
Adding a Club

Overe three or four months now, I have tried to add several (maybe six in all) new clubs on here - all in Europe since that is where I live. But so far not one of them has actually appeared. This means that I cannot leave the reviews which I want to leave. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there anything I can do about it?


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    The only thing I can suggest is sending Founder a PM asking "what's up?"
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Over the last year I have twice tried to add clubs to tuscl's data banks. Nada - which was too bad because in one of those clubs I had a grand time and would have done a pretty spicy review. I have visited four other clubs which don't appear on tuscl's lists and have not even bothered to submit those clubs' names to tuscl. These clubs were all in western Canada.

    James1557, what we are seeing here is the Amero-centric nature of tuscl. Non-American tusclers like you and I make up a very tiny fraction of tuscl contributors. tuscl is an American site. The sad truth is that most Americans do not travel outside of their own country and have little interest in anything that is not American.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I have interest in things that are not American Art. But don't travel by Air any longer. And I haven't been outside of the country.

    Get the Founder to allow foreign clubs. I'll read about them.

    Don't lump me in with the isolationist.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Little harsh Farmerart and also ignoring several factors as to why Americans don't leave this country as much as in other places.

    That said, I personally would like to see info about any foreign clubs. I do travel outside of my country.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    I submitted info on a new club last month and it took about 3 weeks to appear maybe a month? It was the Pink Slipper in New Mexico and I noticed someone else had another new club added for NM, the Land of Enchantment but not a hotbed of Strip Clubs.

    The delay may have something to do with founder wanting or needing to verify club details and I would imagine that would be more difficult for European or foreign clubs?
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Art: Where's to go? Terrorist shitholes, poverty stricken shitholes, totalitarian shitholes, socialist shitholes?

    Canada and England are nice places to visit, but who wants to actually *live* in a place that doesn't recognize that human rights are inherent rather than granted by government?

    Yanking the old chain, dude.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    As was I, georg.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    PM founder.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    This is MERICA! dont you know canadia is just our kid brother with nothing more than our hand me downs there cant be anything of value up there, Except fries with gravy, a highway to Alaska, and hockey. Many of them are even under the delusion that the capital isnt Toronto, what is wrong with their schools. As for that little COUNTRY named Europe it isnt even on the list plus We here In MERICA KNOW there isnt anything worth value back there,We came from there and we have evolved better than them. And thats why this site is countriest and proud of it. YeeeHa, God bless us all, and God bless MERICA!

    To be fair you have legal prostitution in many european countries so why waste you time at the strip clubs. I know I wouldnt. Good luck
    Yes I know the capitol of canada is Ottawa. I love screwing with Canadians about that only to say thats why their team is called the senators. Nearly got punched by a guy from the Kronos Quartet for that gag once.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    I have had the same problem trying to add new clubs. Send a message to founder and it will get added.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    It must be who you know. LOL. Last night I filled out an update club details form to show a club closed. This morning it shows the club closed.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Same experience for me, shadowcat. Twice I have passed on info about closed clubs and that info is acted upon immediately but I can get no attention when I send info about a new club for tuscl.

    Go figure.

    I have given up on that particular tuscl feature.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    @shadowcat & @farmerart...

    detail updates get posted very rapidly IME as well. But that's probably because founder only has to edit an existing club entry in the database.

    A club reopening also seems to take effect very quickly because founder can recycle the old entry. Closed clubs are still in the database.

    Actually adding a club seems to take forever. This thread isn't the first on this topic. My guess is it is just more involved in setting up a new database entry and odds are founder has to filter out spam request for new clubs as well.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    mjx01 - I am sure that you are correct.
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