Video leaked of Romney talking to fundraiser about how to win the election. Nothing to damning. I actually like the fact i get to hear Romney talk honestly about things. He's always so egar to please, you have no idea what he really wants.…That said. I'm still voting for Johnson.
last commentHonesty is practically non-existent in American politics.
On the question of religion there are 2 religious groups whose members I will NEVER vote for
Muslims: Islam is a religion that came from a schizophrenic nut bag, sure it starts nice and then he gets KILL happy. He talked not to god no no no but the the arch angle Gabriel during fits (seizures)
Mormons: They wear MAGIC UNDERWEAR! I shit you not. That religion was started by a guy who just wanted to fuck more women (to which I can respect). But the belief that if you are a good mormon man you get a magic planet where you will be a god when you die and women can only come along if their husband pulls them along. They will mary dead people so they can get the magic planet. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Caffeinated beverages, doomsday stockpiles, the belief that you are black because god is punishing you( they dont officially hold to this one any more but it isnt too uncommon of a thing to here when you get them one on one.)
My past experience with mormons is watch your fucking back around them that thump sound might just be you getting thrown under the bus.
At I love how all these feminists spoke at the DNR....meanwhile they can forgive a president that gets head from an intern. Hypocrites!!!!!
If you love your strippers, then vote for Romney. Some left wing loon will be sure to oust clubs altogether in the near future.
Gatorfan you crack me up!
Republicans want government out of how you run businesses but want it in your bedrooms.
Democrats want government out of you bedrooms but into your business.
I want a strong party that will stay out of your fucking business...bedroom or corporate!
The problem with government is that it stops serving the people and starts serving itself. I think it will take a major revolution to change things because both parties are out for power and themselves, not for us...the people.
Good luck making your choice, my American tuscl buddies.
The GOP should be ashamed for nominating such a poor candidate. If they wanted a Mormon the other one was far more qualified and somebody I could vote for. I could even stomach Santorum and his cocky mouth. I can't tolerate a clueless flip flopping piece of shit like romney though. My biggest decision will be can I vote for a disaster like Obama or should I waste my vote on someone else? Stupid GOP.
My perception is tha Obama has promised a lot and delivered little, is that right? Much like Cameron over here, promises everything to get in power, doesn't deliver and panders to the coalition party.
If you took the time to read Romney's "off the record" comments at the fundraiser he was absolutely correct. He said that 47% of the people in this country are dependent on government checks to survive. At least 47% of the people do not pay any taxes. Who do you think those people are going to vote for. The 47% figure will continue to grow as long as Obama continues to increase the number of people getting government aid. In my opinion., the Republican party will NEVER win another National election because of this huge, and growing, base of support. Because of unemployment benefits, undeserved welfare recipients, disability recipients who are not really disabled,etc. the incentive to work and provide for oneself and family is quickly disappearing. Unfortunately I do not see this changing in my lifetime. My only hope is that they keep the strip clubs open.
"I'm very liberal, perhaps not a particularly well-liked position amongst many of our TUSCL people"
Well, cranky middle-aged white guys are the GOP base after all, lol
Are you suggesting that the entire 47% of voters who don't pay taxes or receive government assistance are all democrats who vote for obama? That is patently ridiculous. If that is the case Obama should win in a landslide from people with jobs or wealthy who happen to be democrats or independents voting for him. Come on.
There are lots of "Republicans" receiving government assistance of some kind.
Hell, if were dependent on the government for my food (food stamps), housing (govt. housing, aid), cell phone (govt. issuedcell phones), etc. I am sure that I would vote Democratic. The simple point that Romney (and myself) were trying to make is that there is NOTHING he can say to get this block of voters to vote for him. If the use of the 47% figure was confusing, I apologize. That was not he point of my comment.
And for the record, I am not a fan of Romney. I detest he positions on social issues and will probably vote Libertarian, as I often do.
I do consider my self a cranky, old, White guy and have personally met about 10 other TUSCL guys who fit that description. However, most, if not all of them, are VERY liberal on social issues. Yes, we are quite conservative on fiscal issues and are concerned about excessive government spending. But most of the guys I have met are very liberal on social issues(abortion, religion, recreational drugs, prostitution, strip cubs, etc.) I suspect most of us would be thrown out of a Republican meeting if we attended and made our opinions known.
So, feel fre to call us "cranky old men" (White or Black), but please don't lump all of us in with the Republican party.
