Why? Because he had an event the other day with Bruce Springsteen and Katy Perry. And because his wife was on TV and she seemed nice. And he was on Leno and made a funny joke. And Romney's hair looks too fake.
That's the kind of shit that US voters think is important.
I think Mit will win, but it doesn't matter. Its not like my life is going to change any because of what wanker is in the White House. Well, unless Mit runs the country like he did Bain, then I might have to move to China to keep working.
Gonna display your superior "non-ignorance" by actually saying anything concrete Clubber, or just gonna make vague allusions to it, but not say anything people can actually pin you down over?
The tight race is a media creation? Are you fucking kidding me? The media is so fucking biased and clueless and have been protecting their guy for the past 6 years. Where is the media re Benghazi? Staten Island? Name one thing obama has accomplished in the past 4 years? Record breaking deficit, record breaking debt, socialized medicine, more people on welfare, greater unemployment...should I go on? This country is suffering and we can't afford 4 more years of his BS!
To keep it SC relevent, did you ever notice the more democratic the state the more strict the SC laws? I'm actually surprised Obama doesn't have a Sandra Fluke protesting at all the strip clubs. Michelle O watches what our kids eat, Bloomberg banning the size of what we eat, enough already! I want to make decisions for myself and my family and don't want the govt to tell me what to do! I'm surprised any of you SC goers would vote for Obama. He's a disgrace.
"Name one thing obama has accomplished in the past 4 years?"
Stock market was tanking we he came into office, now it is way up. Treasuries are way up too (and I don't think I need to remind anyone here which of our members said to short them).
Now I don't like Dodd-Frank, and all Obama's tax shit, but saying he did "nothing" is not exactly fair and balanced is it?
You're right, Obama did do something, he repealed "Don't ask, don't tell". I won't give him credit for bin Laden either. He didn't support any of the interrogating that led us to finding him. Then he has the balls to dump his body in the sea so we won't offend anyone? Enough political correctness and bowing down to our enemies!
Although the stock market is up, it has NOTHING to do with Obama and means nothing to the millions of Americans who are out of work. Obama has CRUSHED the middle class. That is a fact!
Instead of Obama going back to Chicago to play basketball today, he should go to Staten Island and help all those people in need. You say fair and balanced?? If any republican had done what Obama has done to this country it would be plastered all over the front page of the paper. It's disgusting! Enough playing the blame game.....he had 4 years to make a difference and said himself if he couldn't do it he'd be out. Goodbye President Obama. Your time as campaigner-in-chief is over!!!!
Ok, bjag, what is your take on why the stock market is way up since Obama took office? If it has "nothing" to do with Obama, what does it have to do with?
@bjag625: A prediction should not be considered an indication of support. It is just the ability to see things as they are not necessarily how we want them to be.
The market is up because of the shell game called Quantitative Easing round 1, 2, and 3. also because of Operation Twist. All these are considered "Nuclear Options" for sustaining the American Stock Market
@Dougster: Traders manipulate the market any way they want.
@Estafador: Do you want to be poor or do you want to get a decent job and make decent money? More money=more lappers. The decision will NOT be yours under an Obama administration.
The media has been stumping for the Obamanation for 5 years and covering for his atrocities. Fast and furious and the latest Bengazi. Nixon was a crook and covered up breaking and entering but at least he did not murder anyone. Obama is a cold blooded murderer either by neglect or intent.
If you don't think it will effect you wait until electric rates triple when he closes all the coal fired power plants as he has promised to do by 2016, your job is gone because your boss can't pay the taxes that have quadrupled or Holder's NAZIs are at your door to arrest you for owning a pistol that holds more than 5 shots or a semi auto trap shotgun. [Please be aware that Holder has proposed this a a nationwide regulation with jail penalties behind it and he plans to use treasury and IRS agents to enforce to get around search and seazure amendments and laws]
And YES I am one of those rednecks that clings to God and Guns. But no I am not under educated. I am highly educated and am smart enough to know that anything from Chicago or Washington DC cannot be good. The second amendment is there to allow the people of the USA to defend themselves from the government that the founding fathers KNEW would eventually turn against its own people as all governments have done sice the beginning of history.
