
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 90)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Mobile...Leave it to Las Vegas!
    Here in Seattle, we have a lot of drive-up coffee stands with bikini baristas. Several very close to my house. I personally witnessed a traffic accident in front of one them a few months ago. I wouldn't be surprised if its cause was a distracted driver.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Buying Costumes for Dancers
    @gsv - I went to two stores, both owned together at one time: "Strings by Judith," in Orange, CA, and their previously co-owned store in Las Vegas, "Strings." Both are true "stripper stores." Costumes, shoes, and accessories for strippers are available. I offered to buy a particular dancer some costumes, and I asked her where she'd like to go. Strings by Judith was her choice, which is how I learned about stripper stores. Coincidentally, I happened to get friendly with a Las Vegas dancer whom I wanted to buy costumes for. She didn't know about Strings, there, but I already did. The Las Vegas girl also liked Fredericks of Hollywood lingerie for costumes, so I bought her a few from there (on line) as well. Someone else, above, mentioned that in any city you can probably find a "stripper store." If you're curious enough, just ask some dancers where they buy their costumes.
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    13 years ago
    Selling LDs/drinks?
    The selling ladies' drinks part is also a nuisance to me. See my thread on that subject: Annoying Strip Club Practices – Part 1: “Wanna Buy the Lady a Drink?”
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I don't have a Klingon story worth telling. I just have to say that I think this is the best thread I've ever read on TUSCL. So funny! Congrats to all of you above for the hilarious and witty contributions!
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    13 years ago
    Obligation to get LD?
    Sometimes I like to go on a "scouting mission," as I refer to it. That's when I know that no dancers I know will be at a particular club, and I go just to see who some of the others dancers are without being distracted by the dancers I know. I usually go with the intention of not getting dances, but If I see dancers I like, I will return another time. If they ask me for a dance, I might say something like, "I'm just here for a short visit today, but I'd like to come back another time, when I have more time. May I pleae have your schedule?"
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    13 years ago
    Compliments To rickdugan
    Art, TUSCL wasn't around 35 years ago, so you didn't miss anything.
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    13 years ago
    Updating My File Of Dancers' Telephone Numbers
    I follow GMD's system, and concur with his reasoning. I offer them my phone number, usually with a comments like, "you're welcome to call me to invite me to see you at the club." My difference with GMD's experience--I'd say I have a 90% success rate. Very few dancers have neglected to call or text me after getting my number. If they don't, they've lost my business.
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    13 years ago
    Is there any mileage available in the other 48 states?
    Gillydon mentioned the city of Industry, California. Some of that same stretch of clubs is in adjoing La Puente, CA. Five clubs are located within two miles on Valley Blvd. in Industry, and La Puente. A couple of other clubs are a half mile south of Valley Blvd. There may be demographic reasons for it. COI has very little population to begin with. Most of the few residents it has are immigrant and if they speak English, it's as a second language. Very little community objection from those people. Also, it's right in the middle of the 10 million-population Los Angeles metropolitan area. Perhaps it's the competition factor that contributes to the high mileage factor there. www.zbone.com lists over 100 strip clubs in Southern California.
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    13 years ago
    Updating My File Of Dancers' Telephone Numbers
    Somewhat related: I read a hilarious story several years ago about a dancer's "system" for dealing with all the customers' phone numbers she gets. Apparently, she saves every single customer's phone number that is given to her. And she saves that same piece of paper that it was given to her on. When she gets home, if she really wants to keep the number, she transfers it to her phone or address book. Whether or not she wants the phone number, she tosses the scrap of paper into a large vase, which she keeps in a prominent location in her apartment (kitchen counter, coffee table, display shelf, etc.). There is quite an assortment of types of paper these phone numbers are written on: The usual cocktail napkins, coasters, and business cards. Other miscellaneou scraps of paper, and in cases of desperation, a paper towel, and even some dollar bills! She refers to this vase as her "trophy."
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    13 years ago
    really subjective...
    Your question gets into the realm of "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Everyone sees that subject differently. There really is no way to categorize, characterize, or standardize that.
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    13 years ago
    Interesting Dancer Names?
    The subject of unusual dancer stage names comes up about every couple of months. Every time it does, I offer this link. It's a listing of maybe 1000 potential stripper stage names. Some are common girls' names. Some are traditional stripper names. Others are named for intimate body parts and bodily functions. I like the ones names after breasts, such as "Boobette," "Boobulosa," "Clevegia," "Nipplea," etc. Enjoy ! http://zbone.com/whazup/kaylacontest.htm
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    13 years ago
    dancers say economy is fine
    Here in the Puget Sound region, I'd say that the economy downturn hit here later than most of the U.S. By the spring of 2008, it was evident in the strip clubs, they weren't nearly as full of customers on Friday and Saturday nights. I've also noticed a lack of quality dancers since then, as if the better dancers were on to another line of work. (Also, a major event occurred here on June 2, 2008 that affected all strip clubs in the region, but there was a few months before that happened that the trend was apparent.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    dancers say economy is fine
    Here in the Puget Sound region, I'd say that the economy downturn hit here later than most of the U.S. By the spring of 2008, it was evident in the strip clubs, they weren't nearly as full of customers on Friday and Saturday nights. I've also noticed a lack of quality dancers since then, as if the better dancers were on to another line of work. (Also, a major event occurred here on June 2, 2008 that affected all strip clubs in the region, but there was a few months before that happened that the trend was apparent.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer talk.
