white guys, But she said she never had black customers, cuz they were too cheap and too aggressive.
Pretty much what Mikey said. I saw a stripper argueing with a Brotha, coming out if the VIP. She's screaming and hollering bout how he owes her this, that, and the other.
To my brothas, don't feel bad. I know a some strippers who won't touch Middle Easterners no matter how much money they have.
Also, when it comes to sexual and romantic relations, don't bring racism into the picture. People have the right to date or fuck whomever they so choose without the PC Police calling them racist.
Clubber likes Asians. Alucard liked redheads. That doesn't make them racist cause they aren't attracted to brunette Mexicans.
One more thing. I'm a short dude. If a chick ain't attracted to me cause she likes tall dudes, that's just how it is. Please don't pull the race card when it comes to sexual relations. This isn't voting or economics.
I too peruse the local escort ads. But, here in Seattle, I'd say that it's a small percentage of those escorts who prefer to decline AA customers.
However, my main interest in viewing the ads is just to see if any dancers I know are now "escorting." I did find one recently. She is now the eighth dancer I've done OTC with, that is now escorting. I sense that my style of OTCing with them, gave them confidence to start a new career. I also like to notice if any other dancers are now escorting. I do come across some ads where it's obvious that the escort is, or was, a stripper. Some of their photos were taken in strip club dressing rooms.
@slick- you're a little all over the place. Notice how I said some of it is racial, not all of it or even most of it. If you're trying to tell me that some escorts not accepting black customers doesn't have anything to do with race/how their parents raised them, then you're 100% wrong. You sound like one of those people that say racism doesn't exist anymore. Cmon, you're better than that.
You bring up what Clubber and Alucard like, and you being short, that's fine, but we are not talking about dating. You think a stripper is not going to give dances to a guy she finds old, fat and unattractive? If that was the case, she would be ignoring a lot of customers. At the end of the day, it should be all about the money.
You bring up that some girls won't touch Middle Easterners no matter how much money they have, you don't think that for some of them the reason is they are racist/have this belief they arey are going to bomb the place?
I'm told that comment is actually there for the white guys. Apparently, there is a large segment of white males who don't want to fuck a girl who's had sex with a black guy. There's evidence of it in porn, a girls rate drops after she's been in a scene with a black partner - I think its a small hit for being with a black girl but a considerable one for a black man. I'm told it applies even to black girls, as weird as that seems. So, in order to get those customers the girls all claim to not see black guys.
I'm a white guy, and I've seen that phenomena in my personal and SC life. There's white girls who otherwise like me who wont get involved with me because they know I've slept with black girls, most are afraid to say it point blank but they gossip and word gets back to me. A girl I dated a few years ago had experienced the same thing, after a few months together she sat me down and start out with the "I have to tell you something about my past" with the most fearful and ashamed look on her face I've ever seen. I thought I was about to find out I had been fucking a dude or something. She was so relieved that I didn't give a shit, it was bizarre at the time but now I understand. She later told me how poor previous boyfriends had reacted.
So, I guess the short version is I think its less of a war the brothers and more of a gesture to whatever the fragile shit in some white dudes head is that makes them care. Hard to believe someone fucking a girl from BP cares who she fucked before, but I guess they do. As I understand it most of those girls will take black clients.
The only reason I look at the escort ads is to see if I'll find any strippers I know on there. For some reason to, it's a little bit of a turnoff to me knowing one of your favorite strippers in the club is a prostitute/ putting ads up on backpage. Me knowing that would definitely eliminate me wanting to date them lol.
Thanks for sharing Dolfan. It's funny in porn that some of the most popular stars like Tori Black, Lisa Ann, Jenna Haze, Sasha Grey, Asa Akira to name a few, have done plenty of interracial scenes, and their careers haven't been hurt by that. Yet in the porn business, people say doing interracial is risky.
I've asked a couple of whores this question. They say it is to avoid pimps. Could be BS, I don't know. Apparently prostitutes are constantly being harassed to "choose up" by the pimps.
First of all genius for the Backpage reconnaissance. .. and I all ways figured that it was stereotypes about Black guys being super ghetto cheap and insulting. But Post-Will Smith and all the "friendlies" I'm still shocked that most people don't think about the socioeconomic factors. Oh well.
I've heard two main reasons, from the girls themselves. One is that they have a black "manager" who doesn't want they to see black men, even though the girls doesn't really have a preference. The other is that the majority of black men who actually come to see them want to *be* their pimp.
Young black men in particular are often seen as dangerous and violent by most segments of our society (e.g. police; etc) – even Jesse Jackson in trying to see both sides once said something along the lines of:
“if I’m walking down the street by myself and see a group of young black men behind me; I tense up – if it’s a group of young white men; I relax”
There is no doubt, IMO, that young black men are responsible for a large # of the violent crimes (at least that’s the case down here in Miami especially when one watches the local news or the show “Crime Stoppers” which does dramatizations of unsolved murders in the Miami area – about 90% involves black male suspects).
No doubt it is unfortunate and unfair to lump all young black men together.
I’ve been w/ my fair share of black providers (actually the providers I’ve been w/ have pretty much all been black) – and from what I’ve been told by them is not a matter of racism but more often than not safety and getting ripped off.
The last AA provider I was w/ a few months ago said she does not do business w/ young black men as a business decision – she said some of them would give her the $$$ when they first got there and then take it back from them after they were done – others have told me about young black men showing up w/o $$$ and pretty much physically assaulting them to get what they want.
No doubt the hood is full of violence and so are many (but not all nor most probably) of the young black men in them – so IMO it’s often more a matter of safety and finances (not getting paid) than not liking them for the color of their skin (and why sometimes some ads say no young black men or no black men under 35; etc.)
Many of the regular posters on the San Francisco RedBook, mostly fairly well off white men, were very prejudiced against blacks. Also, many of the Asian RA's and their Asian-American bosses were the same.
On RubMaps there are reviews describing bad treatment of black men, like the girls telling them that the costs are many many times what they really are in order to run them off.
I see ads for an escort that I had some ITC extras with over a year ago. I got her number for OTC but she was way more than any local escort, so that never happened. She changed clubs or perhaps worked both clubs. Even though she hasn't danced in almost a year her picture is still featured on her last clubs website.
Some good writing and clear thinking in this thread. I know this is a different topic, but I have to wonder whether our criminal justice system has at least some of the same bias. LE and the courts *must* be impartial.
Now I'm thinking the pimp thing is on girls minds. My friend did say that the gangs (bloods and crips) did seek out independent escorts and force them to be pimped. My friend was the girl in my avatar. She had "lil mac_____" on her back. She was pretty cool with me.
Ideally, LE and the courts should be impartial in every way, shape, and form, but they're made up of people. And no matter how impartial and unbiased a person appears and normally is, that person is still human, complete with hang-ups, baggage, and biases. Some of it will show itself, however subtly, no matter what.
Definitely racism...because I can pretty much tell which women don't see black men. Usually the VERY VERY attractive ones almost NEVER do! Lets look at the bright side, we will be less likely to get caught up in a sting and you save some loot too. I know black women who took CHECKS from white guys, because they trust white so guessed it the checks bounced. Funny thing is, most providers can almost be 100% sure a brotha isn't an undercover...and cheap is bullshit, a provider sets her donation amount...stick to that..period. NEVER thought Amerikka would get so racist that money now has a color other than green...smh!!
Papi_Chulo--->"The last AA provider I was w/ a few months ago said she does not do business w/ young black men as a business decision – she said some of them would give her the $$$ when they first got there and then take it back from them after they were done – others have told me about young black men showing up w/o $$$ and pretty much physically assaulting them to get what they want."
This is one of those types of discussions where provider perspective and experience is really needed, otherwise it's a bunch of goofballs circle-jerking and theorizing. But I"m happy to join, pass me a cracker :) I've seen provider discussions in provider-only or provider friendly forums, and they always go the same way -- women reflecting the kinds of things Papi_Chuli reflected above, negative story after negative story about their interactions with black men, that ranged from time-wasting to physical assault. All FAR out of proportion to what happens with any other race. That doesn't mean all black mean do this, or that no Asian or Indian or white men do it, just that there seems to be a universal experience that if you want to drastically lower your chance of getting regularly abused on the phone and in person, and assaulted, setting up a "no AA" policy is a good way to do it -- they've been taught that hard lesson by their own negative experiences. The provider discussions are incredibly consistent in these types of stories.
This is my life in Tallahassee: every time I go on BP or wherever I see that from 90% of the non-black women (and maybe 20% of the black women) there. I doubt I would ever have the courage to partake anyway, but that obviously makes things so much more difficult.
That said, that attitude is pervasive among civilian women here too - which is why I'm counting the days until I leave.
It was not too common to see it on BP posts in the northeast, but when I moved down south I was very surprised to see it posted on more ads than not. I understand the frustration felt by well intentioned black dudes, but what can you do?
I am agressive, but I ain't cheap. Most girls want a agressive guy as opposed to a passive guy. The passive guy is the guy who will make out with a girl, but he can't seal the deal, and he doesn't end up getting in her panties.
I met a girl who was doing the pay 4 play thing a few years ago who said she did not do black guys (she was white) she said she had a boyfriend who did not know what she was doing and if the condom broke or there was an accident and she got pregnant having the kid turn out too dark would be hard to convince the BF it was his.
I'm half white and half black, but people just consider me black lol. From what I've seen, it might be warranted. All the pimps I've ever known are black. I think the escorts put that on their ads based on the experiences they've had.
@oldskooac01: No, what she's thinking is that a statistically significant number of black men *who respond to backpage ads for hookers* are pimps, thugs, hoodlums, etc.
She doesn't think or care about men, white, black or purple, who aren't going to answer her ad anyway.