Giving Obama credit for the market rebound off of an almost 40% drop in the market does not make a lot of sense. That's the same as Obama saying gas prices are higher because the economy is doing better.
@Che: I think you should be looking at CPI or related metrics for a better idea of the dollar's losses impact on purchasing power (people don't just buy gold jewelry and consume raw crude oil, they also eat, for instance). If you want to look at the dollar's performance relative to other currencies the have a look at the dollar index. The dollar is certainly down since Obama took office, but not by 50% relative to more practical metrics.
Steve: oh, I was there at the time. Obama certainly was involved in the rebound. Recapitalization of banks, public/private partnership, saving GM, stress tests, stimulus, tax cuts, uptick rules. Not saying all these had a practical impact on the economy but they were enough to generate a massive multi-year short squeeze - sometimes talk an weak actions is all the market needs and Obama understood that. He also let Bernanke play his games. Those guys definitely know how the markets work.
Understand, but under the same leader, the market dropped almost 80% and then increased 200%.
I believe that while Obama spent two years on health care and the other two years campaigning, the market rebounded. If it was all his policies, we would see greater GDP growth, more jobs created, faster housing recovery.
I agree he hasn't done much for the real economy, but my claim was only regarding the stock market. He knows how to play that. Would the economy have rebounded the same under McCain? Probably, McCain was pretty blue as far a republicans so I think he would have done almost all the same thing. Romney I think would have shorted the market and let it go... :-)
Are you kidding me? I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole. Oh, not because I don't know what I'm talking about. Because if I type anything at all, there will be somebody that will take offense, disputes my "facts", jump all over my ass. No thanks. If I want to stir the pot and get all kinds of uninformed "analysis", I could walk into the nearest corner bar and ask them. Same cacophony of vitriol and bitterness. If Obama wins, which Republican will win the race to the microphone to announce that he will single-handedly halt the Obama agenda in its tracks?
Unfortunately, I think Obama will win and continue to lead the country toward financial collapse. He will win because of two things, in my opinion.
First, he will get almost 100% of the union, Black, and freeloader vote. All of these groups see him as their meal ticket and will support him regardless of Obama's ability (or lack thereof).
The second reason for Romney losing will be totally a result of the right wing faction of the Republican party. While the social issues (i.e. abortion, Gay rights, religion in schools) have absolutely no relation to electing a President, this group of Republicans will continue to pound it down our throats. I am firmly convinced that NO Republican will ever again win a National office as long as the party continues to focus on these (non) issues.
For the record, I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate.
Never said the world will end but I believe the USA will be less free and we will all be poorer the cronies will be richer.
Please be advised that I take these positions at the extreme views to make a point and to see who bites.
I respect and listen to a logical argument with facts to back it up. "Moral Imperatives" and feelings don't cut it. One man's morality is another man's belly laugh. Leave the charity to the churches.
In this forum I have heard contributors diatribe about how all strippers are prositutes and some how they are above them. I got news for y'all, if you go to a club you 'ain't no better' than that girl you are paying to to sit your lap.
I do know I am not better off than I was four years ago and that goes for almost everyone I know. We are working more hours and taking home less. Which means less clubbing money.
I won't say who I voted for, but I'll tell you something funny. I was talking to a stripper today, and she asked me, " Who's the guy who's running against Obama?' Remember, that stripper's vote counts just as much as yours.
President Obama by 3-4 points but either way I still have to make more money. But Romney does seem like an asshole though and that has nothing to do with being rich hell I'm trying to get rich so I can afford to have a Republican in office.
WOW, I say we should now take bets on how long before Israel and Iran get into it. And how America will just sit this one out. Honestly this four more years of captain limpwrists doesnt shock me there are way too many people who think socialism is a good thing. Also I concur with snowtime personally I am super fucking socially liberal but super fucking financially conservative which puts me at odds with all of the anti abortion god loving fucktards but it also puts me at odds with all the gimmie gimmie freeloading fucktards too.
Franklin Pierce for President.
Why? Because he had an event the other day with Bruce Springsteen and Katy Perry. And because his wife was on TV and she seemed nice. And he was on Leno and made a funny joke. And Romney's hair looks too fake.
