Joined Dec, 2010
Last Seen Mar, 2014

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what to do when dancer doesnt do what you payed her to do?I thought most dancers wouldnt do an extra without getting payed first?

what to do when dancer doesnt do what you payed her to do?I asked a dancer if she would give me bareback head and she said yes and named her price. I put the money in…

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If You Only Had Enough Cash for........Option A. Ill take one good time out over 2 mediocre ones

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Why?The word Envy comes too mind. Women like money, men like good looking women. An older well-off man with a young beautiful…

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When was the last time you saw a really hot girl away from a strip club?It was at a shoe store, a few weeks ago. I tried my luck, without success

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negotiate before?If you plan on getting anything other than dances and conversation in the vip room you definately, always negotiate what you want AND a…


Passions Men's Club
3921 Downman Rd
New Orleans, LA 70126Whenever i visit new orleans i usually visit this club(atleast once)*wink*. You can park by the road or on the side or back…

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big booty puerto rican strip club?Shadowcat; the name of the dancer would be good, the name of the club would be better

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big booty puerto rican strip club?@nickifree, because i did not include the word "only". The club can have as many diffirent kind of women as they want, as…

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big booty puerto rican strip club?Govickings and slick your both more than welcome too come, and who's papi

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OTC girls - Do you like to concentrate on one or branch and try different ones.Top notch is in the eyes of the beholder. In response too the topic, yes i definately like too see diffirent dancers, not only…

big booty puerto rican strip club?Anyone know strip clubs where thick puerto ricans work? Any area or location. I mean thick like "scarlett"

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bouncersLol naw that has never happened too me, but it would probobly make me feel like a big man if it dude. You…

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how much should i tip dancer too stay by me most of the night?Funny that someone who refers too himself as fag would comment

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how much should i tip dancer too stay by me most of the night?Sounds like a plan, thanks juice

how much should i tip dancer too stay by me most of the night?Its a regular club in Atlanta, I just want her too sit and talk with me most of the night, how would I go…