fuckin smart phones

avatar for Maverick100
I just spent about 50 minutes typing (actually hunt and peck method) a "brilliant" review of my local club (no 5 orange in Vancouver) only to have a "Microsoft Moment" delete the entire fucking effort. Am I the only 50 something spazzbob guy to have this problem or have other fellow members had this shit happen to them. I don't want to sound like a dinosaur but at least with carbon paper u had a fuckin copy of what you typed. No need to cut, copy, paste, back, delete, pray, suck dick, WTF hope that ur fuckin message would survive an electronic fart before u could post the fuckin thing...

The previous moment is lost, now I'm just a bitter soul.


last comment
Yes and I feel the same goddamn way lol
thx juice, nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this pain of mod cons making my life "easier".
avatar for HB13
12 years ago
That's why I do a review on a laptop. So much easier to copy / paste, save on another file and post the entire thing once you're ready.
I write my reviews on a computer but yes, I've "lost" some long discussion thread comments. I'm not really sure what happens.
I've lost a few just using my desk top. Now when I anticipate that it is going to be a lengthy post, I type it on word pad first.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

You got the 70+ year old crowd covered, I have the 60+, so maybe Maverick100 can cover the 50+ group, and we can all agree that computers are both a Godsend and a curse!
avatar for smokeshopjoe
12 years ago
I still have my phone from 2006 sure it is held together with twine but it works and no one in their right mind is going to steal it. Also I do the same as SC even on the phone if it is soooooo smart it should have a word processor and a copy and paste feature.
I make my contributions via MacBook or iPad. Shadowcat is right--it's smart to write lengthy articles or reviews in some sort of word processing format first.
avatar for steve229
12 years ago

Those smart phone keyboards are entirely too small for anything but a short message...

One of the reasons I like google voice is I can 'text" from a laptop/desktop

Ducking goddamn smart ass phones !!!!
Agree with several posters that long reviews should go into a word processor program, then copied to the website as the final step.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Use MS Word with a VERY short autosave on a computer, not a phone. This isn't hard to figure out.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
I have some reviews I need to type, but as you all have said, smartphones are not the best platform for writing essays.

As HB13 said, a computer word program is the best platform, even though I have "Word" on my smartphone.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I've had this happen on my smartphone a few times. the irritation is infuriating. as I write tjis now on my phone I hope it doesn't go poofed
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Get a Droid. Had a friend with a Microsoft phone, spent most of his time rebooting the fucker by pulling the battery out of the back.
Normally I would have used some word processing program for a more lenghty review, alcohol probably didn't help either...Thaks for the replies.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I would not recommend composing documents DRUNK!
My phone's got a rotary dial and no display. Pain in the ass to enter text.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Are people really doing reviews on their phone now?
Smartphones is an oxymoron

Just as is Smartstrippers
avatar for HB13
12 years ago
Forgot to mention: If you're writing Shakespeare on your phone, just use one of those "voice to text" features. Just make sure you enunciate properly and do one sentence at a time.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago

damn dsmrtphone
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