As a YOUNG black man, I found this distressing as its odd for an illegal whore to make such racist demands. I haven't seen a backpage whore for anything more than head, so not much exrtended conversation was had. Of course these were girls who apparently approved black men.
WHat I have read online is a myraid of reasons. We don't want to pay, we're really pimps in disguise, we're too aggressive, too big dicks we want MORE than what we pay for and some actually just don't like to looks of black skin against their own. That last one I got was they actually wanted to fuck for actual pleasure (and plain racism).
From all those comments, I can basically infer that compared to us black folks, every other male race are easy enough to deal with. This is what I also read.
White men and south asian men are easy going, they do what the prostitute says; it doesn't matter that the man who pays is in charge, he let's the whore walk all over him for eagerness to be in her company or similar. They're dicks aren't some BBC size dicks, they take things exceedingly slow and cum quick. That sounds like real pretty words for he's boring in the sack. They like that because us black men will wear her out and might stimulate her too much causing excess exertion. And best of all, not only do they assume white skin means they have money, they'll pay AND give out huge tips for what isn't deserved.
essentially, black men are concious when parting with money and white men are fools with it. Its easier to exploit the desperate than the black shell.
I still find it EXTREMELY odd that these whores who are practicing an illegal business for pennies on the dollar are still demanding racial preferences. I would get all up in arms, but their whores who have no say in society, so their words mean nothing outside of the sex room.
It's racism + ageism. They will often see black dudes, but only if they are over, say, 40 years old and black. Not fair. But that's part of her screening process (or shall we say profiling process). Heck some hookers (or dancers for that matter) prefer guys to be over a certain age, often 40 or perhaps 35. They figure they will be better behaved and mature. 'Dems 'da breaks.
@dominic from all these demands, these whores are just lazy fucks (figuratively and literally) who want quick cash with very little work. Us black men make em work for that measly $60-$100
@twentyfive I JUST mentioned that I don't care about making a fuss over the racial discrepancies of hookers and why. Why can't I just make an observation without getting angry? you internet folk are definitely a weird breed of being.
I agree the bitches are lazy. If they're trying the screen out sponsors who are {cheap, don't pay, violent, robbers, murders, serial killers} then she should put on her big girl pants and ACTUALLY SCREEN SPONSORS instead of being blatantly racist. I agree. Buy a goddamn paid subscription to StumpTheMonkey, VerifyHim. Etc., like a real escort.
TOP DEFINITION Hair Across Your Ass This expression is akin to "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed" or "Who pissed in your Cheerios?" To have a "hair" across ones ass means to be overly sensitive to irritation. Usually one who over-reacts to a situtation because there is already an issue afflicting them. What do you have a hair across your ass about?" "Bob is usually an easy going fella but today it would seem he has a hair across his ass
2 WORDS RELATED TO HAIR ACROSS YOUR ASS annoyed bug up your ass
I had to get an account here, just to put my two cents in. I'm Black and Black Men need to know that it's not Racism!! It's the way a lot of us carry ourselves... I was upset after seeing a lot of these Posts on "No AA Men" or "No Black Men" Ive come to realize that it's the way we want to be perceived...Thugs, Hardcore, Gangster, Tough, Take no Sh#@ and I'm Gonna Get Mine Attitude and this is the way we are perceived...Dangerous...We can't even have an awards show without a fight breaking out or a party without someone getting shot. etc etc etc. Last night as of this posting 3/11/16... I was looking for a little action, so I'm cruising the sites and I see a woman I know (White) She used to swing with her boyfriend (White Also) She loved men, but Mostly Black men.... She does Anal, Swallows, Dp etc. She is an escort now as she has no other means of support (Husband killed) In her ad she had her details with (NO AA MEN) she has no Pimp, as all of her money goes to help take care of her children. Black Men are trouble makers when it comes to business. Ive met Black Escorts who have told me the same thing. "The Brother's Don't Wanna Pay or only wanna pay next to nothing or you get robbed." I sound "White"on the phone, so that may have gotten me in(No pun intended) a few times, when they showed up and I live in a nice neighborhood, so I'm sure that helped in them staying. (And I tip) I know another White woman her and her husband(White Too) swing. She loves Trump,NASCAR and is a hardcore Republican, but she loves F****ng Black Men while her husband films...It's not about Race, it's the way we as black's carry ourselves in this Country. I know Asians, Indian's (India) Russian's who have faced discrimination, but they move on as a people to get better, so their kids will have a better life. Blacks?, We wallow in Stupidity, with, The World Owes me Something Attitude. If you check sometimes too, the ads will say "NO AA or Black Men under 35-40." So with that you know it's a lot of the younger ones with that Snoop, Dre, Iceberg Slim attitude that screws it up for us older guys (I'm 49) Look at how the Police are on trial for defending themselves against blacks in the commission of committing a crime. Now some of the cops in these cities are ignoring parts of certain cities....What happens? 3-4 or more murders every night. (Not saying there aren't some bad cops) If you're committing a crime and you get shot, F*** YOU!! So with these girls, sometimes its preference, but in most cases, they want to get paid what they ask, without getting robbed, beaten or both. It's a safety issue and the only race issue is the way we as Black Men carry ourselves.
The way black people are going to have to continue to better themselves to equality in this world is to throw away the race card. We are too intelligent of a society and anyone with brains can see value in a human no matter what their ethnic background is. It's easy to spot on intelligent person of color simply by having a conversation with him/her, which is why your escort decided to render services to you because she could see you have respect for her and following through with payment without any hassles. I've worked in poor communities extensively and many times all poor people have acquired is the skill set to intimidate, therefore aggression becomes their biggest asset. Girls like assertive men who have jobs, income, and stability. Girls don't like aggressive men.
@MortyJ & Meat72 All I hear was "Mr. aggressive Black Man, go whitewash yourself". NAH! I'm gonna keep being loud and aggressive and intimidating, while ALSO being incredibly intelligent. Many wolves on Wall St. are not as kind and venacular as one likes to believe, neither will I.
We tried throwing away the race card,white folks keep buying us a new DECK! Like this shit on BP!? Do you know that there are actually more black men in college than prison!? So why does the media portray us differently? Did you know studies suggest,out of all ethnic groups, black men are fathers to their children more often? We don't we get publicity for that, just loud, aggressive cheap men, which I'm sure there are plenty of MEN period, who are the same way.
This really confused me, how can you NOT pay or pay next to nothing, when it's clearly stated what the donation is?? In any event, I had to search 3 counties and 5 cities, but I found the provider I liked and she was a "no black men" chic too...smh. i guess unknowingly calling her, from 2 different ads got her attention. Completely unintended, and I honestly didn't realize it was her in the second ad. I did donate well over her rates and tipped, didn't have alot of conversation for her, because I was a little salty about her policy...but hey, she saw me, so I enjoyed the time. Excellent provider, I LOVE Blondes, blue eyes are a plus, she had both and a I was definitely sprung. Long story short, i met her approximately once a week, she was the only provider I would see, because out of all the providers I liked, she was the only one that relaxed her policy. It was in the south too, they were rebel bikini's in their ads, that's a clear Crazy, cause I own a Healthcare Management firm in a relatively small market, I am Black. It's just amazing how all of us get labeled, and the label is always negative. Interestingly enough, samantha said I was still the only black male that she saw!?!? I don't know...I treat people like I want to be treated, I could care less what color you are.
I'm confused. How does one call it "racist" when there are many *black* hookers on backpage that say "no black men" along with the white ones that do? Are they being racist too, or is there something else going on?
@GMD I think it's just assimilation. Why think outside the box and be different. According to the many posts here, and what I read about in the porn industry (the legal man's prostitution in America), you're cleaner when you only take white dick. Fighting for equality in an illegal business is moot since one, who's gonna hear you when you can't speak to the public without going to jail? Other perverts? They certainly don't care. And two, when you sell your body for cash, generally NOBODY respects your point of view. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Deny that black dick and keep them non-black simps in check. A win win in a hooker's book.
-->"I'm confused. How does one call it "racist" when there are many *black* hookers on backpage that say "no black men" along with the white ones that do? Are they being racist too, or is there something else going on?"
True. People put plenty of non-racist reasons -- and many of those are absolutely correct, and align with what escorts say on escort-oriented (SW-like) forums -- why so many women use this policy. But, if one has a victim mentality, "every problem I have is caused by racism" outlook, those reasons somehow just bleep by. The reasons are right there, and victim-mentality folks just wave their hand and find reasons to not have to confront those reasons, instead of listening.
On the other hand, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that at least some of this IS due to racism, at least for some of the women, to some extent (that is, they're already looking for an excuse). Which, if one has a "there's no such thing as racism since it never happens to me" mentality, is also something that somehow just bleeps by. I have a multiracial group of friends, and even I can see there's ongoing subtle shit they have to deal with.
“… On the other hand, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that at least some of this IS due to racism …”
True – but often-times is more of a “negative predisposition” than out and out racism:
Early-on in my SCing career in the early-2000s while I lived in Dallas; I used to have an AA fave that refused to dance for black-men (club was a dive which was about 70/30 Latino/black) – she would say they were rude.
On one visit she comes up to me soon after I had arrived and she had a super pissed-off look in her face – I asked her what was wrong; and she said she had just given a dance to an AA-guy and he tried to finger-her – she told him not to do-that but according to her he didn’t give a fuck and kept doing-it – and she was PISSED – she did not continue to dance for him but was super pissed about the situation.
Similarly I’ve been w/ escorts that have also told me they don’t “date” young black men b/c of situations that have happened to them – it sucks for all young black men to be judged by the actions of a few but I guess that’s what I mean by a “negative predisposition” (based on prior experiences) vs out and out racism (although one can see how it would def feel like racism if one is the one being unfairly judged/discriminated).
