
Say no to....Lapdances (and drugs)

So, I'm sure you've ALL been down that road. Some chick, either she's not hot, she's a newbie, you've had a bad experience with her before, or she presses you for VIP when you don't want one. How do you handle it. Usually for me, I see the dancer approaching me, and assess the situation. For me, generally she's not hot enough because as far as I see, these days, I get good contact so the problems simply lies within the physical features. So I immediately whip out the phone and pretend like there's something interesting happening there. Generally that never works because bitches are persistent. They start talking, whether its striking up a conversation or just straight up saying hi following with "vannadaunce". My respeonse is generally "not right now", "come back later", "I'm just chilling for now" ecetera ecetera. Generally I'm making up excuses under the sun without out right saying now. I'm too nice to tell her she's ugly or she's too flat or whatever. I don't want problems, I don't want her getting all loud because I called her ugly or said she smells. Even when I give myself a mantra saying "i'm gonna straight up say no", I wound up just being nice and making up an excuse why I can't get a take one right that moment, then next moment a hottie appears and she sees me grinding on her. So how do you handle saying no to a hottie. Do you lie, do you be gentle, are you straight up telling bitches nope? What's your story.


  • steve229
    12 years ago

    Try the all purpose "I'm waiting for someone...

    Even if It's your first time in a club, don't consider it lying - you are waiting for someone...better, different, cuter, hotter, thinner, etc.

  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Most of the dancers know this a business. They understand they will get no's and you might get a dance with the next girl who rolls up. There are dancers who won't come to you because they don't like how you dress or look or think you won't spend enough cash on them. I wouldn't spend too much time over thinking it. I just say no thanks if I don't want a dance with them. If I don't want her to come back, I don't want give her an excuse by saying 'come back later'.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Of course, I think we've all been in the exact same situation and probably handled it the same way. Trying to be nice.

    And we all hear dancers complaining because customers are always lying. And why don't they just say they don't want a dance instead of leading me on? But if you tell them flat out they get hurt. Or so we think.

    In any case, my first advice would be this:

    Don't take the route that every freakin' teenage (and older) girl on the planet takes, and that is pretending she's dealing with super important stuff on her cellphone so she doesn't have to face anything that might make her uncomfortable.

    Secondly, I'm not sure there's any sure-fire response to make her go away, while not hurting her feelings, or just getting yourself in deeper. If you tell her you're waiting for someone, yeah, it might work, but usually they want to know who, and do you want me to call her for you, and "well, while you're waiting I can give you a fun dance". It turns into a game of how fast you can think of dumb responses.

    I think the best option might be something like this, which has worked for me in the past: "Yeah, tonight I'm kind of looking around for a black (or fill in the blanks) dancer". Nobody in particular, you just prefer black dancers. Nothing against you, I just like black chicks.

    The "while you're waiting I'll give you a dance" response becomes useless, because she now knows you just ain't into her, you want some chocolate hunny. And the "who is she" goes away, cause there ain't anyone in particular you're looking for.

    And it might even get you an ally to let the black dancers know there's a guy over there with a big boner for black chicks, you should stop by.

    Certainly not foolproof, but it seems to work okay.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "If you tell her you're waiting for someone, yeah, it might work, but usually they want to know who,"

    If she asks who I'm waiting for, I say I don't know her name, but she looks like Kate Upton. Then usually she says something like, "I don't know anyone like that here."

    On the other hand, if she says, "Oh, I know who you mean, I'll go get her for you!" well, then I just scored!
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    I usually go with the "just chilling" or "I wanna check out all the other girls maybe later". If she comes back around again I just say "still not ready" and then I get the dances with the chic I like and leave after I'm done with VIP
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    "No thanks" if I know I never want a dance from her. "Maybe later" if I think maybe in the future.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    One of these will usually work. LOL.

