
Don't touch the dancers inappropriately.

Atlanta suburb
A bouncer at an adult nightclub is behind bars, charged in the Sept. 2 beating death of an unruly patron at a northeast Houston cabaret, according to the Harris County District Attorney's Office.

Octavio Junior Valencia, 23, faces a felony manslaughter charge in the death of Juan Hernandez, court records show. He was behing held Monday at the Harris County Jail under $30,000 bail.

The victim's friend, Omar Martinez, told Houston police that he, the victim and other friends visited Little Stiletto's Cabaret, 7708 Lyons St., on Sept. 2, according to a criminal affidavit filed Friday in the case.

Martinez told investigators that Hernandez was intoxicated at the strip club and was "touching the dancers inappropriately," the complaint states. Valencia, the nightclub's bouncer, asked Hernandez to leave but "he did not go when asked," according to the complaint.

Martinez told police that Valencia, who is about 6 foot 3 and weighs about 230 pounds, knocked Hernandez to the ground with his hand and kicked him in the stomach while he was on the floor, the complaint states. Hernandez is about 5 foot 6 inches tall, investigators said.

The friends left the club and drove Hernandez to a friend's home in La Porte, where he died, police said.

An autopsy at the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences determined that blunt force trauma lacerated the victim's liver, cutting it almost in half, according to the criminal complaint.

In an interview with Houston police, Valencia admitted to "being in a fight at the cabaret" and "striking the male with a closed fist in the face," knocking him to the ground. The defendant also told police that he kicked the patron once in the stomach while he was on the ground, according to the complaint.


  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Define don't
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    The dangers of getting drunk in a strip club. Inebriation is vulnerability. Better to be drunk around friends who will at most, write on your face with marker. Better yet, don't get drunk at all. The world preys on the drunkard.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    on the other hand slipping the bouncer a 20 and saying sorry would have also solved that problem. The bouncer is a dick. And in texas that means he is going to jail. I bet they have really fucking strong prison unions in texas as they will lock up anybody its like they get a stiffy from doing it.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    The Club management should have called the Police. End of Story!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    "I bet they have really fucking strong prison unions in texas as they will lock up anybody its like they get a stiffy from doing it."

    The bouncer DID kill someone...
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    yes the over zealous bouncer in this case yes he did kill somebody.
    My point about the prison unions it was a side note. texas has some of the most insanely strict guilt by association laws and use there of. If you want to see how cops really think watch the tv show the first 48 they film a fuck load of them in texas if you do watch it with this perspective. The cops often try to find evidence to fit their narrative. Sure they are objective until they hit their first lead then they are blinded by a fury to make t it stick.

    So if 3 of us were going to go to a texas strip club with the express purpose to pay for sex with strippers and everyone knew I was going to try to use drugs to gain the favor of strippers and one of the three of us got into a fight (even in the case of self defense) and some one died we would all be charged with capital murder in texas because of the assumed risk of my attempted commission of a crime.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Does the nip stand for nipple?
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Not enough info. If the guy reached in his pocket, while he was on the ground, it was just smart of the bouncer not to wait and see what he was going to pull out of it. But too much of a temper to be a bouncer if he doesn't think getting knocked to the ground is punishment enough for talking shit. If he wanted to punish the guy for the sake of the girls (and his tip-out), he should of just held the guy while the shot girl punched him in the nuts.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Joe, I think every state has "felony murder", meaning if you are involved in a felony or attempted felony, and someone gets murdered, you are guilty of felony murder, which is first degree if the felony was premeditated. But prostitution and giving a small amount of drugs to someone are normally misdemeanors, so TX would be unique if that could get you a murder beef.

    There are many kids in jail who jumped in a car with some friends or acquantances, and then the jury doesn't believe they didn't know what the group had planned.
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