I think a lot about racism, and I'm not going to write an SJG type post about it, but as a liberal I find compelled to try and establish a moral philosophy about it.
I see both the surface silliness of stereotyping ANY race, next to patterns that our life experiences has exposed us to. This is a dilemma that is very difficult to reconcile if one puts serious thought in to it.
I have concluded that racism is when these patterns are called a "trait among a race" in our minds as opposed to seeing traits among a different race and writing it off as random chance. For example, I've had almost 100% great sex with black girls so I might conclude black girls in general are better in bed than white girls. OTOH the worst bed partners by race for me have been white yet I don't think white girls as a race are bad in bed. Is this racist? I say yes because I made a conclusion on black girls due to race but ignore it with whites. Even it's it's true, by not assigning the same trait to all races if I assign it to one, is racist.
Selectively assigning traits to specific races IS what the core of racism is, IMHO.
The media and booksmart lberals turn a blind eye to the actual crime statistics. I won't bore you with all the FBI crime numbers - just this one
Black males in the 17-34 age group comprise about 4-5 percent of the population yet commit well over half of the violent crimes in the U.S. (I stay conservative. Some say as much as 75 percent)
Ivy educated MBAs make six-figures at Procter & Gamble to analyze data and its called marketing research.
When a high school drop-out on Backpage analyzes the data, it's called racism.
I looked at the site out of curiosity. Many of the girls I wouldn't go near in a regular bar. I noticed the site seems set up for larger cities and none of the smaller cities where many live. The most interesting thing I saw was a nice young blond girl said in a bind but not an escort. Looked like JS69 bait. Lol
@Motorhead “The media and booksmart lberals turn a blind eye to the actual crime statistics. I won't bore you with all the FBI crime numbers - just this one”
oh come on motorhead. statistical percentages are too far removed from the average joe to be meaningful. here is an up to date tangible real world example that even a drugged out hooker can understand coming to us from that socialist utopia and gun free zone that progressives have run forever:
dateline - Chicago 2016, 90 days, 135 murders, 727 shot and it isn’t even warm out yet.....
i'd bet drugged out hookers could have figured out who is committing these crimes too even without having to prepare a spreadsheet for statistical analysis
MortyJ was MOSTLY on point with what he said. The perception of black men in general is the 'thug', 'hardcore', 'don't give a shit' and 'I'ma get mine' attitudes. Another attitude of too many black men that he left out is the 'fuck deez hoes' attitude, where paying for sex is so beneath them that they think it's their 'duty' to hustle escorts and women in general for free sex.
This particular group of black men just DON'T CARE about their negative impact on the group as a whole. Because of these young, ignorant fuckers, this has become a problem that ALL black men have to deal with. Look at them, walking around with their pants half off their asses, looking STUPID AS FUCK. Or they wear their hair all nappy and wild, setting black people back 150 years. Their lack of conformity to the general well being of society is the problem. They think it's uncool to be smart, so they reject education. They think they know everything, so they reject authority. They reject until it's forced upon them with a gun and a badge. They think it's a contest to have the most baby mamas. With no education or job skills, no house training because their deadbeat dads were never around, they're in no position to support their kids, even if they wanted to. The cycle continues.
And before you rip me, yes, I'm black. I see the bullshit firsthand. Young black men fuck the game up for the rest of us, because they're too stupid to know better.
Not all of the reject for black men is self-inflicted, as there are a shitload of racist bastards out there, but a lot of it they bring on their own.
"... I think it's American black males that have the biggest perception problem ..."
I agree with this.
I'm a pale-white Cuban; when I see a black-Cuban I don't see a black guy who happens to be Cuban - I see a Cuban that happens to be black (huge difference) - I see A LOT of difference b/w AAs and non-AA blacks such as Cuban blacks - w/ Cuban blacks I can honestly say I don't see their color; for the most-part we talk the same; like the same things, really no difference - and other people I've met from other countries w/ large black populations (e.g. Brazil, Colombia; etc); have told me the same thing - e.g in Brazil a black Brazilian is Brazilian first and black second - whereas African American tells you the order right there.
@Dragonov I'm going to have to rip into you on a few things related to your post. Because you sound unbelievably white washed and self-racist. We'll tackle each of my concerns in the order of your post.
These "young, ignorant, fuckers" as he calls them don't ever have to worry about impressing a HOOKER of all things. Holy shit, you act like we gotta put on our sunday best and white gloves and kiss their hand before we even enter their room. The "get mine" concept is not something we should abandon just because "HOOKERS/PROSTITUTES" think it's unsurly. These "young, ignorant, fuckers" do it because if they let someone think their sweet and kind and nice, these hoes WILL run you like a bitch. They will do little for maximum profit. Hookers aren't fair, hookers aren't sweet. Just because a white hooker tells you they do it for some side money, doesn't mean it's true. They come from the same grimy enviroment as the rest of those "young, ignorant, fuckers" do. Just because they're pretty doesn't mean their sweet and kind. I have heard from hoes that while they dislike some black guys due to perception, white guys (and some asians) are shy, not comfortable and unwilling to go farther than a soft nudge while in the sack which is favorable than any other man, who's there to bust that nut for the session they were promised. Hoes rather take 30 minute's worth of cash in five minutes with the white guy than the same amount in the amount of time promised to the next guy.
What is wrong with having nappy hair? Why should the black man change his natural texture of hair just because YOU think it looks stupid or someone else says its ugly? It's their natural hair texture, it's what they were born with, to say they look stupid with what god gives them is in fact racist. And you can't say that's not what you meant because you clearly said the words "wild nappy hair" in the same sentence. You can dislike it without bashing it, but to say it's outright wrong for us black folk to have it, I have to wonder about your state of mind my friend. That assimilation is a little extra.
The "general well being of society" is a vague term international, and even vaguer in good ol' US of A. where you have too many different sides of the political and socioeconomic (stupidest word I have ever heard) portion saying, let cultures be what they are. Let them integrate, not assimilate.
Your derogetory statements of being educated, baby mommas, etc, are blanket statements and not proven by trustworthy statistics. Same goes dads. Hell majority of dads are flat out not allowed to raise their kid due to court cases, not for the lack of trying either. Rappers are not a good judgment stick either.
The majority of your rant had very little to nothing to do with disparities between black men and hookers/prostitutes/escorts. All of that sounded like a personal prejudice thoughts you parroted from an elder republican you probably look up to.
Just because your black doesn't mean you can't be a self-racist jack. I'd re-evaluate why you assume these things and redo your homework before you turn it back in to teacher.
Why in god's name does it matter whether the game is fucked up in fucking hookers for you? Their hookers, their a dime a dozen, easily replaceable all come with the same baggage wrapped differently. At the end of the day, they don't care if you got your wax on or off. As long as you pay them, they do what THEY want to least try to for the most part. You being a sweetheart ain't gonna change the fact that their perception will change or their habit of ripping ANY man off will. If they can get away with doing little work for max profit you can bet their nasty ass they will do it. I'd suggest you get a girlfriend BEFORE you start fucking hookers again, just so you can separate the two realities from one another.
As a black male, I have also been taken back by the 'no black men' requests specified by some women posting ads in Backpage.
Recently, I met with one escort who indicated as much in her ad but with an exception for BM aged 40+.
When I asked her about this position, she indicated that it was the thug crowd that was the issue.
I indicated to her that many AA are annoyed with the thug crowd and want no part of them.
Furthermore, I have found that if you allow the WF to be the sexual aggressor it does relax their fears quite a bit. Once relaxed with who I am, my companion thoroughly enjoyed being the aggressor with me making it clear that she was in control of where this meeting was going.
Note: she wound up doing far more with me than I'd ever planned. :-)
Most assuredly! Loved the expression she made once we were "fully engaged". Same look as one makes when cresting the top of a roller coaster and looking at the first drop to come. Hehehe!
^yeah my feelings of resentment have me waiting for the day a white guy kills a cop since they love them so much. Seems like society keeps on pushing this bullshit that whites can do no wrong in any regards. Not just the media but everywhere. Even the sex industry(porn, strip clubs, and even hoes and their pimps) is racist.
Where talking about racism in an illegal activity, even though it should be legal. Racism is oppression, and in this case there isn't racism if you're denying someone to pay you to have sex with you. If they're applying for a job, house, or some other equal right then the casein racism can be made, but definitely not on backpage with sex workers choosing which clients to work with. Sorry but you should be able to get sex for free.
Absolutely. Here it is again for you to savor, with some bonus comments:
Papi_Chulo--->"The last AA provider I was w/ a few months ago said she does not do business w/ young black men as a business decision – she said some of them would give her the $$$ when they first got there and then take it back from them after they were done – others have told me about young black men showing up w/o $$$ and pretty much physically assaulting them to get what they want."
This is one of those types of discussions where provider perspective and experience is really needed, otherwise it's a bunch of goofballs circle-jerking and theorizing. But I"m happy to join, pass me a cracker :) I've seen provider discussions in provider-only or provider friendly forums, and they always go the same way -- women reflecting the kinds of things Papi_Chuli reflected above, negative story after negative story about their interactions with black men, that ranged from time-wasting to physical assault. All FAR out of proportion to what happens with any other race. That doesn't mean all black men do this, or that no Asian or Indian or white men do it, just that there seems to be a universal experience that if you want to drastically lower your chance of getting regularly abused on the phone and in person, and assaulted, setting up a "no AA" policy is a good way to do it -- they've been taught that hard lesson by their own negative experiences. The provider discussions are incredibly consistent in these types of stories. Given that the women are operating outside the law with no police protection, I don't begrudge them at all doing what they have to do to stay safe.
