Pariah of the club...

avatar for slick316
Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Girls talking to other girls about you and eventually you are the loser of the club?

The other day I go to a new club that I haven't been to before. I sat in the middle of the place so I can observe all of the action. 10 minutes after sitting, a nice young lady joins me. We have a simple conversation and all seemed well. I take a drink from my beer, put the bottle down and she grabs my arm. She puts my arm close to her face, she's looking at my watch. She asks "Is it a Rolex?", I said "No, its an Omega." She lets go of my arm. A minute later she excused herself and left. I sat around for 45 minutes, watching dancers walk by me like I didn't exist. I went up on stage to tip, but received no acknowledgment from any of the ladies. Eventually, another young lady joins me. She immediately asks to see my watch. I was just going to get up and leave, this is getting dumb. But I show her my watch. She goes "That girl is so stupid, this is just as nice as a Rolex". I have no idea what she's talking about, so I ask her whats going on. She tells me how the first girl told all of the other girls that I have a fake Rolex on, and so I have no money and I'm just there to waste time. Seriously, what the hell? How is that a way to judge how much money someone has? And that's all it takes, one girl decides I'm a loser and the rest follow?

I'm convinced, no matter how much you pay a women, they're never going to act right.


last comment
avatar for StripReviewer
12 years ago
Hm, luckily I don't feel like a pariah where I go, and it's not like I dress up to impress or anything. That does sound messed up though.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Bitches be crazy. Strippers be crazier.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
Could be they were running some hustle on you to shame you into spending cash.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
At times I may visit a club dressed like a bum. However I may be dressed I am always loaded with a wad of cash. If I enter a club when I am dressed scruffily I will slyly let a waitress or bartender see the wad when I pay for my first drink.

The SC grapevine can just as easily spread the news of a new wad of cash in the club as it can spread the perception you are a brokeass bum.
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
Great hustle, left with all the cash I came with. Pretty much, the more I go to SC's, the less I like them. I'm only 31, but I feel like the oldest fucker in the club at times.

Honestly, it shouldn't be that hard to get me to spend all the money I came with.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
I have a fake Rolex. I have worn it to more than one strip club. I also have a real Rolex, which I wear to more formal events. I wouldn't be stupid enough to bring it to a strip club. So I guess they were looking for someone rich and stupid.
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
I've never had anyone ever notice my watches. This is the first time, and it was an odd experience.
avatar for StripReviewer
12 years ago
Damn, I'm 31 and I always know I'm not the oldest dude there.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
She just wanted to steal your watch
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Next time sport a sundial. Strippers love sundials.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Believe me, they look at more than your watch,they also check out your shoes,shirt, bling,even what kind of car you pulled up in.If you fit the bill they will only tell two or three of their cohorts,if you don't you will be broadcast like a storm warning to all. Even knew one girl who knew enough to look for the sweeping second hand on a rolex.

Reminds me of a show on tv about carnival workers in the 30's. If the guy at the entrance gate saw a wad of cash he would give the guy a friendly pat on the to let other carnies know about it,hence the term"Mark".
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
farmer Art is correct just them a wad of cash & things will change very quickly
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
In my younger days, I made myself into the club pariah one night, on my very first Kansas road trip. I went to Juicers, which is now Allstars in Lawrence, Kansas, and I made some comments to one of the dancers which were, in retrospect, totally stupid. The thing was, though, they were OK with the friend I was with. I would tip, and then they would ignore me, even as they would talk to my friend. Eventually, I got pissed off and just went to the car and waited for my friend. That's one club I never went back to, which is too bad, because that's the one club in Lawrence that's easy to find.

This was the only real exception. Most of the time when they ignore me, they seem to ignore everyone else.
avatar for big_d_2011
12 years ago
Sometimes I go in dressed up in nice slacks and a button up shirt after work and other times I go in wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I have found a few regulars, so they don't care what I wear because they know I will always tip them well as long as they treat me right.

I went in one time wearing relaxed athletic clothes and a dancer I had my eye on and made contact with stood right by me for about a minute just checking me out and then she walked on. I got up and left with all of my money a few minutes later. I returned after work about a week later dressed up and she tried to come over and chat with me. I had on my nice watch, shoes etc... I told her politely no thanks and waited for my regulars. Maybe I am a prick, but if you don't give me the time of day because I may not be dressed to your specifications even after I tip, make eye contact etc... then I will black-list you. Plenty of other girls that will be willing to earn my money.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"She tells me how the first girl told all of the other girls that I have a fake Rolex on, and so I have no money and I'm just there to waste time"

You never know how the mind of someone works.

I try to show my cash also to a server.

But being rejected because of a supposedly fake watch. That's a new one for me to hear about.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
It sucks knowing that the possible fate of your visit lies in the hands of one stupud diva dancer with a big mouth.
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
I go to this place often and was known as a regular with the staff and ladies. But new management and new staff means I'm nobody again. Hard to start over and be the "new" guy again, hate having to prove that I can spend money.

