annoying or not... use of the word "boobies" by a dancer

avatar for cnyknight
I have noticed a trend in the different clubs ive been going to as i travel... im a relatively new clubber but have a few years now under my belt.

Strippers during lap dances using the word "boobies" usually right when they are putting them in my face or jiggling them around.

Im a boob guy... i love them big and natural... but i like them all

Has anyone else noticed this?

I think they are trying to be cute or funny... but i dont think its either... personally i find this kind of annoying. I know what they are, you dont need to use a middle school word to point it out.


last comment
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
I was recently at a club and a very chesty girl gave me a few lappers and she knew i was staring at her tits... she called me on it and said "your a boob man... ". I smiled and she said "how do u like my tits" while pulling her top down lower (it was only gogo there) but fuck i thought that was a hell lot more sexy
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Maybe I shouldn't wear the t-shirt that I have, that reads "Boobies make me smile".
avatar for Raincoat
12 years ago
I prefer the word "tits". A dancer that calls them boobies is probably all about the tease.
avatar for dtek
12 years ago
It's not (just) a stripper thing. Young women everywhere these days call their tits "boobies." There's a breast cancer awareness campaign going on called "Save the Boobies."
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
I agree, kind of childish ring to it.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
One dancer I always get a dance or two from does it every time. Sad thing is - she's 43.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
"Boobies" is probably the least offensive, least vulgar term in the vernacular to substitute for "breasts." As a skilled and seasoned boobologist, I find that dancers use that term, much more so than "boobs" or "tits" (knockers, hooters, funbags, etc.). It's just their way of being a little more civil when discussing specific body parts. I wouldn't think much of it. If you're a boob connoisseur, how they use their boobage, rather than how they talk about it(them) is what should matter to you.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I find it amusing and don't mind at all.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Tits, boobies, melons--these are all offensive, sexist terms. You should only the the proper word: hooters.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Really? Who gives a shit what they call them, as long as they let me play with them.

Seriously. I have more pressing concerns. Like pressing my face into them.
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Not my favorite term for them but doesn't bother me.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
I think "boobies" is kind of stupid. Sounds like a dumb blonde. Not all that sexy. But I also don't like the use of "the girls". Most of the time it comes when I am not expecting it and I think they are really talking about their daughters or something.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I don't care what a dancer calls her tits. It is the Woman BEHIND the breasts that is MOST important to me!!!
avatar for smokeshopjoe
12 years ago
Shadowcat man do i have a story about what happened to me when i wore a shirt like that!
So I routinely gave a 10% per booby discount, so much so that a coworker of mine gave me a boobies make me smile t shirt. now one day i am wearing it and this lady comes in and is looking for a particular type of screen which i later glean is for her meth pipe :( well unfortunately they are all mixed together so she says I will give you $20 if you can get me a hand full so I was going to round up $5 worth and give my self a $15 tip so I start going through them and she asks if she could help I say naah she then asks if she could go and come back later. Cool by me! She Blurts out good I got to go to fascinations(adult book store) and buy some lube! I say all right then 10 min later I am done 30 min later she comes back i hander the bag of screens she gives me the 20 she says i just spent 500 at the porn store shocked I say What did you get she retorts EVERYTHING! quickly fallowed by hey you want do do a 3way with me and my old man. Now she was pretty haggard and the dude that was sitting in the car didnt look to savory either so I pulled the No I cant I am the only one here and cant just lock up the store. She says well is there anything else I can do for you. I point to my shirt and say well boobies make me smile! She smiled and started to lift up her shirt I knew i wan in trouble when i realized those titties didnt move one bit and she wasnt wearing a bra. When the bottom of her shirt started to clear the bottom of her boobs I knew it wasnt good it was that puckered scared rippled skin over salad bowls type fake tits on a haggard meth whore. THOSE BOOBIES DID NOT MAKE ME SMILE THEY MADE ME CRINGE. But being a good little trooper I forced a smile and said good luck and gave myself a $20 tip for dealing with that. I am socked I wasn't fired from that store, i guess 8 cameras dont do you any good if no one watches them.

and to answer the question I dont give a shit what she says or calls them as long as I get to feel and suck on them!
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
it doesn't matter to me what they call them i'm not too picky
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I couldn't understand that story one bit.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
What a boobie
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Who cares they are awesome
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I refer to my own pair as "boobies" from time to time, so if a dancer uses that word it doesn't bother me a bit. Like many here have said- who cares what you call them as long as they are readily available for nibbling.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
It is still the woman behind them that is MOST important.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I don't mind if they call them boobies, even if it sounds juvenile. That's my current ATF's term for them, and she's all right by me.
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