Obviously enough, on top of that, it seems to often be pimps who are setting up those policies, which isn't about racism at all. But for some folks it's fun to reduce everything to racism, so there ya go. So no, this topic isn't remotely as simple as "it's all 100% racism"
Thanks for the insight sweetie, and even though I've been crossed off the list of potential clients i appreciate you being available to my white counterparts
It's not only blacks discriminated against when it comes to the opposite sex, Indians aren't liked by strippers for being too smelly, cheap, handsy etc, or Asians when it comes to dating esp online
I've had sex with girls from many races; I don't have a preference really (even though I like Asians). But then I'm not depending on them to pay me when I'm done.
I have my own personal theory. I believe that most escorts put no black men on their adds to prove that they are not an under cover agent of the law. I doubt that many under cover agents could legally discriminate specific races in their bait adds.
Bean flicker I like the way you roll, however I enjoy some soul food once in a while. Gotta spice things up a little even though it gives me heart burn. All things in moderation.
Subraman - excellent insights. Sorry I read over your post too quickly the time. I had remember reading that before from the POV of other providers but for some reason had forgotten it. Thanks for reiterating it: " All FAR out of proportion to what happens with any other race"
What a lot of people have to understand is that intelligent individuals do not care about color, especially in dealing with escorts. No high end model would write such things , and we have had numerous high end individuals that we collaborate with from all over the world, none of them discriminate. Racism is pretty low class any which way you look at it.
Our concern is that black males may feel that white individuals are behind it, and that is not the case at all. This "No black men" trend is spanning into Canada and the posts are similar to those in the states, it looks as if it is something being perpetrated by a certain group lead by a pimp, or someone who wishes to provoke unnecessary rivalry between black and white individuals.
Someone is definitely working overtime to provoke events into occurring that will inevitably be a black against white thing. Personally we think that BP should remove those posts that say such things because, they (providers) can determine color via screening, writing these racist ads online is going to end up having some very interesting and unexpected results...
Younger black males can be extremely aggressive and hostile, antagonizing them by this method is not intelligent at all. The ads also will gain the attention of LE, mainly because there are numerous officer in LE who are black and will also take offense to the ads. .
So the individuals writing these ads are not only instigating unnecessary issues but they are also drawing the attention of LE, Either way you look at it, whats going on is very stupid and will more than most likely have a tragic climax.
There is no need to emphasize anything dealing with human color, that in itself just says stay away. There are far more discrete and safer ways of screening and picking out clients.
The news is going to start picking up on it, when they do ? those who write such things will probably end up being exposed and broadcasted by the news, which will lead to them being kicked out of their hotels as well as a mass of other incidents occurring. .. News media can be very clever, this would be a good story for them ..
Yeah I just noticed that most escorts don't do AA. Which is their personal performance, so I can't knock's just when your out of town on business and don't have time to hit a club, find the "right girl", and then convince her for an get my drift lol. Just ruins convenience.
It's mostly that young black males are very mischievous.
Come on you guys, anybody who grew up around black folk knows how they are. Sometimes their behavior is downright scary. Young black males are a lot like Indian men where they like to do shit in groups also. I'd imagine a one on one with a girl would put the girl at ease to give them a chance.
I imagine it's just a choice to limit or mitigate the worst case scenario for a girl.
Many escorts don't put those star-studded banner ads in BP themselves. There's a pimp. Pimp is black or hispanic - and feels no harm done to keep AA men away.
I don't think escorts themselves care who they're fucking as long as money is there.
Now this one black bros will like:
Escorts don't see AA men as customers, they view AA men as lovers. A black guy ain't gonna get BP actions but surely will score in a Mall or a Bar. Few Escorts may view sex with Black guy as finality for the night - totally worn, totally exhausted and totally satisfied. So much so that no more business for her. Face it, escorts are looking for PLs that cum in their pants and leave shortly thereafter. So she can rinse and repeat.
I'd say this - whenever a black guy see "No AA" and likes the girl - he should reach out to her and explain while he is balck - he's a gentleman and is willing to be the last guy for the night - and will pay her the market rate. I'd be surprised if even one escort refused such an offer.
It's absolutely entertaining to see the responses by some people taking the AA is just a hero pimp doing his shi7 in the background.
That is sone serious wishful thinking to cover for the more obvious reason most hoes don't go with black men. It's their aggression and way they treat women. The evidence is right there in hip hop and rap culture. Most black men over 35 are more balanced in life and have calmed down. Not only that, but we all know young black men are not as likely to shower a girl with tips and cash. In other words, black men under 35 have very low stock value.
Get used to it guys. If you want to change the world let it start with you.
@jim some of these PL I think are so gone from reality because they're really trying to treat hookers like a wife to be instead of gold diggers that they wish they were.
This is why hookers/prostitutes (because that's all escorts are no matter how pretty they look) prefer non-minorities. Because they treat hookers like they're a girlfriend who'd come through for them during a hardship... for free.
If these hookers want respect so bad, then quit selling their bodies for quick cash and get a job you can talk about in public.
I'd give a no extras stripper more respect than a hooker. Not saying, I'd abuse a prostitute but I sure won't treat her to fine wine because she cares more for my wallet than my feelings for her.
I agree with Estadafor. You anglos overpay and underwork these hoes. It's simple as that. They play into the black stereotypes to mask their hustles. I am not mad at the hustle but don't go out one's way to demonize black men to cover up their racket.
Rockstar666 made the most valid argument of racism unfairly affecting black men versus others. One or a couple black men, then it's all or majority of black men/young black men. An anglo-Saxon does anything wrong and/or criminal, it's an isolated incident and just that person. The fact it is some men who claim to be black thinks it is okay is sad. According to anglos' rationale, any anglo in a black church is going to shoot it up. Thugs. What about all the anglo males that killed prostitutes throughout history? Do their clouds hover over all anglo-saxons? Of course not. Those who refuse to acknowledge this are on the good side of the equation.
Prostitutes deal with larger samples...lots of black men are "good" customers and some of them are not. Same with white men, so I wouldn't think any black PL is less inclined to pay or not be violent than any white PL.
But women in the business have at least the perception that a larger % of black men will be difficult customers than the other races. Not being a prostitute myself I can't say, but I also have noticed significant amount of the "no black men" in the adds. Maybe their perception has a basis for reality?
Another aspect that I didn't see mentioned is a LOT of white men are more attracted to a whore who won't fuck a black guy. It might be better for upscale old white men business to post that?
I like all the races, and I assume lots of my partners have fucked men of all long as I don't get an STD I really couldn't care less who they fucked in the past.
^i don't think it's more attracted to a whore who won't fuck black guys so much as it's less attracted to whores who regularly fuck black guys. naturally people want someone to relate to whether it's whores or porn or their wife. whores that fuck black guys on a regular basis, they can't relate. most men regardless of color would prefer a woman that is willing to fuck others like him as far as skin color first and foremost. anyone else they fuck is fine as long as their ethnicity is first.
Chessmaster: True. I've only seen that with baby boomer white guys though. I've had a civvie pledge me to silence because if her conservative motorcycle boyfriend ever found out she dated and fucked a black guy, he'd flip his shit.
Flag, there has been some academic studies about latent guilt. Not sure if there are any studies, but some white guys have latent guilt about all of the black, slave women who were raped by their owners. Due to the guilt, there are some white guys who feel that black men, in retribution, are insatiable, and cannot wait to defile a white woman.
It's sort of odd and sick (the reverse guilt part). I think it is guilt projection. But I've seen it discussed. Not sure if there are "studies" on it. IT could be liberal academic "crack-pot-ism."
Also, too, some white guys are insecure about their dick size and falsely think that all black men are longer than white men so through their insecurity think either 1. that the black man has stretched the woman vagina out or 2. that having been used to a big dick she won't be satisfied with his regular size dick or his small size dick.
Really though I think some people got it right above that young black men, out of proportion with other demographics, are far more likely to be aggressive or violent, in the escort's limited experience.
@Dominic77 that's based on here say and bad media. If white murderers like Aaron Hernandez or modern day Jack the Ripper types start being covered on the news more frequently, then hopefully for some pl, it'll be good for them. But with the amounts of whites shown performance race phobia attacks, I don't hold hope for hookers racial perception to change.
The only thing that bugs me about these ads at this point is that you post this racial restriction in a community with dominant black populace. Why the hell would you even post there knowing barely any white men of her wealthy requirement don't live there and barely willing to travel in such a black dominated community. Hell I've seen this one ad that didn't want blacks. Ok, that's her business. Yet her ad was so ratchet using a lot of derogatory (depending on your viewpoint) slang about sex yet wants generous, white upscale men. Last I checked, upscale white gentlemen wouldn't like to read what she's selling. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Judging from posts like that, many hookers today just say it because of media perception and outdated advice from other hookers. It's especially true for those amps because they're literally straight off the boat.
There was a comment about hookers avoiding blacks due to the potential for them being pimps and stealing girls. This implies that the hooker world has few whites behind it. That would be crazy to think. As the comments from you racist here are stating, blacks make up a small percentage of humans, yet hookers are all over the country, and yes they are taken from spot to spot, but you really think the industry is mostly run by blacks and can yet stay underground as well as in the open like stripper places owned by whites?
Secondly, the no blacks thing is seen in sites since the party line years. The idea of blacks doing all the crime and you base that of TV shows how much of an idiot you are to TV. TV is white, looking to market to white advertising dollars. They are clickbait. So they run stories you racist whites and now Hispanics will want to tune in and shake your racist heads at. They will not show whites doing bad in your own area, for that would create a feeling of distrust and whites would leave areas and hurt home values and everything else. For example, Orlando Florida will not often post ANY violent crime that happens in or outside Disney, kissimmee area. If there were people being targeted that were tourists, the local TV news will certainly not run very many stories of that. Robbery is news right? Do you know how often a pizza guy is robbed? But running those stories would hurt an industry. In contrast, the cab guys and the Union in Union stronghold States have many, uber driver robbed, stories for they want to hurt the brand.
