$50 Man
Detroit strip clubs
I was sitting and chatting with a couple strippers last week, and one of them pointed out a man at the bar and said, "That's the $50 man." The gentleman in question was wearing a nice suit and looked distinguished and prosperous, and so I asked why they called him the $50 man. They told me he had been coming to the club for 5 years and had never spent more than $50 on a dancer. They were not impressed.
It's interesting to get insight into how others see things. We customers classify dancers as to attractiveness (a 5 or a 9 or a 10) and services they provide. Dancers care primarily about how much we spend, and must classify us on a dollar scale.
I must be a $300 to $400 man.
How would dancers classify you?
It's interesting to get insight into how others see things. We customers classify dancers as to attractiveness (a 5 or a 9 or a 10) and services they provide. Dancers care primarily about how much we spend, and must classify us on a dollar scale.
I must be a $300 to $400 man.
How would dancers classify you?
Don't know, don't care. Nor do I care what the waitress at Denny's thinks of me.
All I care about is 1. Is she hot? and 2. Does she give a good lap dance?
Anything other than that is irrelevant.
I am now a semi-regular at my favorite club and I have a few dancers that I go in just to meet. Honestly not sure how they would classify me. If they give me what I am seeking, conversation (not just want a dance?) and the dance is good for both of us, then I reward them with a tip. I always tip and sometimes I go a little overboard tipping on stage just to prove a point.
Last I saw you, they'd classify me wet! :)
They all know how much I spend on my ATF because they know how much time we spend in the VIP. But they also know if they try to invade her territory they probably will end up in the river.
The Groper - Likes to cop a cheep feel of dancers asses as they are passing by
Dr. Gyno - Cant take his eyes off of a dancers vagina when she's on stage
BBOS = Big Bag of Shit - pretty self explanatory
The Prince - Spends a shitload of money when he comes in but will only let dancers who kiss his ass hang with him
The Bum - Dresses like a homeless dude but always drops a grand or two when he's in the club
The Princess - Drops a ton of dough in the club but is very effeminate (that think he's gay but I think it just an act)
Mr Grant - This guy comes to the club with a stack of $50s and only tips the girls with them while he's there.
Ass Breath - This guy drops around a grand on the girls when he come in but apparently his breath is vile and the girls really struggle to ignore it while he's there
The WOT = Waste of Time - According to the girls this guys a douche bag who makes promises of big returns on small financial investments has been known to mooch off of the girl to pay his bar tab so he is treated like a pariah.
Mr Bubbles - This guy always orders a couple bottles of champagne and always has a party at his table with several girls laughing and having a good time the whole time he's there
There were a bunch more some quite funny some not so much.
Lol. There must be one in every (nude) club.
At my favorite club there's a guy that dies that too. He takes girls for dances or to the VIP and all what he wants to do is put on his glasses and stare close up at their vajayjay.
I don’t get into too many convos w/ dancers but a couple have told me along the lines of what shadow said above – i.e. that they don’t expect every guy to spend like a whale and are content and appreciative of the guys that spend modestly but consistently.
That is exactly my M.O. also!!!
Another way that I can be viewed is as "The Prince" above. As stated, he "Spends a shitload of money when he comes in but will only let dancers who kiss his ass hang with him." I don't really think of it as me needing them to kiss my ass; I think of it as them needing to be new and different about how they kiss my ass. :)
And if they don't, well fuck 'em.
My apologies to Mr. Poitier...
Nope them effectively calling you "nice" is not good. They want to get you a box (but not the box you want to be in) and then hang "nice" over. Come on, gotta give them a big tip. What I thought you were nice? Got to get all your dances from me? What? I thought you were nice? Got to cine into club in their demand. Got to return their texts. Got to help them a loan for a but if cash? No? What? Oh and here I thought you were nice!
Be very cautious of that one! Don't exactly disagree with it but don't let it get far. The old saying about Greeks bearing gifts and all.