That's the kind of shit that US voters think is important.
Internet shorthand for "I don't know shit, but I still want to seem superior to everyone without exposing the fact I'm an idiot"
To keep it SC relevent, did you ever notice the more democratic the state the more strict the SC laws? I'm actually surprised Obama doesn't have a Sandra Fluke protesting at all the strip clubs. Michelle O watches what our kids eat, Bloomberg banning the size of what we eat, enough already! I want to make decisions for myself and my family and don't want the govt to tell me what to do! I'm surprised any of you SC goers would vote for Obama. He's a disgrace.
Stock market was tanking we he came into office, now it is way up. Treasuries are way up too (and I don't think I need to remind anyone here which of our members said to short them).
Now I don't like Dodd-Frank, and all Obama's tax shit, but saying he did "nothing" is not exactly fair and balanced is it?
Although the stock market is up, it has NOTHING to do with Obama and means nothing to the millions of Americans who are out of work. Obama has CRUSHED the middle class. That is a fact!
Instead of Obama going back to Chicago to play basketball today, he should go to Staten Island and help all those people in need. You say fair and balanced?? If any republican had done what Obama has done to this country it would be plastered all over the front page of the paper. It's disgusting! Enough playing the blame game.....he had 4 years to make a difference and said himself if he couldn't do it he'd be out. Goodbye President Obama. Your time as campaigner-in-chief is over!!!!
@Dougster: Traders manipulate the market any way they want.
@Estafador: Do you want to be poor or do you want to get a decent job and make decent money? More money=more lappers. The decision will NOT be yours under an Obama administration.
If you don't think it will effect you wait until electric rates triple when he closes all the coal fired power plants as he has promised to do by 2016, your job is gone because your boss can't pay the taxes that have quadrupled or Holder's NAZIs are at your door to arrest you for owning a pistol that holds more than 5 shots or a semi auto trap shotgun. [Please be aware that Holder has proposed this a a nationwide regulation with jail penalties behind it and he plans to use treasury and IRS agents to enforce to get around search and seazure amendments and laws]
And YES I am one of those rednecks that clings to God and Guns. But no I am not under educated. I am highly educated and am smart enough to know that anything from Chicago or Washington DC cannot be good. The second amendment is there to allow the people of the USA to defend themselves from the government that the founding fathers KNEW would eventually turn against its own people as all governments have done sice the beginning of history.
"Uncle Sam" dressed in Red, White, & Blue holding a sign that read VOTE FOR GOD.
I guess I missed his name on my ballot.
I believe that while Obama spent two years on health care and the other two years campaigning, the market rebounded. If it was all his policies, we would see greater GDP growth, more jobs created, faster housing recovery.
But reading the first couple of comments let me know I may have been mistaken with respect to the nature of the thread :)
First, he will get almost 100% of the union, Black, and freeloader vote. All of these groups see him as their meal ticket and will support him regardless of Obama's ability (or lack thereof).
The second reason for Romney losing will be totally a result of the right wing faction of the Republican party. While the social issues (i.e. abortion, Gay rights, religion in schools) have absolutely no relation to electing a President, this group of Republicans will continue to pound it down our throats. I am firmly convinced that NO Republican will ever again win a National office as long as the party continues to focus on these (non) issues.
For the record, I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate.
Please be advised that I take these positions at the extreme views to make a point and to see who bites.
I respect and listen to a logical argument with facts to back it up. "Moral Imperatives" and feelings don't cut it. One man's morality is another man's belly laugh. Leave the charity to the churches.
In this forum I have heard contributors diatribe about how all strippers are prositutes and some how they are above them. I got news for y'all, if you go to a club you 'ain't no better' than that girl you are paying to to sit your lap.
I do know I am not better off than I was four years ago and that goes for almost everyone I know. We are working more hours and taking home less. Which means less clubbing money.
Seriously, I voted for me. I couldn't possibly be worse than Romney or Obama.
Lone_wolf is dead on. "This supposed tight race is a media creation." The media want motive the base for their golden boy.
Either way, we the people lose.
word is she has had a lot of surgery. Look at a picture of her from 2002. I think she was better then than now.