TV is marketing for demographics and so does radio and movies. Did you know that because the movie industry now looks to gain greater Asian audiences they will no longer depict Asians that die early in movies or are the main bad guy of a movie?
This showed how they must have felt about black dollars for generations for BLACKS openly joke about how they die first in movies or die just after saving the white male and female, sacrificing themselves to do so.
You men are bigots. If you feel you're not, I want you to look around and see who the white bigots are and what type of moves against blacks might such a man do. Then ask yourself would you align yourself with those same moves or views.
Would a racist feel the blacks are doing all the crime, even if they are seeing giant prisons with far more whites than blacks..yet not reason where those whites were living when they got arrested?
Would a white racist have black friends? Likely yes. Would they pick up a black hooker? Absolutely! The hated group is always fucked. She you white people wanted to hate Muslims, porn started ramping up the Muslim assult videos. It's about dominance. In slavery white men did black women AND had favored black male slaves they liked...however, if a former black slave were to be running for office do you think the same white man would vote for him to be his leader? No! So.. Were you calling Obama the worst president ever, and felt bush and even Trump is better?
If the Klan had to pick, would they have enforced Obama?
Only one poster told the truth. He said you white assholes are lowering the property values of one another if you went black. That is just as your people do in neighborhoods regardless of the behaviors of the blacks in your area or income. You will have your white taxman lower values!
Even in porn we see your people's typical hatred of all other blacks. When a black man is with a white, it's daddy's worst nightmare..or the white woman is being "seeded."As if they are beasts seeding a human?
Here's the thing..?we can be killed unarmed and you assholes will come up with an excuse. It could be a civilian like Zimmerman and you come up with an excuse. We could clearly be defending ourselves nbut unable to use stand your ground laws like you can. You come up with excuses why the cops are always mostly white when shooting the black and excuse away the lack of black cops shooting white unarmed people.
You excuse away why you are the hiring agents in mostnjobs and when you are, few blacks are hired such as in fire departments across the country. You excuse away why black areas suddenly claim to have no money for liberal arts programs in schools regardless of the income of blacks in areas.
You excuse away " I'm an cheap hooker but I still hate blacks" comments all over the net. You excuse away the Obama lynching images and dummies we saw for 8 years as free speech, but call the headless Trump "an outrage"
Your white cops will openly show who they are on Facebook sex groups that are white..but make fake accounts to arrest the slightest infraction making person where black people are.
You see your race feels your shit doesn't stink. This is why you can call your war efforts in other lands,fighting for freedom, and not occupying other people's land. This will s why you feel you have the right to tell other countries if they can have a nuke or not yet YOU are the only ones to ever use one!
You people are vile. And if f we are going to call a people aggressive, how the hell aren't YOU King of it?!
@rickthevulture. You realize planet of the apes was made by the maker of the twilight zone, and he was anti racist. And that movie was speaking against white racism dont you?
Micmic is the true racist when he personalized his comments above with "you" and "we". Such a SJW with a power trip on a strip club website on a discusiiin about Backpage.
As a provider, I screen and haven't needed a hard and fast No AA rule...but here's the thing:
First it isn't just African Americans, it's Africans in general, who are major problems. I am always keen to meet execptions, and when I do, they are lovely people, but they are far in the minority (no pun intended).
Sadly about 80% of the black folks who contact me are either impoverished, unable to speak proper English, come off as very sketchy or are simply nasty over the phone.
This percentage changes dramatically with the older the caller is. If they are in their 50's, they are usually fine, unless they are not fully employed, in which case,they simply can't afford it.
If it is a student, I will ask where they attend and what is their GPA. Eight times out of ten it is actually a trade school (like they are too stupid or dishonest to tell the difference) and most of those times they have failed out and aren't working, or it is for their family and when questioned further, they sound utterly unreliable and sketchy. In the rare instances where they are really enrolled in University, their GPA is always nearly failing. Sorry, sketch-boy, no es Bueno, ya dig?
Ditto for people who claim to be in education or psychology and are working in after school programs, recreational departments and halfway houses. Translation: I have no money, no education, no goals and I didn't have what it takes to be thug, so I am limping along, pretending to work. No es Bueno.
I have been stabbed, robbed, kidnapped, raped and verbally abused thankfully only a handful of times, but it was always black guys.
70% of all violent crime is committed by 3.3% of the population in America. That's right, black males under 40. These are National Crime Statistics extrapolated by FBI findings (they put the figure at the 14% of the population who are black, but my figure is adjusted to exclude women and men over 40.)
I am afraid with real world empirical evidence and crime stats like these, it is simple logic if women won't see any black guys. To put it mildly, you've worn out your welcome. Stop pointing fingers, stop breeding indiscriminately, marry the women who father your children and raise them to be civilized, and we'll talk. I'm out.
I meant to circle back to the all Africans comment, which might have seemed odd, but... the culture in most of the African nations is one of extreme sexism and machismo. Added to that, many African national males are more like peacocks and dont really work. This is part of their culture, perhaps a relic of colonialism, I am not sure. But they are skechy and aggressive and don't have money or are super cheap, in my experience. They certainly have earned a reputation for it, both here and abroad. I think of myself as deserving of a gentleman and won't tolerate any other sort of treatment, so they don't get past my screening. Usually it all ends when I ask what they do for a living and they get pissed off...hey, due, I get it, you like to hang out in the cafe all day with your buddies, smoking and playing backgammon, while your wife does all the slaving, or you have some part time work that is extremely low pay because you consider yourself too good for labour so no one wants to hire you, well...notes Bueno, game over, my friend.
Sorry the real answer is exactly what u all think..the typical black man that buys too cheap...likes violence..wont have all the money...and do not know when time is UP...They secretly dont feel they have to pay for any pussy..because of there big dicks...
This is the most entertaining posts I ever read in my life. I am a AA, educated a Army veteran and own my own photography business. In the Army and in my business I was bless to travel all over the world. I can say our country is the only one where we screen based only on the color of the persons skin , but putting that aside. I was reading a study about all things of the things that jumped out to me 85% of all "kinky" type porn I.e. (Rape,rough,ass play, bondage etc.) are made by whites. 80% of all porn made is produced by whites. So also in this study it asked 450,000 men have they ever been with a hooker. 90% said yes and 95% of them said it had to do with the porn they were watching. To say or suggest that only "black" men are rough and dangerous or ask to do crazy stuff with the girls just don't seem to match the science. Then we have people saying the only know black pimps and I can agree with there are many "street" pimps and because you don't see many whites is because they go larger they are the sex traffickers the very page we are talking about backpage is owned by a group of white men. Women been raped and killed and robbed by men of all races thanks to this "white" owned site. Sex trafficking is dangerous for young women all over the world... young underage women are disappearing being used as sex slaves and we talking about a few black pimps when the whole sex industry is owned and operated by whites. Lastly I one time last year was I a city where I wanted some company I call a ad and the young lady asked what color I was I said black she then said I don't see black men. I was a bit taken back I asked her why...she said when I got into the game I was told not to deal with AA men because there cheap, mostly pimps, rough etc. I asked her do you know any black people she said yes I said and was they a pimp, thug a gang banger etc. she said no. Then I told her you should have your own process to accept men and not blindly follow other people's opinions. It's clear some of these women have real concerns I would tell those women if your ad is on a trash site like back page you will most likely find Trash Men of all races. I deal with only upscale women and because of the type of money they put into there sites and personal protection they see men of all races with little to know problems. Let's be clear you don't have a AA problem you have a You problem your in business and the product is you and your body. You want to make money but you excluded over a 3rd of your possible money because you took a group and put it in one basket. I also was told some say they don't see AA but will see them if they pay more.. this was very eye opening because it seems everyone really have no real concrete reason why they don't see AA I seen dozens of reason and most of them start out with "I heard" these are low scale women that don't seem to want to make money and "made up" this lies about AA men and no one can back it up with facts.
i wonder the total expense that men pay (one way or another) for female interaction... i think that overall i have easily spent the vast majority on ladies. probably most of males can say the same when you include girl friends, wives, p4p, etc. i would guess that 'race' is not much of an issue in that regard.
last comment:
To my brothas, don't feel bad. I know a some strippers who won't touch Middle Easterners no matter how much money they have.
Clubber likes Asians. Alucard liked redheads. That doesn't make them racist cause they aren't attracted to brunette Mexicans.
One more thing. I'm a short dude. If a chick ain't attracted to me cause she likes tall dudes, that's just how it is. Please don't pull the race card when it comes to sexual relations. This isn't voting or economics.
Wouldn't you avoid ol' Doc Huxtable? Shiiiit....that dude will slip a Mickey in a chicks drink then he'll slip his mouse in her house.
However, my main interest in viewing the ads is just to see if any dancers I know are now "escorting." I did find one recently. She is now the eighth dancer I've done OTC with, that is now escorting. I sense that my style of OTCing with them, gave them confidence to start a new career. I also like to notice if any other dancers are now escorting. I do come across some ads where it's obvious that the escort is, or was, a stripper. Some of their photos were taken in strip club dressing rooms.
You bring up what Clubber and Alucard like, and you being short, that's fine, but we are not talking about dating. You think a stripper is not going to give dances to a guy she finds old, fat and unattractive? If that was the case, she would be ignoring a lot of customers. At the end of the day, it should be all about the money.
