
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 89)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Way a Dancer Can Maximize the Visual?
    @ motorhead: I agree. A simple, basic costume is all I need to be visually attracted to a dancer. So many dancers seem to wear stange costumes these days, that I don't like. One dancer at a club that I frequent, I've known for four years, yet rarely got dances with her. One reason was I just didn't like her costumes; they just didn't appeal to me. The last time I saw her, she was wearing a very basic bikini, and I thought she looked the best I'd ever seen her. She was so thrilled when I complimented her on her costume!
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    13 years ago
    Nice girls finish last...
    @alucard (hair color comment) and looneylarry: I agree with both of you. Related to this thread, I would add that I don't really appreciate it when a dancers texts or calls me after she is already at work asking me to come in. That's a dead giveaway, that club business is slow, or just she's not getting dances, and is probably calling several customers asking them to come in. I much prefer that if a dancer wants to see me, that she contacts me before she arrives at the club. It's personal and meaningful that way.
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    13 years ago
    Inherit the Bundy Throne?
    Here's the story on Kat Dennings: http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Kat_Dennings Enjoy boob fans!
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    13 years ago
    Big Tits and other Dancers
    I concur with Jackslash and Stiletto !!! (.Y.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Do any of the Spearamint Rhinos in CA approach the quantity and quality of dance
    The Rhino clubs in the City of Industry and Rialto were very good clubs to go to when I lived in the area 2004-06. Van Nuys was tame by comparison. Check their current reviews at: http://zbone.com/hts/zrev.mv
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    13 years ago
    Boobs definitely. See my profile pics for some of many faves over the years. Most of them--I don't even know what their butts looks like!
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    13 years ago
    Miami Florida
    Help with Los Angeles/Orange County Clubs
    I concur with lopaw. You asked about both Los Angeles County and Orange County. Zbone gets more frequent reviews of the clubs than TUSCL since it's much better known in the region: L. A. County: Generally, any of the city of Industry (COI) NUDE clubs are good. Orange County: Read the reviews of Sahara and Flamingo in Anaheim. They may be low on atmosphere, and even dancer quality, but high on mileage. If you noticed Zbone's list of all the clubs, there are over 100 in the metropolitan area: http://zbone.com/hts/zrev.mv
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Off the wall
    My strangest strip club experience: In 1978-79, I was at a club, whose name I can't even recall now, near the L.A. airport. This was in the days before lap dancing, so the stage shows were the focus of club activities. One dancer's stage show was rather memorable. She had a very talented vagina! She could expell great amounts of air, vaginally! (It sounded like vaginal flatulence.) It was almost like playing a song, on her va-jay-jay. She concluded her act by smoking a cigarette, vaginally!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Poll: Better Compliment to a Dancer?
    I'm serious here: When and only when, a dancer truly deserves it, I tell her,"You're a lovely lady." Another that I say is, "You're very good company." Nothing rude or crude, just simple, basic compliments. You should see the looks of delight I get from dancers when I tell them those things. I think those phrases have endeared me to more dancers than any other "line" I could come up with.
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    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    @steve229: as others stated, excellent phrase - "Nutrasweet daddy." I just love that !! @Stiletto25: great, thoughtful, and caring advice, as always. My own input: Boss, you seem to be on a good track with her. Just keep your emotions in check. Maybe you're spending more than you have to for the desired results. Also, from personal experience, I know I have paid some dancers less for OTC than other customers have paid them. There are dancers that are quite okay accepting different pay rates from different customers. I think they're smart to do that. They don't have to let it be known to a high paying customer that they accept a lower rate from other customers. That way they may very well get more money all around from their OTC work than if they stuck to a stated (high) rate for all their customers.
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    13 years ago
    Hooters Lawsuit Claims Rival Restaurant Stole ‘Trade Secrets'
    I like to go to Hooters for dinner as a "warm-up" before going to a strip club. In places I've lived there seem to be Hooters restaurants conveniently located to local strip clubs. I had a real blast taking a couple of dancers to a Hooters a few years ago!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Left Behind
    My short list: - an earring (not anything particularly fun to find) - the costume she wore that night (that was enjoyable to find)! - the best left behind item: Her bra (a great trophy that I'm proud of)! (PM me if you want the full story. It was pretty thoughtful of her to leave that behind.) @bang69: You get the prize. I'd say finding a subpoena for prostitution is the best on this whole list so far!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strippers and their loser boyfriends
    As a general comment to the subject of this thread, loser boyfriends, I have certainly heard my fair share of those stories. I also have made many other observations about dancers, mostly negative as to the lives they lead. However, every so often I have to remind myself that dancers are the only women in that age group that I'm around regularly. To maintain some fairness, I sometimes remind myself and say to myself "Now if I could take a sample of other women in this same age group who are not dancers, would I come to the same conclusions(with regard to loser boyfriends, bad money managers, drug problems, etc.)?" I don't know. I don't have the ability to collect that sample.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Camera's in clubs
    Cameras are used to document problem customers as well as dancers. On this blog, go to Wednesday, February 16, 2011. See the article entitled, "Question Time!" See question #3) Security tapes - Do you keep them or are they erased daily, weekly?" It describes a situation in a strip club when a famous person came in: http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Determining her limits
    When I'm with a new dancer or new club, I always ask. A polite, discreet way to phrase the question that I have used many times is simply, "What are your rules?" The dancer has always told me. Occasionally, she'll say, "Oh, I have no rules." Then you know just about anything is on the table. Specifically (as you can see from my profile pics), l like to touch dancers' boobs. I've gotten so cool at this: I first compliment them on their breasts, then I ask for permission by saying something like, "You have beautiful boobs. (insert long pause between first and second sentence) May I touch them." I rarely get turned down. Here in Seattle, the clubs are pretty strict(only bikini lap dances here), so maybe the girl isn't comfortable taking her boobs out of her top, but I get to touch, and it can progress from there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Taking sand to the beach.