How bout voting Charles Barkley for prez
That said, the anti-liberal stance here has always puzzled me. Everybody here is fairly liberal socially -we all want the gov't out of our bedrooms. What party wants in? Does anybody really think federal spending would really drop significantly under Romney?If you do I've got a bridge in NYC I'd like to sell you. I predict that Romney will keep spending,lower taxes, and might but into our lives more on social issues. He ain't gonna be no libertarian.
The 47% number is BS. It is income tax. But there are other taxes. The CBO says the lower 20% in the income distribution has a negative income tax rate (consistent with 47% not paying) but a positive overall tax rate. The actual number of "no federal tax payers" is more like 10%. Are there mooches in the US? Of course. But this 47% line of Romney's is just BS. He has to be smart enough to know federal income tax Is not the only federal tax. So he is just lying (more accurately, telling a half truth to intentionally mislead).
I'll hold my nose and vote for Obama - he sucks but Romney is going to be much worse.
Really? Generally speaking, a majority of the regular posters are (IMHO) older, white, and have above average incomes. Doesn't that = textbook Republican?
I think it's a huge misconception that either the Conservative or Republican label means anti-strip club.
John 8:7
Ill be voting for Romney.
Romney was a weak candidate, but the GOP was lacking in good ones and anyone with any sense could see Obama would be a tough guy to oust. Republicans are still reeling from Bush and (Romney was correct about this) a lot of people don't want to admit they were wrong about Obama. The serious Republican candidates sat this one out and will duke it out for 2016. Unless something changes drastically I fully suspect a Republican president when Obama's done.
But in reality it's all academic. Until our government decides to reign in spending and start reducing the deficit, it really doesn't matter who is in charge.
If I vote, and I'm not sure I will, it will probably be for Romney but only because Obama has been an even bigger disappointment than I thought he would.
The stupidness from a few on this site makes me cringe
Maybe you need a third party that can offer the people a real alternative to the Democrats and Republicans? We def need a third party over here to break the monopoly of Labour and Conservatives. I have always voted before but as things stand I will NEVER vote again over here.
jester214: please vote.....we need you!
To all the Obama fans.....we gave him a chance and he failed. Let us not go through four more years of his failed policies. Let's give Romney a try and at the very least get this economy back on track. Putting social issues aside, which are all decided on the state level anyway, who do you honestly think has a better business sense and can pull us out of these very difficult economic times? C'mon people come to your senses!
Also your drinking yerba mate or that robobos tea, cause it's Seattle and weathers always crappy.
Seattle weather has been good lately. Its been a pretty amazing summer here. Come November though, weather will suck again
It wouldn't be funny if a fireman voted for an arsonist. A policeman voted for a guy with a felony rap sheet three pages long. It certainly wouldn't be funny if a stripper voted for a Mormon, considering that stripper claims to have information about Mormonism that she can't reveal(maybe that mormons in secret love strip clubs, drug abuse, wanton sexual activity and wouldn't condemn or try to abolish that way of life), we just have to trust a stripper. (LOL!)
Sorry baby, but your thin skin is either funny or stupid. You choose. In light of our exchange, I already have LMAO. I can tell you're a last word kinda gal too, so go ahead, I'm done here lol
Sorry Chip, but an eye roll doesnt equal thin skin, or maybe you just dont get women. You can make fun all you want but I'm keeping my religious history to myself.
The stupidness from a few on this site makes me cringe
Bin Laden was killed in Obama's term. The country isn't worse now than it was 4 years ago when Bush left it. I'll admit Obama hasn't lived up to all his promises, but he deserves another chance. This would be a different story if there was a stronger Republican candidate. Obama might be bad, but Romney is that much worse. It's gonna be Obama in a landslide.
So, I'm voting a third party because the two in power are irresponsible.
Wait, libertarian? third party? I just realized you guys have been talking about GARY Johnson
All this time I thought you were voting for DICK Johnson.
Obama awaits his 72 virgins. Romney hides his 72 wives.
All I want out of life is 72 blow jobs next year.
I find it incredible that there are still those that are "undecided"! Do they remain locked in a cave somewhere with no input, at all, to their senses?
Personally, I've been set on Johnson for a month or two now. His policies and record I agree with. And Romney will win Texas by about 800,000 to 900,000, votes anyway. No exaggeration.
Alucard - which Lyndon? I may have. It's an old proverb and I just feel uncomfortable about Romney's changing positions. He did do well in the debates and it did make me feel better if he wins.
Poor guy, he's been running for President for so very long...