avatar for cnyknight
Holy Shit ...

Was at a club/bar that I have gone to before. It is definitely a dive but in a good area, not dirty, and the customers are local country types, not thugs.

Was there a couple of hours, but something was telling me not to go VIP.

Sitting at the bar, every door in the place gets kicked in. State Police, ATF, Dogs ...

I was searched along with my car, questioned, and let go after they run my license for arrests.

Needless to say, I'm glad I didn't go VIP when this all went down.

Wondering if anyone else has been in this situation?
Is this an eventual right of passage for a hobbyist?
What happened if anything afterwords?


last comment
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
Whoa! This is interesting. @cnyknight...did you give them permission to search your car? Why would they be interested in that if you were in the club? Did the guys in VIP at the time get arrested?

Any girls arrested? Did they threaten you with arrest if you didn't agree to a car search? I 'm just curious man, I've never been in this kind of situation.

I know some clubs that have been raided when I wasn't there though, and they typically play it cool for a few weeks or longer until the heat goes down. Unless they get busted with serious shit, then maybe they have some real problems to deal with.

For example a club in central MN got busted for promoting prostitution and the county didn't renew their liquor license AND they passed some pretty stiff ordinances designed to completely stop strip clubs from being able to operate. No nudity, no touching, no alcohol...its hard to keep going as a strip club like that.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
12 years ago
Experimental is right to ask whether you gave permission to search your car. If the police had a warrant that permitted the search of any persons found in the club (assuming it was based on the requisite PC and properly issued) then searching your person was probably not a violation of the 4th amendment -- but it is doubtful the warrant would extend to the cars in the parking lot. It is always difficult to stand up to a guy with a nightstick, and if you've nothing to hide, often easier to allow the search, but that does not mean you should abandon your constitutional rights in every case.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago

I've been lucky. 3 times I have missed raids by only 1 day. Not sure what I would do if the cops caught me in a state of passion with a dancer.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I've never been in a raid, but some of my dancer friends have told me their experiences. They say the girls all cry and some get hauled off to jail, but the next day everything is back to normal.
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
To answer a few questions -

Yes I gave permission to search my car, A lot of the people there were being jerks and it wasn't going well for them, so I figured the best thing to do was to play it cool and cooperate. It was a rental anyways and I truly had nothing to hide. I'm thinking there were drug related issues because there were at least 3 dogs going though and around everything.

I do not think any customers were in VIP at the time this went down.

I think some of the dancers and regs had warrants already. I over heard the cop say that to the owner in the corner, and I saw a few of each get driven off.

I've been in clubs were 1 or 2 cops walked in for little b/s underage shit but never a full on raid like this.

We always talking about std's as a risk with extras, but this experience has me thinking what would of happened if I was in VIP at the time "in a state of passion" as pablo put it.

avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Not sure if you did this already, but you might want to put in a review that warns guys this happened at this particular club. Sounds like the place has some issues going on right now, and it might be a good idea to stay away for a while. Usually this shit happens when someone in the town complains, so it's quite possible someone has an axe to grind with the club. I'd sure as hell stay away.
avatar for bjag625
12 years ago
Being in VIP in and of itself is no cause for arrest or am i missing something?
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"Being in VIP in and of itself is no cause for arrest or am i missing something?"

Yeah, they'd need some sort of proof that you were doing something illegal. Unless they just wanted to hassle you.

If they happened to see you two agreeing to, and exchanging money for sex, then yeah, you could be in trouble. But if she's riding you and you have your pee-pee in her ya-ya, and the club had cameras recording it, they'd have to get a warrant, I suppose, to review the video to get some evidence you were being naughty. Unless there was some local ordinance against having sex in a private room in a commercial establishment or something.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
I have been in a few clubs that have been raided, nothing unfortunate occured to me, and I got great VIP experience later as the gal was desperate by that point for cash. :)
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
It happens when it happens. I would say sooner or later it will happen to a lot of us, as long as you aren't committing crimes, you should be OK. Pigs are pigs are pigs.
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
Yeah I was at one where the owner was being busted for drugs but they left everyone else alone so the club just kept going on.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Seem like it's best to stay away from vm!

Note to self...