You bring up that some girls won't touch Middle Easterners no matter how much money they have, you don't think that for some of them the reason is they are racist/have this belief they arey are going to bomb the place?
All of this is common sense
I'm a white guy, and I've seen that phenomena in my personal and SC life. There's white girls who otherwise like me who wont get involved with me because they know I've slept with black girls, most are afraid to say it point blank but they gossip and word gets back to me. A girl I dated a few years ago had experienced the same thing, after a few months together she sat me down and start out with the "I have to tell you something about my past" with the most fearful and ashamed look on her face I've ever seen. I thought I was about to find out I had been fucking a dude or something. She was so relieved that I didn't give a shit, it was bizarre at the time but now I understand. She later told me how poor previous boyfriends had reacted.
So, I guess the short version is I think its less of a war the brothers and more of a gesture to whatever the fragile shit in some white dudes head is that makes them care. Hard to believe someone fucking a girl from BP cares who she fucked before, but I guess they do. As I understand it most of those girls will take black clients.
Thanks for sharing Dolfan. It's funny in porn that some of the most popular stars like Tori Black, Lisa Ann, Jenna Haze, Sasha Grey, Asa Akira to name a few, have done plenty of interracial scenes, and their careers haven't been hurt by that. Yet in the porn business, people say doing interracial is risky.
“if I’m walking down the street by myself and see a group of young black men behind me; I tense up – if it’s a group of young white men; I relax”
There is no doubt, IMO, that young black men are responsible for a large # of the violent crimes (at least that’s the case down here in Miami especially when one watches the local news or the show “Crime Stoppers” which does dramatizations of unsolved murders in the Miami area – about 90% involves black male suspects).
No doubt it is unfortunate and unfair to lump all young black men together.
I’ve been w/ my fair share of black providers (actually the providers I’ve been w/ have pretty much all been black) – and from what I’ve been told by them is not a matter of racism but more often than not safety and getting ripped off.
The last AA provider I was w/ a few months ago said she does not do business w/ young black men as a business decision – she said some of them would give her the $$$ when they first got there and then take it back from them after they were done – others have told me about young black men showing up w/o $$$ and pretty much physically assaulting them to get what they want.
No doubt the hood is full of violence and so are many (but not all nor most probably) of the young black men in them – so IMO it’s often more a matter of safety and finances (not getting paid) than not liking them for the color of their skin (and why sometimes some ads say no young black men or no black men under 35; etc.)
On RubMaps there are reviews describing bad treatment of black men, like the girls telling them that the costs are many many times what they really are in order to run them off.
Papi_Chulo--->"The last AA provider I was w/ a few months ago said she does not do business w/ young black men as a business decision – she said some of them would give her the $$$ when they first got there and then take it back from them after they were done – others have told me about young black men showing up w/o $$$ and pretty much physically assaulting them to get what they want."
This is one of those types of discussions where provider perspective and experience is really needed, otherwise it's a bunch of goofballs circle-jerking and theorizing. But I"m happy to join, pass me a cracker :) I've seen provider discussions in provider-only or provider friendly forums, and they always go the same way -- women reflecting the kinds of things Papi_Chuli reflected above, negative story after negative story about their interactions with black men, that ranged from time-wasting to physical assault. All FAR out of proportion to what happens with any other race. That doesn't mean all black mean do this, or that no Asian or Indian or white men do it, just that there seems to be a universal experience that if you want to drastically lower your chance of getting regularly abused on the phone and in person, and assaulted, setting up a "no AA" policy is a good way to do it -- they've been taught that hard lesson by their own negative experiences. The provider discussions are incredibly consistent in these types of stories.
That said, that attitude is pervasive among civilian women here too - which is why I'm counting the days until I leave.
On another note, suppose white people WERE really white, like milk! Pretty funny looking, I would think.
Back in 1962 a Biloxi bar owner told me that he would like to serve blacks. He could use the business but his white customers would leave him.
A prostitute in Japan told me that she would not due blacks because if the white guys found out, she would loose their business.
Since whites do outnumber blacks in this country, I think it just might be the fear of losing business.
She doesn't think or care about men, white, black or purple, who aren't going to answer her ad anyway.
WHat I have read online is a myraid of reasons. We don't want to pay, we're really pimps in disguise, we're too aggressive, too big dicks we want MORE than what we pay for and some actually just don't like to looks of black skin against their own. That last one I got was they actually wanted to fuck for actual pleasure (and plain racism).
From all those comments, I can basically infer that compared to us black folks, every other male race are easy enough to deal with. This is what I also read.
White men and south asian men are easy going, they do what the prostitute says; it doesn't matter that the man who pays is in charge, he let's the whore walk all over him for eagerness to be in her company or similar. They're dicks aren't some BBC size dicks, they take things exceedingly slow and cum quick. That sounds like real pretty words for he's boring in the sack. They like that because us black men will wear her out and might stimulate her too much causing excess exertion. And best of all, not only do they assume white skin means they have money, they'll pay AND give out huge tips for what isn't deserved.
essentially, black men are concious when parting with money and white men are fools with it. Its easier to exploit the desperate than the black shell.
End rant.
Hair Across Your Ass
This expression is akin to "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed" or "Who pissed in your Cheerios?" To have a "hair" across ones ass means to be overly sensitive to irritation. Usually one who over-reacts to a situtation because there is already an issue afflicting them.
What do you have a hair across your ass about?" "Bob is usually an easy going fella but today it would seem he has a hair across his ass
annoyed bug up your ass
I'm Black and Black Men need to know that it's not Racism!! It's the way a lot of us carry ourselves...
I was upset after seeing a lot of these Posts on "No AA Men" or "No Black Men"
Ive come to realize that it's the way we want to be perceived...Thugs, Hardcore, Gangster, Tough, Take no Sh#@ and I'm Gonna Get Mine Attitude and this is the way we are perceived...Dangerous...We can't even have an awards show without a fight breaking out or a party without someone getting shot. etc etc etc.
Last night as of this posting 3/11/16... I was looking for a little action, so I'm cruising the sites and I see a woman I know (White) She used to swing with her boyfriend (White Also) She loved men, but Mostly Black men.... She does Anal, Swallows, Dp etc. She is an escort now as she has no other means of support (Husband killed) In her ad she had her details with (NO AA MEN) she has no Pimp, as all of her money goes to help take care of her children. Black Men are trouble makers when it comes to business. Ive met Black Escorts who have told me the same thing. "The Brother's Don't Wanna Pay or only wanna pay next to nothing or you get robbed." I sound "White"on the phone, so that may have gotten me in(No pun intended) a few times, when they showed up and I live in a nice neighborhood, so I'm sure that helped in them staying. (And I tip)
I know another White woman her and her husband(White Too) swing. She loves Trump,NASCAR and is a hardcore Republican, but she loves F****ng Black Men while her husband films...It's not about Race, it's the way we as black's carry ourselves in this Country. I know Asians, Indian's (India) Russian's who have faced discrimination, but they move on as a people to get better, so their kids will have a better life. Blacks?, We wallow in Stupidity, with, The World Owes me Something Attitude.
If you check sometimes too, the ads will say "NO AA or Black Men under 35-40." So with that you know it's a
lot of the younger ones with that Snoop, Dre, Iceberg Slim attitude that screws it up for us older guys (I'm 49)
Look at how the Police are on trial for defending themselves against blacks in the commission of committing a crime. Now some of the cops in these cities are ignoring parts of certain cities....What happens? 3-4 or more murders every night. (Not saying there aren't some bad cops) If you're committing a crime and you get shot, F*** YOU!! So with these girls, sometimes its preference, but in most cases, they want to get paid what they ask, without getting robbed, beaten or both. It's a safety issue and the only race issue is the way we as Black Men carry ourselves.
i think i'll just refrain from asking you how it is that you know that
True. People put plenty of non-racist reasons -- and many of those are absolutely correct, and align with what escorts say on escort-oriented (SW-like) forums -- why so many women use this policy. But, if one has a victim mentality, "every problem I have is caused by racism" outlook, those reasons somehow just bleep by. The reasons are right there, and victim-mentality folks just wave their hand and find reasons to not have to confront those reasons, instead of listening.
On the other hand, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that at least some of this IS due to racism, at least for some of the women, to some extent (that is, they're already looking for an excuse). Which, if one has a "there's no such thing as racism since it never happens to me" mentality, is also something that somehow just bleeps by. I have a multiracial group of friends, and even I can see there's ongoing subtle shit they have to deal with.
True – but often-times is more of a “negative predisposition” than out and out racism:
Early-on in my SCing career in the early-2000s while I lived in Dallas; I used to have an AA fave that refused to dance for black-men (club was a dive which was about 70/30 Latino/black) – she would say they were rude.
On one visit she comes up to me soon after I had arrived and she had a super pissed-off look in her face – I asked her what was wrong; and she said she had just given a dance to an AA-guy and he tried to finger-her – she told him not to do-that but according to her he didn’t give a fuck and kept doing-it – and she was PISSED – she did not continue to dance for him but was super pissed about the situation.
Similarly I’ve been w/ escorts that have also told me they don’t “date” young black men b/c of situations that have happened to them – it sucks for all young black men to be judged by the actions of a few but I guess that’s what I mean by a “negative predisposition” (based on prior experiences) vs out and out racism (although one can see how it would def feel like racism if one is the one being unfairly judged/discriminated).
I see both the surface silliness of stereotyping ANY race, next to patterns that our life experiences has exposed us to. This is a dilemma that is very difficult to reconcile if one puts serious thought in to it.