    I prefer a minimum of conversation while the dance is going on. Save the conversation for when we're on the floor. I definitely don't care for anythin insincere, like compliments I know I don't deserve, or fake sound effects.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Suggestions to Founder to improve web site
    1. Restore the "discussion by club" section. 2. Provide guideline for submitting an article. Guidelines for submitting a review have been furnished, but I'm reluctant to risk spending the time drafting an article again, only to have it rejected. When I asked for a reason, or to have guidelines provided I got no response. 3. Answer the questions submitted to you. I have never received an answer to a question.
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    13 years ago
    OTC Activities
    I looked at "Policeman's" profile. He/she just joined TUSCL this month, and had to pay at least $5.99 (a single month's membership fee) just to post that comment! He/she/it has not written an article or a review, so that indicates that he/she had to buy a membership just to post that comment. The highest fee he/she might have paid is $79.99 for a lifetime membership. Even six bucks is a complete waste to me just to write something like that! Let's see if any more postings spew forth for him/her ! @rickdugan: I agree with you completely about lopaw's comments on this web site!
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    13 years ago
    Vegas During the Afternoon
    I concur with those that recommend Cheetahs. It has a big selection of girls, and draws a good amount of customers during the day. Several other have said the Olympic Gardens is good also in the daytime, although I haven't tried it during the day. My experience with the Rhino in the daytime has been bad. I've been in during the early afternoon, often before having to catch a flight back home, and encountered only six dancers on duty! A cleaning woman was vacuuming at the time.
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    13 years ago
    2011 PL of the year nomination
    In addition to what stripclubspy had to say, never intentionally overpay a dancer. A simple tip is all you need to be well-appreciated. And yes, you really fell for a scam. She got you hook, line, and sinker. Hope you're wise enough not to fall into this trap again.
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    13 years ago
    Question for Senior Clubbers
    It happened in Seattle. Not exactly as you are thinking. Dancers who were cited at a group of four now-closed clubs were given leniency, or immunity in prosecution if they agreed to cooperate with law enforcement. It was then the dancers' jobs to tell the cops which other dancers were giving extras. In a related situation, leading up to a simultaneous raid of those four clubs on June 1, 2008, an undercover officer (woman) got a job as a manager at one of those clubs.
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    13 years ago
    Pants for lap dances: What should guys wear for them-- and why?
    Generally jeans aren't a good choice because of the heavy seams they have--for either customers or dancers. I've had lap dances from dancers wearing jeans cutoffs, and I understand the problem. The person not wearing the jeans can get some heavy, unwanted abrasion from the seams in jeans. Secondly, I like to look better than the average guy wearing jeans in a strip club. Someone above recommended Dockers. That's what I usually wear. They're comfortable to wear, give a dressier look than jeans, and don't have abrasive seams. The dancers I see often compliment me on how I dress in strip clubs. (BTW, a shirt with a collar, is a must. I usually wear polo shirts with Dockers to strip clubs.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New strip club an unwelcome neighbor in northwest Houston
    That I'm aware of, Houston is not a zoning-savvy city. It was probably the last major American city to adopt a zoning ordinance. However, the 1,500-ft. limit, if that's accurate is the greatest I've ever encountered, and I worked in city planning for over 20 years. Much of that time was in zoning. Neighbors will complain about any new adult business where ever one opens or is even proposed. It's just a fact of zoning life. One exception is in the Los Angeles area, TUSCL have probably heard about great mileage available at club in the city of Industry. It is largely a poor, immigrant community. Most of those that speak English, do so as a second language. Generally they don't have the will (many are undocumented), the money, or the ability to communicate effectively. So, when a new strip club opens there, generally, there is little public opposition. (One exception may be a recent attempt by the Spearmint Rhino chain to open a new club where the Hawaii Theatre was previously located. There a much better educated community in adjacent Hacienda Heights will have the skills and ability necessary to protest a new adult business.)
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Mileage in Alcohol vs. Non-Alcohol Clubs
    It's now been about 24 hours since I posted this thread. It seems that some of you do get equal or better mileage in alcohol-serving clubs. My premise was the fear of loosing a liquor license as the reason for alcohol clubs being more cautious. So, do any of you have any thoughts as to why alcohol clubs can offer good mileage? Clubber mentioned that he doesn't know of any non-alcohol clubs in his area. Maybe it's just keeping up with the competition. Any thought?
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    13 years ago
    I don't care for tats either. I have two long time faves that have no tats at all and I expect they'll keep it that way. One other, a seven-year fave has just two very small ones, that are well hidden by normal clothing. It seems like a loosing battle. I don't know about the general female population, but the dancers I see these days are really into tats, and the younger they are, the more they have. I just can't believe that so many people can admit that they're ready to be marked for life like that!
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    13 years ago
    Skin - What's hot and what's not
    I have noticed that among the various ethnicities, the darker the skin the smoother it is. I was with a favorite black dancer one night and I tactfully commented about what wonderfully smooth skin she had, and that lead a discussion. She told me that blacks (and probably other dark-skinned ethnicities) have a more oily skin quality, than their lighter-skinned counterparts. This results in a self-lubrication of the skin that makes it softer to the touch. I can certainly believe that. She went on to explain that’s why, generally, blacks age more gracefully than other ethnicities. They even have an expression to that effect: “Black don’t crack.” It was an enlightening time with her that night.
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    13 years ago
    Would you visit TUSCL if you owned a Club???
    There's great blog to read with thoughts on this subject, as well as others. It's written by a former strip club manager: www.stripclubhound.blogspot.com