Going back today, mid afternoon visit. We'll see how that goes.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I quit regularly going to clubs when I was 35. I guess the scene got old. Plus my ATF "Sara" wasn't there anymore, and it just wasn't the same.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Thanks for reminding me why I left! Been contemplating a visit again.
avatar for sinclair
12 years ago
I wonder what dancers think of guys who don't wear watches? For the younger generation, their cell phone is their watch.
avatar for ime
12 years ago
^^^that's true i never wear a watch, even though I have some reasonably nice ones that sit in their boxes.
avatar for big_d_2011
12 years ago
90% of the time I do not wear my watch. I own a very nice (well in my mind nice Seiko) and I have a timex used for working out. I just don't like wearing them inside the club. I have worn both inside before, the Timex on accident after grabbing the wrong watch once I got out of the shower. My stage tipping has produced better results than what watch I wear. Of course sometimes it does not matter what you tip, they are going straight back to their regulars. I understand it though because I am a regular to a few girls and they come to me even if I don't tip on stage.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I need to get a pocket watch. That way, if a dancer wants to gossip about my watch, at least she gotta search for it.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I was a regular visitor to a club outside Chicago a few years back. On a typical visit, I'd buy 3 $20 lap dances and tip a bit at the stage. One day it seemed that the girls were avoiding me even tho I was seated near the stage in the middle of the floor. I commented about this on TUSCL and a dancer answered. She said they all knew I'd just be spending $60 and they were looking for more. I stopped going there soon after.
avatar for magicrat
12 years ago most of the clubs I go to, $60 these days is probably considered a big spender!
avatar for mayberrywell
12 years ago
Stop the stupidity, go to the bar get a drink , flash the wad-o-money. Sit down and wait for the feeding frenzy.
See no stupid shit !
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
I don't flash my money for all to see. But what I normally do is tip the waitress/bartender well and tip well on stage. I like to keep a good rep with the staff. Not having to pay for cover or getting drinks at lower prices and often times, getting way better service is a perk for me. It used to be that I would go into my favorite club, one of the waitresses would approach me, drink in hand, and then would sit with me and tell me about the girls on shift that night. If I expressed interest in any of them, 5 minutes later, they'd be at my table. That's called service. Now I sit there hoping that someone notices me, and when they do, I have to someone convince this person that I would spend some money on them. The new management at this place sucks.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
Magic rat, you are right. The irony is that the same club now offers "VIP Room " packages of 5 songs for guessed it .... $60. Unfortunately I don't work near there any more.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Op that's a terrible thing for a stripper to say. Yiu should have humiliated her for being so cynical like that. Guess this proves the worse of women. Now that I think back on it. I was a pariah because I denied the fisrt dancer that approaced me. But I denied her because she didn't fit my preference. Women dont know how to work these days unfortunately.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
flashing a wad of cash works on me. both sets of lips get full and moist, and i can't wait to take whatever protrusion you point in my direction deep inside me, all the time thinking about how that wad is soon going to be in my itty bitty stripper purse...
avatar for EarlTee
12 years ago
I wear a fake Rolex to go with their fake tits.
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
Wow, this isn't going well. I'm sitting in the club right now. As soon as I sat down, a dancer sits down next to me. She was good looking, slightly chubby but I like that. She introduces herself and then immediately asks me what I drive. I tell her and she says "I don't think I can drive something flashy like that. Wouldn't want all that attention." Not even sure what to think of this. She kept saying crap like that though. I'd tell her where I live and she'd criticize me. Christ almighty. I was glad when she left. It's been 30 minutes since I've been sitting here and I still don't have a drink. This is lame. But I'm stupid enough to put up with it for a little longer. I'm eyeing some talent as I type this.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I often club alone; as probably most regular SCers.

I will often sit quietly by the bar and have at times been told by dancers that I look mad.

I’m kind of a worrywart and if I am sitting by myself w/ little interaction; I may start thinking about things I gotta do or that are on my mind/worrying-me; and thus I may exhibit a serious face that may be taken by others as me being mad (when I’m really just thinking or worrying about something).

Thus sometimes dancers will not approach me b/c of this. This is usually remedied by:

1) a dancer finally approaching me and me getting multiple dances from them

2) I approach a dancer and ask her and get multiple dances from her

This usually has the effect that the other dancers notice I am there to play and spend – they especially notice if there are not too many patrons getting LDs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Dancers care about $$$ (as we all know).

Actions speak louder than words as the saying goes.

Once you get a couple of dances from a dancer; the others will notice you spending and will want their cut.

There is probably nothing that will piss of a dancer more than not making any $$$ or seeing another making $$$ while she is not. If dancers notice you getting dances and then subsequently sitting alone – you’d probably be approached more.

You may also have to be proactive and approach a dancer you are interested in order to let the hos know you are no chump and are there to play/spend (you may need to do this even if approaching the dancers is not your M.O.).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
If all else fails – you may just need to change clubs.