I have concluded that racism is when these patterns are called a "trait among a race" in our minds as opposed to seeing traits among a different race and writing it off as random chance. For example, I've had almost 100% great sex with black girls so I might conclude black girls in general are better in bed than white girls. OTOH the worst bed partners by race for me have been white yet I don't think white girls as a race are bad in bed. Is this racist? I say yes because I made a conclusion on black girls due to race but ignore it with whites. Even it's it's true, by not assigning the same trait to all races if I assign it to one, is racist.
Selectively assigning traits to specific races IS what the core of racism is, IMHO.
Black males in the 17-34 age group comprise about 4-5 percent of the population yet commit well over half of the violent crimes in the U.S. (I stay conservative. Some say as much as 75 percent)
Ivy educated MBAs make six-figures at Procter & Gamble to analyze data and its called marketing research.
When a high school drop-out on Backpage analyzes the data, it's called racism.
The most interesting thing I saw was a nice young blond girl said in a bind but not an escort. Looked like JS69 bait. Lol
oh come on motorhead. statistical percentages are too far removed from the average joe to be meaningful. here is an up to date tangible real world example that even a drugged out hooker can understand coming to us from that socialist utopia and gun free zone that progressives have run forever:
dateline - Chicago 2016, 90 days, 135 murders, 727 shot and it isn’t even warm out yet.....…
"We know who is committing these crimes. It's a small segment of the population," Johnson told the Tribune.
i'd bet drugged out hookers could have figured out who is committing these crimes too even without having to prepare a spreadsheet for statistical analysis
This particular group of black men just DON'T CARE about their negative impact on the group as a whole. Because of these young, ignorant fuckers, this has become a problem that ALL black men have to deal with. Look at them, walking around with their pants half off their asses, looking STUPID AS FUCK. Or they wear their hair all nappy and wild, setting black people back 150 years. Their lack of conformity to the general well being of society is the problem. They think it's uncool to be smart, so they reject education. They think they know everything, so they reject authority. They reject until it's forced upon them with a gun and a badge. They think it's a contest to have the most baby mamas. With no education or job skills, no house training because their deadbeat dads were never around, they're in no position to support their kids, even if they wanted to. The cycle continues.
And before you rip me, yes, I'm black. I see the bullshit firsthand. Young black men fuck the game up for the rest of us, because they're too stupid to know better.
Not all of the reject for black men is self-inflicted, as there are a shitload of racist bastards out there, but a lot of it they bring on their own.
"I do not have a stereotypically-black voice"
Having just watched "The People v OJ Simpson", Johnnie Cochran objected to this and it was sustained by Ito.
I agree with this.
I'm a pale-white Cuban; when I see a black-Cuban I don't see a black guy who happens to be Cuban - I see a Cuban that happens to be black (huge difference) - I see A LOT of difference b/w AAs and non-AA blacks such as Cuban blacks - w/ Cuban blacks I can honestly say I don't see their color; for the most-part we talk the same; like the same things, really no difference - and other people I've met from other countries w/ large black populations (e.g. Brazil, Colombia; etc); have told me the same thing - e.g in Brazil a black Brazilian is Brazilian first and black second - whereas African American tells you the order right there.
These "young, ignorant, fuckers" as he calls them don't ever have to worry about impressing a HOOKER of all things. Holy shit, you act like we gotta put on our sunday best and white gloves and kiss their hand before we even enter their room. The "get mine" concept is not something we should abandon just because "HOOKERS/PROSTITUTES" think it's unsurly. These "young, ignorant, fuckers" do it because if they let someone think their sweet and kind and nice, these hoes WILL run you like a bitch. They will do little for maximum profit. Hookers aren't fair, hookers aren't sweet. Just because a white hooker tells you they do it for some side money, doesn't mean it's true. They come from the same grimy enviroment as the rest of those "young, ignorant, fuckers" do. Just because they're pretty doesn't mean their sweet and kind. I have heard from hoes that while they dislike some black guys due to perception, white guys (and some asians) are shy, not comfortable and unwilling to go farther than a soft nudge while in the sack which is favorable than any other man, who's there to bust that nut for the session they were promised. Hoes rather take 30 minute's worth of cash in five minutes with the white guy than the same amount in the amount of time promised to the next guy.
What is wrong with having nappy hair? Why should the black man change his natural texture of hair just because YOU think it looks stupid or someone else says its ugly? It's their natural hair texture, it's what they were born with, to say they look stupid with what god gives them is in fact racist. And you can't say that's not what you meant because you clearly said the words "wild nappy hair" in the same sentence. You can dislike it without bashing it, but to say it's outright wrong for us black folk to have it, I have to wonder about your state of mind my friend. That assimilation is a little extra.
The "general well being of society" is a vague term international, and even vaguer in good ol' US of A. where you have too many different sides of the political and socioeconomic (stupidest word I have ever heard) portion saying, let cultures be what they are. Let them integrate, not assimilate.
Your derogetory statements of being educated, baby mommas, etc, are blanket statements and not proven by trustworthy statistics. Same goes dads. Hell majority of dads are flat out not allowed to raise their kid due to court cases, not for the lack of trying either. Rappers are not a good judgment stick either.
The majority of your rant had very little to nothing to do with disparities between black men and hookers/prostitutes/escorts. All of that sounded like a personal prejudice thoughts you parroted from an elder republican you probably look up to.
Just because your black doesn't mean you can't be a self-racist jack. I'd re-evaluate why you assume these things and redo your homework before you turn it back in to teacher.
Why in god's name does it matter whether the game is fucked up in fucking hookers for you? Their hookers, their a dime a dozen, easily replaceable all come with the same baggage wrapped differently. At the end of the day, they don't care if you got your wax on or off. As long as you pay them, they do what THEY want to least try to for the most part. You being a sweetheart ain't gonna change the fact that their perception will change or their habit of ripping ANY man off will. If they can get away with doing little work for max profit you can bet their nasty ass they will do it. I'd suggest you get a girlfriend BEFORE you start fucking hookers again, just so you can separate the two realities from one another.
Recently, I met with one escort who indicated as much in her ad but with an exception for BM aged 40+.
When I asked her about this position, she indicated that it was the thug crowd that was the issue.
I indicated to her that many AA are annoyed with the thug crowd and want no part of them.
Furthermore, I have found that if you allow the WF to be the sexual aggressor it does relax their fears quite a bit. Once relaxed with who I am, my companion thoroughly enjoyed being the aggressor with me making it clear that she was in control of where this meeting was going.
Note: she wound up doing far more with me than I'd ever planned. :-)
Papi_Chulo--->"The last AA provider I was w/ a few months ago said she does not do business w/ young black men as a business decision – she said some of them would give her the $$$ when they first got there and then take it back from them after they were done – others have told me about young black men showing up w/o $$$ and pretty much physically assaulting them to get what they want."
This is one of those types of discussions where provider perspective and experience is really needed, otherwise it's a bunch of goofballs circle-jerking and theorizing. But I"m happy to join, pass me a cracker :) I've seen provider discussions in provider-only or provider friendly forums, and they always go the same way -- women reflecting the kinds of things Papi_Chuli reflected above, negative story after negative story about their interactions with black men, that ranged from time-wasting to physical assault. All FAR out of proportion to what happens with any other race. That doesn't mean all black men do this, or that no Asian or Indian or white men do it, just that there seems to be a universal experience that if you want to drastically lower your chance of getting regularly abused on the phone and in person, and assaulted, setting up a "no AA" policy is a good way to do it -- they've been taught that hard lesson by their own negative experiences. The provider discussions are incredibly consistent in these types of stories. Given that the women are operating outside the law with no police protection, I don't begrudge them at all doing what they have to do to stay safe.
Obviously enough, on top of that, it seems to often be pimps who are setting up those policies, which isn't about racism at all. But for some folks it's fun to reduce everything to racism, so there ya go. So no, this topic isn't remotely as simple as "it's all 100% racism"
Thanks for the insight sweetie, and even though I've been crossed off the list of potential clients i appreciate you being available to my white counterparts…
Our concern is that black males may feel that white individuals are behind it, and that is not the case at all. This "No black men" trend is spanning into Canada and the posts are similar to those in the states, it looks as if it is something being perpetrated by a certain group lead by a pimp, or someone who wishes to provoke unnecessary rivalry between black and white individuals.
Someone is definitely working overtime to provoke events into occurring that will inevitably be a black against white thing. Personally we think that BP should remove those posts that say such things because, they (providers) can determine color via screening, writing these racist ads online is going to end up having some very interesting and unexpected results...
Younger black males can be extremely aggressive and hostile, antagonizing them by this method is not intelligent at all. The ads also will gain the attention of LE, mainly because there are numerous officer in LE who are black and will also take offense to the ads. .
So the individuals writing these ads are not only instigating unnecessary issues but they are also drawing the attention of LE, Either way you look at it, whats going on is very stupid and will more than most likely have a tragic climax.
There is no need to emphasize anything dealing with human color, that in itself just says stay away. There are far more discrete and safer ways of screening and picking out clients.
The news is going to start picking up on it, when they do ? those who write such things will probably end up being exposed and broadcasted by the news, which will lead to them being kicked out of their hotels as well as a mass of other incidents occurring. .. News media can be very clever, this would be a good story for them ..
That said, I could understand a "no Turkey vultures" policy. Those guys are disgusting. Squawk!
Come on you guys, anybody who grew up around black folk knows how they are. Sometimes their behavior is downright scary. Young black males are a lot like Indian men where they like to do shit in groups also. I'd imagine a one on one with a girl would put the girl at ease to give them a chance.
I imagine it's just a choice to limit or mitigate the worst case scenario for a girl.
Chandler and GMD are right.
Many escorts don't put those star-studded banner ads in BP themselves. There's a pimp. Pimp is black or hispanic - and feels no harm done to keep AA men away.
I don't think escorts themselves care who they're fucking as long as money is there.
