Budgeting & Restraint
Whether I'm going to the sc, gambling or making any purchase, I budget. I tend to set a limit on how much I'm planning on spending. Made the mistake of bringing the plastic along and will never do that again. I hope. Anybody else with a budgeting system or approach? Does it depend on time of year, bonuses, raises, etc?
I have walked out with as much as $400 and walked out with an empty wallet.
One should bufget hobby spending bc we never know when bad times will come - job loss / forced early retirement.
I put tip money, usually ones in one pocket. I put dance and beer money in the other pocket, usually $20s for VIP dances and $10s for lap dances. I also try to spend so that I have the exact price of the dance available so I don't have to ask for change.
Don't use a credit card in the club. It is too easy for you to overspend and also too easy to loose track of what you spent and reconcile it with tab you are presented. Also, although the charges don't usually show up on your statement as a strip club, they often show up as an odd place, often a bar or restaurant that doesn't exist, or an odd corporation like Acme Enterprises. If someone else looks at your credit card statement these can be as hard to explain as charges to a strip club. Best to leave the credit card at home or in the car.
Don't use the ATM in the club. The charges range from high to exorbitant. Leave the ATM card at home or in the car.
If you can get away with it, get a streamlined wallet and only take in your driver's license or other ID, and your cash. Think with your head.
So it's all cash for me now. The other factor is the cops used CC receipts to track down people to talk to when they were busting Rick's and co locally. None of them got in any trouble - cops were just trying to bag the owners - but why take a risk for no reward?
As for specific budget, I did set aside $10k for my trip last fall, but that turned out to me more than I needed. I was way under budget going into Reno, but a visit to the Mustang Ranch and Bunny Ranch got me very close to the limit. So a budget worked against me that time. Now I'll just trust my hard won knowledge of what's a good deal in the scene and what ain't and have fun.
I *have* always been a saver though – so if I don’t have the money for something I want (vs. something I need) – I just won’t get it.
I pretty much know when I can spend and when I should hold back and not spend.
But when I SC, I want to leave satisfied. I don’t want to leave feeling I wish I could have done x or y (x or y being something or a particular dancer). I sometimes say to myself, what if I die tomorrow and didn’t get to enjoy myself today when I could’ve?
I have a ballpark figure of what I would like to spend in a SC visit but will spend more than that if I am having a good time. I will often go past my ballpark amount if I am having a good time and have used credit cards in the past but sparingly (I just tap or hit my savings accnt extra hard).
When I overspend – then I just cut back on my SC visits for a while.
I am also not married nor have children which allows me to be a little more loose w.r.t. my financial activities. I also often tend to cut back on other things (e.g. eating out; etc) when I go on my SC binges.