
Work history of strippers. Valuable or not?

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:07 PM
Occasionally I run into a dancer that tells me it is her first night or first week. A nebie dancer is usually not a very good dancer. So when I meet one of thses new girls, I ask if it is her first night in this club or first night ever? I she says ever, I usually pass on any dances. If she says its is just her first time in this club, then I will asked where she worked before. What state, city or club. What ever she will tell me. But how valuable this is, is really up in the air. I have met dancers that at one time worked at the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus that are no longer doing what the Memphis club was infamous for. I have met dancers that have worked at the low mileage Atlanta Cheetah, that are now high mileage dancers at their new club. What are your experiences with this?


  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    In general I agree w/ you (SC) w.r.t. newbies. More often than not they tend to be timid IME. But of course, there are exceptions, and I have met them, as I am sure many other SCers have. Sometimes newbies know going in how the game is played, either from dancer friends, or they have been in the SC environment as a customer and seen how a successful dancer does it.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Always ask for 3 references
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    I have had lame dances from most new girls. I gues it takes a while for them to learn what type of dances will keep the guys coming back. I would, however, always check out a new girls stage behavior. It is rare, but often a wild one will be found, even if new.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    How new is NEW? A day, a week, a month.... 3 months? I had very accomplished Extras from a dancer who told me she had been dancing for just under 3 months.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    3 months is a long time in stripperville – I consider a newbie someone who has danced for less than a month. After one month, they should know the ropes and they are either with it or not.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    I've had good luck with newbies on getting extras cause they don't know any better or are willing to please more because they want to build up a regular list. Just go for the cheapest show and see how it flows with her is my best advice! :)
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    I've gotn dances form many a nubie. In my experiance newbies are timmed.
  • 59
    12 years ago
    I generally will decline the true newbie. They often haven't learned the ropes and follow the house rules by the book as opposed to emulating the other dancers. That being said I have had some limited success with a couple of raw rookies, as in never been in a strip club and 2nd day on the job. They sometimes will ask me what to do so I'll tell them "some girls will do this to me, others will do that, put your hand here, your mouth there...".
  • 59
    12 years ago
    I've mostly found the references helpful. Sometimes you'll find one who's at the new club because she wasn't with the program at the previous, higher mileage club. But I've had the experience where a girl will tell me she's not an extras girl but the girls at her previous club would do X, Y, and Z and that I should check it out sometime. Then within 20 minutes she's doing X with me at the new club. I've also found if you're familiar with the previous club and have some mutual friends it helps to build rapport and get you off to a faster start.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I will generally pass on a dancer who is new (within the first month). At one club where some extras are available, I passed on a girl who told me she was in her first week and wasn't comfortable taking her clothes off yey. But now almost 10 months later, she is one of the dancers who provide some additional fun at the club. I haven't had any dances with her yet, but will if I run into her now.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Lately I have been meeting brand-spankin'-new 18 & 19 year olds at a club I frequent. They are literally on their first or second day dancing. Each and every time I instantly lust after them, and I try and convince myself as we are walking toward the lapdance area that THIS will be the girl that will break the streak of awful dances from newbies. And I am horribly disappointed each time. And then the next week I repeat the whole damn scenario all over again. One of these days I just got to find at least ONE newbie that is worth a spin in the back room.
  • NotFromTX
    12 years ago
    Newbies are usually a minus. I had one who had been a waitress for a year and had practiced with her friends before starting. She was damn good. But most are not too good. Of course, I don't know if and inept "new" girl ever gets good later. And I still remember a tall, cute veteran girl in Dallas who stayed on for years and was always a crappy dancer one-on-one. She did well with her looks on new customers.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    never really had a new girl (I don't think so anyway) so can't really say whther had good or bad experiences withthem. But despite my assholish attitude I can't help but show on this site, I'm a pretty nkce guy and if I get a newbie, even if I expect it to be bad, ill let her get it on. Everyone needs experience and it doesn't help that noone gives the new chick a try. Gonna ask for a newbie nezt time I go to a strip club (probably during december)
    12 years ago
    In 20 years of going to SC I've only had 1 new dance turn out to be good. Similar to lopaw, I tell myself no everytime when I meet a brand new rookie dancer, but somehow I always want to test drive them. The one time it worked out, I meet this dancer, it was her very first day (afternoon shift) and I ended up being her first dance. We ended up doing about 10 dances and we went much further than she had probably planned. After that, every time I saw her in the club she always had to remind me that I was her very first lap dance and dances were always very good with her.
  • Dain
    12 years ago
    Valuable! Wooddr2 does it right. IMPRINTING is a biological fact. The earliest experiences imprint a pattern on our brain. Therefore, the way to treat a newbie is to go for the hottest "dance" possible. She will then always associate a hot dance with you. I've been highly successful this way: about ten girls are always ready to give me UHM because of the imprint that I created in their brains.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    AHHH Lowpaw you are just like my dog with a medical condition that has rendered him only able to eat liquid food he tries to eat every piece of solid food/scrap that hits the floor and every time he starts a vomit loop hoping that this time it will stay down. In a way I greatly admire the endless optimism, I think the lead up of the seductiveness of victory is what keeps him and you going back. Hell I too find myself plunking down on a newbie hoping that she will be the one who will just go for the gusto. But all too often it ends with $7-10 being exchanged and me saying good luck.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I've met my fair share of newbie dancers at one of the clubs I go to and almost without exception, they are disappointing. Then again, I think that club is generally disappointing, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Newbies are even disappointing at my favorite club, although I had one fantastic exception, because she was very oral the very first time I met her. Too bad she got fired eventually.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Am I hiring a stripper? resume?
  • magicrat
    12 years ago
    I second the idea of finding out where she has worked before. Thanks to this site, I asked that question of a new to me stripper and discovered that she had worked in a known high mileage club with which I was familiar..we knew some of the same dancers. I got an idea of what she was like, she got an idea of what I liked.... a definite win-win in the vip that day!
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I've had some excellent experiences with some that said they were newbies. Though I'm quite sure some of them were lying, so that angle must appeal to some people.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Strippers work? KIDDING!
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I'd rather get a dance from an experienced girl ready to quit and doesn't care about any of the club rules. Opposite of newbie.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Newbies? NO! But, if I encounter a girl in a western Canadian club who admits to working at Toronto's Cannonball Cabaret in the past, I will aggressively pursue OTC with that girl. Usually works out well for me.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Art, is that a story waiting to be told? Do strippers really travel the length of Canada like that?
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Most assuredly, georg, dancers move back and forth across Canada. It is very difficult for a Canadian dancer to work legally in USA clubs so they are likely to move across Canada if they want variety in their work. Alberta with its booming economy is particularly popular with out-of-province dancers even though it is an agency area and requires dancer licencing. The loonie/toonie toss is mega-bux for dancers in Alberta clubs. All but one of my Alberta OTC encounters has been with a dancer who learned the 'way of the world' in the Toronto area clubs. $10k weekends for 'willing' dancers are not uncommon in the boom town of Fort Macmurray. There are thousands of horny young guys with $150k-$200k/yr salaries in that god-forsaken hellhole.
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