Now this one black bros will like:
Escorts don't see AA men as customers, they view AA men as lovers. A black guy ain't gonna get BP actions but surely will score in a Mall or a Bar.
Few Escorts may view sex with Black guy as finality for the night - totally worn, totally exhausted and totally satisfied. So much so that no more business for her. Face it, escorts are looking for PLs that cum in their pants and leave shortly thereafter. So she can rinse and repeat.
I'd say this - whenever a black guy see "No AA" and likes the girl - he should reach out to her and explain while he is balck - he's a gentleman and is willing to be the last guy for the night - and will pay her the market rate. I'd be surprised if even one escort refused such an offer.
That is sone serious wishful thinking to cover for the more obvious reason most hoes don't go with black men. It's their aggression and way they treat women. The evidence is right there in hip hop and rap culture. Most black men over 35 are more balanced in life and have calmed down. Not only that, but we all know young black men are not as likely to shower a girl with tips and cash. In other words, black men under 35 have very low stock value.
Get used to it guys. If you want to change the world let it start with you.
What black guy is going to start to lead the cause by paying escorts handsome amounts and treating them like civilians? Maybe SJG?
In his organization maybe. In his organization of one.
This is why hookers/prostitutes (because that's all escorts are no matter how pretty they look) prefer non-minorities. Because they treat hookers like they're a girlfriend who'd come through for them during a hardship... for free.
If these hookers want respect so bad, then quit selling their bodies for quick cash and get a job you can talk about in public.
I'd give a no extras stripper more respect than a hooker. Not saying, I'd abuse a prostitute but I sure won't treat her to fine wine because she cares more for my wallet than my feelings for her.
But women in the business have at least the perception that a larger % of black men will be difficult customers than the other races. Not being a prostitute myself I can't say, but I also have noticed significant amount of the "no black men" in the adds. Maybe their perception has a basis for reality?
Another aspect that I didn't see mentioned is a LOT of white men are more attracted to a whore who won't fuck a black guy. It might be better for upscale old white men business to post that?
I like all the races, and I assume lots of my partners have fucked men of all long as I don't get an STD I really couldn't care less who they fucked in the past.
Another aspect that I didn't see mentioned is a LOT of white men are more attracted to a whore who won't fuck a black guy."
I must have missed that study.
Do johns regularly stalk escorts/hookers to see who they fuck before taking the plunge themselves?
Dunno but there's no denying there's plenty of white guys that if they knew a whore was fucking black guys they would take their business elsewhere.
Flag, there has been some academic studies about latent guilt. Not sure if there are any studies, but some white guys have latent guilt about all of the black, slave women who were raped by their owners. Due to the guilt, there are some white guys who feel that black men, in retribution, are insatiable, and cannot wait to defile a white woman.
It's sort of odd and sick (the reverse guilt part). I think it is guilt projection. But I've seen it discussed. Not sure if there are "studies" on it. IT could be liberal academic "crack-pot-ism."
Also, too, some white guys are insecure about their dick size and falsely think that all black men are longer than white men so through their insecurity think either 1. that the black man has stretched the woman vagina out or 2. that having been used to a big dick she won't be satisfied with his regular size dick or his small size dick.
Really though I think some people got it right above that young black men, out of proportion with other demographics, are far more likely to be aggressive or violent, in the escort's limited experience.
The only thing that bugs me about these ads at this point is that you post this racial restriction in a community with dominant black populace. Why the hell would you even post there knowing barely any white men of her wealthy requirement don't live there and barely willing to travel in such a black dominated community. Hell I've seen this one ad that didn't want blacks. Ok, that's her business. Yet her ad was so ratchet using a lot of derogatory (depending on your viewpoint) slang about sex yet wants generous, white upscale men. Last I checked, upscale white gentlemen wouldn't like to read what she's selling. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Secondly, the no blacks thing is seen in sites since the party line years. The idea of blacks doing all the crime and you base that of TV shows how much of an idiot you are to TV. TV is white, looking to market to white advertising dollars. They are clickbait. So they run stories you racist whites and now Hispanics will want to tune in and shake your racist heads at. They will not show whites doing bad in your own area, for that would create a feeling of distrust and whites would leave areas and hurt home values and everything else. For example, Orlando Florida will not often post ANY violent crime that happens in or outside Disney, kissimmee area. If there were people being targeted that were tourists, the local TV news will certainly not run very many stories of that. Robbery is news right? Do you know how often a pizza guy is robbed? But running those stories would hurt an industry. In contrast, the cab guys and the Union in Union stronghold States have many, uber driver robbed, stories for they want to hurt the brand.
TV is marketing for demographics and so does radio and movies. Did you know that because the movie industry now looks to gain greater Asian audiences they will no longer depict Asians that die early in movies or are the main bad guy of a movie?
This showed how they must have felt about black dollars for generations for BLACKS openly joke about how they die first in movies or die just after saving the white male and female, sacrificing themselves to do so.
You men are bigots. If you feel you're not, I want you to look around and see who the white bigots are and what type of moves against blacks might such a man do. Then ask yourself would you align yourself with those same moves or views.
Would a racist feel the blacks are doing all the crime, even if they are seeing giant prisons with far more whites than blacks..yet not reason where those whites were living when they got arrested?
Would a white racist have black friends? Likely yes. Would they pick up a black hooker? Absolutely! The hated group is always fucked. She you white people wanted to hate Muslims, porn started ramping up the Muslim assult videos. It's about dominance. In slavery white men did black women AND had favored black male slaves they liked...however, if a former black slave were to be running for office do you think the same white man would vote for him to be his leader? No! So.. Were you calling Obama the worst president ever, and felt bush and even Trump is better?
If the Klan had to pick, would they have enforced Obama?
Only one poster told the truth. He said you white assholes are lowering the property values of one another if you went black. That is just as your people do in neighborhoods regardless of the behaviors of the blacks in your area or income. You will have your white taxman lower values!
Even in porn we see your people's typical hatred of all other blacks. When a black man is with a white, it's daddy's worst nightmare..or the white woman is being "seeded."As if they are beasts seeding a human?
Here's the thing..?we can be killed unarmed and you assholes will come up with an excuse. It could be a civilian like Zimmerman and you come up with an excuse. We could clearly be defending ourselves nbut unable to use stand your ground laws like you can. You come up with excuses why the cops are always mostly white when shooting the black and excuse away the lack of black cops shooting white unarmed people.
You excuse away why you are the hiring agents in mostnjobs and when you are, few blacks are hired such as in fire departments across the country. You excuse away why black areas suddenly claim to have no money for liberal arts programs in schools regardless of the income of blacks in areas.
You excuse away " I'm an cheap hooker but I still hate blacks" comments all over the net.
You excuse away the Obama lynching images and dummies we saw for 8 years as free speech, but call the headless Trump "an outrage"
Your white cops will openly show who they are on Facebook sex groups that are white..but make fake accounts to arrest the slightest infraction making person where black people are.
You see your race feels your shit doesn't stink. This is why you can call your war efforts in other lands,fighting for freedom, and not occupying other people's land. This will s why you feel you have the right to tell other countries if they can have a nuke or not yet YOU are the only ones to ever use one!
You people are vile. And if f we are going to call a people aggressive, how the hell aren't YOU King of it?!
I'm sure he feels better now.
First it isn't just African Americans, it's Africans in general, who are major problems. I am always keen to meet execptions, and when I do, they are lovely people, but they are far in the minority (no pun intended).
Sadly about 80% of the black folks who contact me are either impoverished, unable to speak proper English, come off as very sketchy or are simply nasty over the phone.
This percentage changes dramatically with the older the caller is. If they are in their 50's, they are usually fine, unless they are not fully employed, in which case,they simply can't afford it.
If it is a student, I will ask where they attend and what is their GPA. Eight times out of ten it is actually a trade school (like they are too stupid or dishonest to tell the difference) and most of those times they have failed out and aren't working, or it is for their family and when questioned further, they sound utterly unreliable and sketchy. In the rare instances where they are really enrolled in University, their GPA is always nearly failing. Sorry, sketch-boy, no es Bueno, ya dig?
Ditto for people who claim to be in education or psychology and are working in after school programs, recreational departments and halfway houses. Translation: I have no money, no education, no goals and I didn't have what it takes to be thug, so I am limping along, pretending to work. No es Bueno.
I have been stabbed, robbed, kidnapped, raped and verbally abused thankfully only a handful of times, but it was always black guys.
70% of all violent crime is committed by 3.3% of the population in America. That's right, black males under 40. These are National Crime Statistics extrapolated by FBI findings (they put the figure at the 14% of the population who are black, but my figure is adjusted to exclude women and men over 40.)
I am afraid with real world empirical evidence and crime stats like these, it is simple logic if women won't see any black guys. To put it mildly, you've worn out your welcome. Stop pointing fingers, stop breeding indiscriminately, marry the women who father your children and raise them to be civilized, and we'll talk. I'm out.
the culture in most of the African nations is one of extreme sexism and machismo. Added to that, many African national males are more like peacocks and dont really work. This is part of their culture, perhaps a relic of colonialism, I am not sure. But they are skechy and aggressive and don't have money or are super cheap, in my experience. They certainly have earned a reputation for it, both here and abroad. I think of myself as deserving of a gentleman and won't tolerate any other sort of treatment, so they don't get past my screening. Usually it all ends when I ask what they do for a living and they get pissed off...hey, due, I get it, you like to hang out in the cafe all day with your buddies, smoking and playing backgammon, while your wife does all the slaving, or you have some part time work that is extremely low pay because you consider yourself too good for labour so no one wants to hire you, well...notes Bueno, game over, my friend.
Does the average black man spend almost 3x as much on prostitutes than other men?