
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 91)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Taxi Dances?
    This question has come up a few times in the past couple of months. I suggest you read the discussion item, "Different Type of Club/Bar in Los Angeles--What’s it Called?” by cptndshon86. It explains “taxi dancers” and “hostess clubs." If you do find out which Portland strip clubs (or elsewhere) that this is offered, please report back. http://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=16025
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    13 years ago
    New York City
    LA-LAX Club Recommendations
    I would recommend the city of Industry area as well. You didn't say if you'll have a car or not; if not, even a one day's rental car would be well worth it. There are five clubs all along Valley Blvd. in Industry and La Puente. Even the smallest of them, Bliss can be good. Others are Spearmint Rhino and Synn (across the street from each other in city of Industry), the nearby Paradise, also on Valley Blvd., but La Puente. Those four, alone, all on the same street within two miles of each other are good choices. Only a half mile south of Valley Blvd, on Gale Ave, is the Deja Vu, city of Industry. Even though it's only a Vu club, it knew full well going into it was going to have to compete with high mileage clubs nearby, and it's done so since opening five years ago. Read their reviews in www.zbone.com That's a Southern California web site devoted to strip clubs.
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    13 years ago
    Let me finish what she (another dancer) only started.
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    13 years ago
    Laura, a retired dancer, welcomes our questions
    This is an excellent blog. I check it regularly. It's written by a former strip manager in an L.A. club. (He won't say which one, but I figured it out.) His insight into the SC industry is very revealing. He reports on his club going days before and after his job managing a strip club, but most importantly what he learned of the industry while as a manager. Some very worthwile reading!
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Vanity license plates
    Keep in mind that vanity plates have a limit of seven characters.
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    13 years ago
    Friends with benefits?
    @ Clubber: I mentioned on another thread that I consider Stiletto25 to be the "Dear Abby" of TUSCL. She has very thoughtful, insightful, and compassionate advice to offer.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hot time at the strip club last night!
    At first there were suspicions of arson--being that Deja Vu was a strong rival to Talents West who formerly operated Rick's at the same site. TV interviews with Seattle Fire Department personnel would seem to make it clear that the fire was accidental in nature.
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    13 years ago
    ROB waitresses we have known.
    @digitech: Another rip off is when you simply ask for change, and the waitress or cashier expects a tip for that! What really galls me is a few clubs I've been in and there's actually a tip jar at the front counter--For what? Paying your admission to get in? Give me a break !!! The other circumstances described above, I've seen happen. It's up to the customer to be vigilant, then report any rip offs to a manager. Bringing adequate change beforehand is very helpful.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What's the fastest OTC you've ever fallen into?
    Mine might have been in the range of 4 1/2 to 6 minutes. I was in Las Vegas a few years ago, at Cheetah's. I flew there from Seattle specifically to see a long time fave that I knew from when we both lived in L.A. Her shift was over at 3:00 a.m, but I stayed until 6:30 a.m. getting dances with other dancers. I had agreed to a three-song set with one dancer. Mid way through the second song, she said something to the effect, "why don't we go do this somewhere else?" (Meaning OTC.) I was all set up for it. I had a hotel room a few miles away, and might have taken her up on it except for three things: I did't care for her fake boobs; I knew I might have trouble staying awake at that hour; AND a little voice reminded me that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I just chose to politely not answer her question. Finished the three dances, and went on to the next dancer, and several more. I've never been propositioned so quickly before or since. (BTW, she never did quote, nor did I ask, a price. She certainly wasn't pushy about it.) I wonder what I missed?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    @Stiletto25: Your advice is always so compassionate, that I consider you the "Dear Abby" of TUSCL !!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stalled Pinks club in Industry awaits day in Court
    From my observation of the Rhino company, this does seem to be a new low. When I lived in L.A. (prior to 2006) the Rhino bought two unsuccessful strip clubs, and couldn't turn them around, either. One was the Rio, which maybe lasted less than two years as a Rhino, and then reverted back to being the Rio. The other is the club later known as Cocoon, in Arcadia. I can't recall it's name prior to the Rhino acquiring it, but that one really surprised me--it was on a local street, far from the intersection of an arterial street, in an industrial area. It wasn't likely to attract much drive-by traffic. I don't see what the Rhino's rationale was in acquiring that location. It didn't do well before, during, or after it was a Rhino. I had the impression then, that the Rhino would buy any strip club for sale. I can't comment on any Rhino acquistions, since then, because I moved out of California. Where I live now, there aren't any Spearmint Rhino clubs.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Trophy Collecting
