
Updating My File Of Dancers' Telephone Numbers

A lazy slow day at work led me to mess around with this task, having accumulated a rather impressive list of dancers' phone #s over the last year or so. Those #s of girls whom I could not remember were immediately pitched. Of the rest of the #s, about 25% were now defunct; no answer from about another 25%. Of the remainder, many dancers did not have a clue who I was - trash bin for those! But of the others, a couple of memorable phone sex conversations happened most delightfully - my East European milf from Toronto and one of the juicy lovelies from No 5 in Vancouver.

Interesting exercise. But DAMN!! There is one Detroit # that I fervently wish was still live.


  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I can be your Detroit number :)
  • troop
    13 years ago

    aren't you already? ;-)
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    when you get dancer numbers, how often do you actually end up actually calling them?
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    when you get dancer numbers, how often do you actually end up calling them?
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    woah sorry for the repeat. I thought that clicking the "X" next to your own comment meant you'd delete it (so if you made a typo you could delete the original and post a new one), but turns out that it just means you hide the comment from your own view, and everyone else can still see it.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Stiletto, you tease. LOL

    PM me, farmerart. I'll research it if she is still around.
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago

    Yea, my list automatically gets updated because the average dancer's phone number changes every year or two. I only have about half the numbers I originally had (not that I had that many).

    I have received quite a few nasty coments from irate cell phone customers with [insert Dancer's name here] old number. I guess they just aren't into ITC sex like [insert Dancer's name here] was. LOL.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I keep a few, but most get the deep six within a month or so if I don't use them. Right now, not counting my ATF, I only have two others. Well, four if you count former dancers.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I'll sell you my list. CHEAP!!!
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    I don't seek out dancer's numbers, so I'm always amazed to read about a guy visiting a club for the first time and getting multiple phone numbers. Must be an acquired skill.

    Over the last 2 and 1/2 years, I've only had 5 dancer's numbers. All of them were my favorite at the time. I didn't ask for it, they just offered it up to "keep it touch."

    And I've always just exchanged texts - I've never actually spoken to a stripper on the phone!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Several years ago, a dancer that I had known for a long time, a "B" squad favorite, wrote her name & number on a napkin and below it wrote her husband's name & number. She said "If you ever need help call me and if you can't reach me, call him". I showed the napkin to several other favorite dancers that knew her. They said "If you need help, call him". The numbers have long gone to the circular file.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Somewhat related: I read a hilarious story several years ago about a dancer's "system" for dealing with all the customers' phone numbers she gets. Apparently, she saves every single customer's phone number that is given to her. And she saves that same piece of paper that it was given to her on. When she gets home, if she really wants to keep the number, she transfers it to her phone or address book. Whether or not she wants the phone number, she tosses the scrap of paper into a large vase, which she keeps in a prominent location in her apartment (kitchen counter, coffee table, display shelf, etc.). There is quite an assortment of types of paper these phone numbers are written on: The usual cocktail napkins, coasters, and business cards. Other miscellaneou scraps of paper, and in cases of desperation, a paper towel, and even some dollar bills! She refers to this vase as her "trophy."
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Usually if I get a dancer's number, I call her within a week. That way she will probably remember me. If she doesn't respond to a call or text, I may try once or twice again (depending on her hotness). If still no reply, I ditch the number.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    I got my new ATF's phone number the first time we were together. ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I generally don't bother explicitly getting their phone numbers. I give them mine, and tell them to call or text if their interested. For whatever reason, most girls seem to consider it less threatening or something that way. Yeah, I get maybe 10% of them that get back to me, and many of them only call to try to get me back into the club instead of what I want. Google Voice lets me manage who gets through and who doesn't.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I've got a phone full of dancer numbers and honestly I think I've regularly called the same 6 or 7 in the past year. Not all that long ago getting a dancers number was a BFD. Nowadays it seems like they offer it up as they pass by your barstool or table. The thrill and exclusivity of it is long gone.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    I follow GMD's system, and concur with his reasoning. I offer them my phone number, usually with a comments like, "you're welcome to call me to invite me to see you at the club." My difference with GMD's experience--I'd say I have a 90% success rate. Very few dancers have neglected to call or text me after getting my number. If they don't, they've lost my business.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Because I travel so much, I actively seek out numbers from any extras girl that I encounter. It is just so convenient to have a 'reliable' girl to call in Toronto, Detroit, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Chicago, Ottawa.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Club_Goer: WRT your success rate: Yeah, but I'm an old, fat, ugly guy. :)
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