vm who??? :)
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I was in a club in Philly a couple years ago sitting at the bar with a dancers when the cops came in all the doors and shut off the music and turned on the lights. They made everyone stay exactly where they were including the girl on the stage ( they would not let her retrieve her top). They questioned everyone in the place and check ID's on all the dancers and some of the patrons. No one was allowed to leave or even go to the bathroom. Kind of put a damper on the evening. They took one of the girls outside to talk to her. Turns out they were looking for her exboyfriend and rousted the club for fun.
avatar for smokeshopjoe
12 years ago
For all of those I have nothing to hide types please take note of the last line in tiredtravlers post. Cops are dicks, just like frat boys sure individually they can be nice but get them in a group and they start to do shit like this. They are group of petty people. They also have a near limitless budget to do investigations. How much did that raid cost the city and for what? To make sure a place where people go out of the purview of other people go to get some jollies isnt letting those jollies get out of hand? Or like in the last case just to try to find someone's ex?
Couldn't just send one guy in no lets raid the place. If a cop ever asks can I search ... The correct response is I am sorry officer, But I do not consent to any searches of my person or possessions. Then you Ask Am I being detained or am I free to go? At this point if it takes more than "a reasonable amount of time" and they find nothing then you have grounds for an unlawful detainment case. The other very important thing to say if they respond you ARE being detained and ARE NOT free to go is,"I am sorry i dont feel comfortable answering any questions with out legal counsel present to advise on my rights." At this point time they are legally obligated to stop asking you questions with out legal counsel, However they will almost always keep asking you questions stick to your guns. If you got nothing to hide then FUCK THEM MAKE THEM WASTE THEIR TIME TO FIND NOTHING!
A small piece of advice to anybody who knows kids teach them early cops are not your friends they are the largest street gang and only go to them, when you find your self in a position when you wish you could go ask Don Corleone for a favor, because someday they may comeback to you and ask you to do something small for them.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Pigs are pigs.
avatar for elvis2
12 years ago
Quite a few years I was in "MONS VENUS" in Tampa. Hot summer afternoon, I was watching the dancers, when in walked 2 masked men, pistols drawn. Well, Mons does { at at least did ] not have any windows to speak of, and no back door that was easy to get to.No where to go. So I quickly decided best thing to do was memorize as much information as possible about the intruders, in case I lived. Both were white men,automatic pistols, black shoes, and had on black jackets [ it was summer ] > Then it hit me. The jackets were just like one I had. I worked as a reserve Sheriff's Officer a few counties away.The back of the jackets had 'POLICE OFFICER' on them, but I could not see that at the time. So instead of being shot, we were being raided by vice, I thought. Well, the manager , who was the girl at the door, walked up to the first officer, and said " What do you want, Jerry ?". Even with his mask on, she recognized him. That got him a little upset. He told her they were looking for [ insert dancer's name here ], and knew she was there. They checked all the girls, did not find the one they were looking for, and then left. No harm, no foul. But for about 15 seconds, I thought I was going to die right there in that place.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
About 10 years ago I was in the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus during a bust. 4 of them came in dressed like bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then headed for the couch room. It was not until the DJ announced that the couch room was temporily closed UFN, drinks were buy one get one free, that I realized that araid was in progress. The couch room was closed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Many customers left but I stayed. 50 dancers and customers got ticketed.

After the cops left, I met Angel. A cute petite thing in a pink dress like Tinkerbell. We went to the couch room. She asked "what are your rules?" I replied "I don't have any. What are yours?" She relied "I don't have any either". Do you know what was under that pink dress? NOTHING! She got my dick out and was stroking the hell out of him. I asked "Isn't your hand getting tired?" She responded "YES" and then her head went into my lap. She swolled and did not ask for a tip. All I could think of was, I just got a BJ in a club that was just raided by the cops.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Yep, you are a pig, txtittyfag.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I was on my way to a club once when I saw it get raided driving up to the club. I was glad I didn't leave earlier and just went to the other club in town.
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Pretty sure I've told this story before so will try to keep it somewhat brief. 10-12 years ago was at Mons Venus when the authorities were cracking down regarding the 6 foot rule. Saturday night and all of a sudden the music stops, lights go up, and girls scamper to the dressing room.

Several cops with the dark blue jackets with Police on the back start giving orders. The undercovers had football jerseys on (Bucanneers game next day up the street). Tell us we have to stay. After 1/2 hour or so we're allowed to leave and most, including me, wait in the parking lot.

Joe Redner showes up with his wife or girlfriend. Police march 3 girls and one customer out the front door in handcuffs and put them in squad cars. Then the club reopens. Interrupted the evening about an hour or so.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
before working in a new place i always check the relations with local law enforcement. police just have it in for some owners - sometimes with good reason. other places employ ex-cops as security, they usually don't have any trouble.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Never been in a club during a LE raid, and I hope I never will be. It seems that it would be best to just sit still & say NOTHING.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Been in a couple of raids. Customers might be asked for ID's but usually are just asked to remain seated until cops are "working". In one raid, no custy's were singled out, but in the other a guy was taken aside and issued a citation. Dancer later said it was because a mole was in VIP, and the guy had his dick out. Dancer who was dancing for him got a ticket for fondling his exposed tool. In both raids, police went to the dressing room with bomb-sniffing drug-sniffing dogs. (I wonder if dog flunks out of bomb school if it can enroll in drug school??)

These are "fish-in-a-barrel" exercises with a big display of strength and authority. And then they all stand around and joke while the top guys process the perps. Typical cop shit.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

I would bet those dogs were more interested in "cooter" sniffing. :)
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
They must have bugs
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