    2.I've decided to wait
    3.I'll let you know later
    4.How about a movie instead?
    5.I'm not ready
    6.It's getting late
    7.I want my first time to be special
    8.You're crazy
    9.I want to be loved, not make love
    10.I don't do sex
    11.I don't love you
    12.I have to go now
    13.You're just using me
    14.Rub my back instead
    15.I can't support a child
    16.I'm scared
    17.This isn't what I had in mind
    18.Not until we're married
    19.I know your reputation!
    20.Let's stop seeing each other for a while
    21.If you loved me, you wouldn't ask
    22.School comes before sex
    23.We might get caught
    24.Is that all you think about?
    25.I'm allergic to sex
    26.You'll tell everyone
    27.I have a sunburn
    28.It's not worth it.
    29.Let me think about it
    30.I'm waiting for the right person
    31.It's against my religion
    32.My parents would kill me
    33.Let's get something to eat
    34.I just want to be friends
    35.I said "no" and I mean it!
    36.We're too young
    37.Don't ask me to make this choice
    38.I don't feel comfortable
    39.Sex can be more trouble than it's worth
    40.With all these diseases going around?
    41.Not everybody's doing it - I'm not
    42.I just got my hair done
    43.I don't like kids
    44.I don't sleep around
    45.Don't make me laugh
    46.I think I hear my dad
    47.We can find other ways to express our love
    48.If I do, you'll leave me
    49.I've got homework
    50.My parents are waiting up
    51.If we do it now, it could ruin it later
    52.I don't know you well enough
    53.I just want to hold you
    54.I want you to leave
    55.I'd rather watch the game
    56.Have you thought about consequences?
    57.I think my mother's calling
    58.I don't want to
    59.People will think I'm "easy"
    60.Go away
    61.I don't know who else you've slept with
    62.I want to break up until you can wait
    63.Maybe later
    64.I love you too much to have sex
    65.I'll find my own way to the door
    66.Love isn't just about sex
    67.It's not what I want to do
    68.My favorite show's on now
    69.I thought you were different
    70.I quit last week
    71.The coach said not to
    72.I want to stay a virgin
    73.I have to go to the bathroom
    74.It's past my curfew
    75.It's against my values
    76.I'm too busy
    77.I don't want to have kids now
    78.Ask me again in 5 years
    79.I want to have a career
    80.You ignore me any other time
    81.I don't want to get pregnant
    82.Thanks anyway
    83.I'm not ready to commit
    84.Let's ask my parents
    85.We won't respect each other
    86.I have to get up early
    87.I'm not sure you're the right person
    88.Not tonight
    89.I don't want that kind of pressure
    90.My friends will be here any minute
    91.I don't want our relationship to be just about sex
    92.Let's wait
    93.I'm not looking for this
    94.I need more time
    95.It might ruin our friendship
    96.I want to stop now
    97.Please respect my wishes
    98.I'm afraid of HIV
    99.I love someone else
    100.I'd be sorry later
    101.I want to know you better
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    LOL Shadow - again a classic!
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    paraphrase bro, paraphrase. half of that shit sounds like it just doesn't belong in the club
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    I agree with rh48hr.

    Estafador- Not all of us are bitches. Some are, but not all
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Number 60 from shadowcat.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    Clearly some one copied and pasted from a abstinence website. cough shadowcat cough grumble, sorry allergies. Now I am not singling anyone out but if you dont site your sources thats plagiarism and my special lady friend will have to tell the vice principal.

    I have a friend she is in her early thirties and she carries around a pamphlet from the late 80's early 90's that is one of those you shouldnt date older people kind of things. It is hilarious being in my thirties and seeing just how much the culture has changed since it was printed.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    @smokeshopejoe I have no idea what your talking about.

    I remember when one chick rolled up on me. I gave curt quick responses to her statements and when she asked for a dance I looked around her. Sje asked what I was doing and I said "no thanks, your ass is flat." She had a pretty appauled face when I said that and seemed like she wanted to say something but huffed and walked away. I think I pissed her off (and confused her) pretty bad. Must have been one of those "does this make my butt look big" kind of chicks. Talk about awkward
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I am not going to behave like you Estafador, or like jerikson40 or jester214 or Dougster. LOL
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    It's possible to be truthful without being rude. "No, thank you" works in the vast majority of cases, even if not the very first time.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    LOL shadow.

    @Estafador: Just look her in the eye and say, "No thank you." 49 times out of 50, that is enough to make her walk away.
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