No Strings Apollo
A new girlfriend
A torn ACL
A Boog Powell rookie card
A non-working IBM Selectric II
A 1967 Karman Ghia
An extra big toe
A loft in SoHo with leaky pipes
23 unpaid parking tickets
A desk full of uncashed alimony checks from MisterGuy
A torn ACL
No sense of direction
and most of all -- no regrets
Nicolette, 10inches
10inches, Nicolette
No Strings Apollo
A new girlfriend
A torn ACL
A Boog Powell rookie card
A non-working IBM Selectric II
A 1967 Karman Ghia
An extra big toe
A loft in SoHo with leaky pipes
23 unpaid parking tickets
A desk full of uncashed alimony checks from MisterGuy
A torn ACL
No sense of direction
and most of all -- no regrets
yoda for a language coach
a missing speech center in her brain
a language other than english for her primary
I was going to reply "WTF?" but I guess I have to change it to "WTFZ?