    I meant to add the only pitfall I see in taking a dancer to another strip club could be the expense. Depending on how many clubs you go to in one eveing (the most I've done is three), it can get expensive. Between admission and drink charges for two, and just two clubs, that's a lot more money spent than on a lot of conventional dates. If your dancer as a date isn't great company, then you risk spending a lot of money with very little enjoyment. Also, I think this could happen, but it's never happened to me: You could have a dancer from a low- to medium-quality club and then take her to a high end club, and suddenly she's discouraged, if not emotionally hurt, because she feels she isn't as pretty as the girls at the club your visiting. @shadowcat: I just love the title you chose for this thread! I passed it on to several dancers I know (whom don't know about TUSCL or that I have taken to other clubs than their own).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Taking sand to the beach.
    I've done it numerous times when I lived in L.A., also in Las Vegas, and now here in Seattle, and usually had a great time! Many dancers lead busy lives. Between work, school, children, etc., they don't get a chance to get out on their own to check out new clubs that open in the area where they live or work. They often want to know what other clubs are like, because they're unhappy with their current club, or just want to see if there's a better opportunity at another club. Some have told me that they don't want to go with another dancer friend, or alone, because it makes them feel self conscious and they'd rather go incognito. So, when I've suggested to them to go to a club that they've commented about, I usually get them to go. We go out to dinner first many times. It makes for a great date with a dancer. The "strip club dates" with a dancer that are most memorable are the dancers that tell me a lot about their observations in the club--what they like and don't like, who's doing a good job and who's not(waitresses, managers, deejays, and dancers). It's fun to hear these things. One girl is so good at going to another club with me that I refer to her as a strip club "play by play" announcer. Others are just great fun when they're the spectator or customer in the club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    What's the worst foot-in-mouth moment you've been part of?
    @ Clubber: Maybe those of us who have the word, "Club" as part of our screen name are prone to this kind of thing!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    What's the worst foot-in-mouth moment you've been part of?
    My most embarassing moment in a strip club was when I was sitting with a dancer at Paradise Showgirls, La Puente, CA. She wasn't a strong fave, but one whom I had seen a few times. I guessed her real name and managed to offend her, all in the same sentence: During the day shift, it was slow at the club, so she had plenty of time to sit and chat as we were sipping drinks, after I got some dances with her. A string of dancers with obvious stripper-like stage names appeared on stage: Names like, "Precious," "Foxy," "Starr," "Belle," etc. were all that these girls had. There had to be five in a row with names like that. After about five of these I turned to my dancer and said, "Why don't any of these girls have a mundane name like Abigail?" She opens her purse, pulls out her driver's license, specifically to show me that her real name is Abigail! Boy, did I turn every shade of red imaginable! I apologized, and we laughed it off, but it must have still stung for a while.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers actually go to school?
    I can definitely say that college-educated people, in general, are more interesting to talk to and make friends with. This goes for dancers as well. Even in my OTC experiences with dancers, those that are college students/graduates are far more engaging people.
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    13 years ago
    Hiding the $$
    Someone wrote a very detailed article on this subject a few months ago. I tried to find it recentely, but couldn't. Can anyone else come up with it? It was written by someone who usually does his secret club-going under the guise of business trips. It may have been from one of our Detroit-area members. It was great reading. He thought of every trick in the book.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Miami Florida
    Why do strippers ask about your wife and kids?
    @Stiletto25 - Interesting that you say it's a taboo subject among dancers. That's been exactly my impression! In twenty years of club-going, I think only one dancer actually ever asked me if I was married. (I was at the time. I don't remember now, how I answered her question.) Since then I've had the impression that it was a taboo subject among dancers! For one thing, when I'm in a strip club (when I was married), I didn't want to talk about my wife with other dancers, anyway. Perhaps most dancers sense that and don't bring up the subject themselves.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    strip clubs for sale?
    @ santiago: I agree. I know which other site you're referring to. For the casual club-goer, it isn't worth paying any money for the further details offered in the site I mentioned. You can find out that information for free in your local area.
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    13 years ago
    strip clubs for sale?
    Try this website: http://www.stripclubproperties.com/ It shows six IL strip clubs that are currently for sale (that are listed on this website. There could be others not listed). You don't get much information for free. If you can find out the square footage of the building, you might recognize it among the listings. Four of the clubs listed are nude, one is topless, and the other is "go-go." (If you really want to dig into this, PM me, and I can give you help on getting the square footage). For the juicy info., it looks as if you have to become a member (fee required).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One foot on the floor rule.
    @looneylarry: They also had that rule in college womens' dorms at one time. The concept behind it is that it's makes it difficult to have sex while having one foot touching the floor at all times.