There are definitely differences b/w clubs in terms of vibe and dancer/staff treatment IME.

Some clubs just seemed to be poisoned from top to bottom (from ownership/management down to the dancers and even below).

It starts at the top IMO – if the owners/management treat the dancers very badly; this will definitely often filter down to the treatment one gets from the dancers and staff.

If this is the case; try to find another club.
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
Definitely need to change clubs. I was there for an hour and a half. Paid $5 to get in, $10 for a drink with tip (not even sure why I tipped since it took 30 minutes to get it).
There were 5 other people in there, 4 dancers, 1 bartender/waitress, and 4 other staff members not including the lady at the door.
The one girl with "talent" was being monopolized by one guy. Hopefully she got him to spend money on her after I left because the entire time I was there, they didn't leave the bar.
Another girl looked like an older, out of shape, Maggie Gyllenhaal to me (droopy face and everything else). The 3rd dancer reminded me of the 90s. I think it was the hair and her overall look. Then there was the annoying chick. I would have tried a dance from her since I was so bored, but she never came around to me again. A few of the other guys left before I did since no one came up to them either (we all tipped on stage at some point too).
It was definitely poorly ran. Left with $310 in my pocket.
There is another club that I like to go to in the evenings, but its been going down hill also. I might just give it a shot today also, if it sucks it will just be another club to add to my "Fuck that place" list.
I should also point out that it was $10 lap dance day at this club, once I found that out I knew if I did get dances, they'd probably suck.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Often times daytime shift sucks in many SCs and there is little to choose from. So if the dancers suck (in a bad way), you are SOL.

The only times I’ve personally seen some descent dayshifts has been at the larger more upscale SCs (e.g. Baby Dolls Dallas).

If you can’t find a descent SC experience; might as well save your $$$ and perhaps take a weekend trip to a better area or better-known/well-reviewed clubs – my 2 cents.

avatar for slick316
12 years ago
I go to Dallas sometimes, so that helps with my SC fix. It would just be nice to find a good local place. Or maybe I'm just too picky? Hopefully tonight goes better.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Imagine what they are saying about what you are saying right now.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
" And that's all it takes, one girl decides I'm a loser and the rest follow?"

Sadly, as you've found out....yes.
And on the opposite side of that is the one girl in the club that decides that you are "hers" and clam-jams you from getting any other dancer attention.

Ya can't win.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I think one time everyone thought I was an undercover officer of some type. Every dancer was leaving me alone. I even had a couple dancers come over and ask me. I said no.

A couple of times I saw only new dancers in a club and after I said no to the first two, all others stayed away for over an hour or two. One asked me if I ever got dances in the club. I said a lot of times. She said she thought I never got dances. I wondered why she thought that. Maybe it was something she heard.

I do remember visiting a club at the beach and I don't know why but it seemed like every single girl in the club thought she had to ask me for a dance. There must have been over a hundred girls working. Maybe I said something that made them think I had money. I was sitting alone while most guys were sitting in groups. I noticed some guys didn't hardly ever get any dancers approaching their table. I was wondering what was up with that? I might like that on occasion but after 2 or 3 hours of it, I like to just watch the girls on stage. If you are a regular at a club, usually I do not get all that attention.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
"Clam-Jam", I like that. I often get that dancer that wants to claim you as hers. It Ain't so bad when when she's banging but when they're fugly...back away from the Kid.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
It's a typical hard-sell technique to try to make the buyer feel like the seller's doing them a favor.

Dancers have the rule of thumb that older guys have more green.

My SC life is made much simpler by the fact that I'm only looking for good lap dances, not company. If you're not top money it helps to be fast money, especially when the dancer thinks there's other money waiting.

I find it helpful to politely approach and tell unoccupied dancers I'm interested in that I'd like a dance whenever they're ready to give me one.
avatar for slick316
12 years ago
Just got back from a different club. Much better experience. The place was a little slow, but that didn't mean the service sucked or the ladies were uninterested.
Got some dances, they were good. Not the best I ever had, but the girl was definitely trying to make it a fun time for both of us. I think I just need to visit this place more often and become a regular. That might help me get better mileage with the ladies.
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
Slick, it appears we're from the same part of the country. I agree with lowpaw about the "clam-jam." I hate being pigeon-holed as somebody's regular. In fact, I've made it a point to explicitly tell girls I frequently see that I'm nobody's regular. They all are cool about that, which is why I continue to see them. I even have one dancer who actually looks for other talent that she thinks I will like, since she claims she knows my preferences. I think she overestimates her knowledge of my preferences, but it's OK. I like having a "wingman" in the club, especially when it's another dancer. I've never been made into a pariah based on my accessories (I don't wear a watch) or for any reason actually. And I HATE flashing my money because I know what happens is that you get hounded nonstop. I would rather sit back and wait for a girl I am into comes around. Of course, because I'm fairly known in my favorite club as a good spender, and because I've gotten dances from a number of the girls, I am rarely left alone when I come in.
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