    Yes. I had exactly that happen to me just once—where a stripper gave me an item of “intimate apparel.” I arranged to meet a dancer for lunch one day, and then go back to my house for OTC. She had come from a morning job as a receptionist and was wearing a pretty dress. It wasn’t sexy, but suitable for work and lunch with me. She was a busty girl (just my type—sorry folks, she’s not among the pics in my profile pics). On a previous, occasion with her, I commented that another dancer who I had seen one night for OTC at my house, called me the next morning to ask if she left an earring at my house. I looked all over, where she had been, but didn’t find the earring. I commented to this dancer around that time, that I wish it had been something more interesting than an earring that got left behind. (This dancer actually knows some simple magic tricks!) After our OTC session, I said goodbye to her in my living room, then walked her outside to her car. When I came back into my house, just where we hugged and kissed goodbye, I noticed her bra was on my living room floor. She had driven off by then. She had pulled her bra out of her dance bag while we were hugging, and I didn’t even notice!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers in their street clothes
    I agree with both magicrat and Rod8432. It’s fun to see dancers in “real world” clothes. One comment for you dancers out there, that I would make: Dancers would do well to be aware that potential customers have the opportunity to see dancers as they arrive at the club in their street clothes, if nothing else, in the parking lot. Considering this, I suggest that dancers should considering dressing attractively when going to work. I have often seen dancers upon arrival dressed in sloppy, ill-fitting clothes and thought, I’m not likely to get a dance from her! But, when I’m in a club in the late afternoon, and about ready to leave, I might see night shift dancers arriving. I have sometimes seen a dancer arrive, looking hot in street clothes, and said to myself that I’ll stay around to see her on the floor and get dances from her. Some clubs’ floor plans are such that upon arrival, a dancer may have to walk past many customers to get to the dressing room. Dancers should keep this in mind when deciding what to wear to work.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Different type of Club/bar in Los Angeles..what's it called??
    Another TUSCL member asked a similar question recently. It was about "taxi dancers," which is a 1920's term for the "hostesses" at modern day "hostess clubs." Personally, I'm not acquainted with hostess clubs, or hostess bars. If you're from L.A. (I was until 2006. I moved to Seattle then.), then you may be acquainted with www.zbone.com It's a website like TUSCL, but limited to Southern California strip clubs. It also covers, the scant few, hostess clubs remaining. If you have any difficulty navigating zbone, feel free to PM me. Also, if you do find an actual hostess bar or restuarant in L.A. (or elsewhere), I'd really like to know. When I lived in L.A., I had no idea of hostess bars/restaurants. Taxi Dancers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxi_dancer Hostess Clubs (but not hostess bars/restaurants): http://zbone.com/hc/zone/faq_club.htm
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    DJ's at the SC
    Here's the link I had in mind from my 07/13/11 11:14 PM post, above. This blog is written by a former strip club manager who has since left the industry. He writes two or three stories a week about his experiences in strip clubs--before, during and after his time as a strip club manager. You can really learn a lot about the SC industry from this blog. This is what he had to say about deejays. (This should pull up an article entitled "Strip Club Disc Jockeys," written Saturday, February 12, 2011. In the event it doesn't, you can go to that date to get the story): http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com/search?q=Disc+jockeys
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    DJ's at the SC
    @ JohnBuford - re: female disc jockeys. I have only experienced two: Most recently, was five years ago, at the Strip Joint, Pomona, CA. There was a former dancer who tried her hand at deejaying and she was fantastic! Everyone loved her sexy, smooth voice. She had grace and style. When she had the choice of music, everyone loved what she played. Because she had been a dancer, she understood the relationship between those two roles and the dancers in that club particularly appreciated her. Unfortunately, she only did that for a few months and then disappered. Like a lot of stripper experiences, it was great while it lasted!
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    13 years ago
    Serena at the ESPY's
    I like Serena! She has an entry in one of my favorite websites: Boobpedia.com Currently on that site an upskirt pic of her is shown and she's not wearing panties! It looks like a legit photo to me, but what do you TUSCL members think? http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Serena_Williams
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    DJ's at the SC
    The d.j.’s I most appreciate are the ones who simply and clearly announce the dancer who is coming on stage and then when she’s leaving the stage. Also, clearly announcing any specials or other important announcements helps. That’s the most important part of a d.j.’s role. I like d. j.'s who think of themselves as announcers, not show hosts. At clubs I go to, there is often two or more stages. Sometimes you can’t tell if the d.j. is talking about the dancer coming to a stage or leaving it, or leaving it to go to the next stage. Many dancers have told me they think they’d do better if the crowd new their name when on or leaving the stage. As far as music goes, I’ve always been under the impression that the dancers choose their own stage music, or type of music they want at a minimum. So, the d.j. isn’t playing his choice of music very much of the time. D.j.’s that use excessive profanity annoy me. To me, profanity is effective when it’s used selectively, and preferably among just a small group of people, not broadcast over a public address system where hundreds of people will hear it just for its shock value. I like some of the clever rhymes and puns they come up with, like calling the front row or tip rail, the “erection section,” or saying that “the two for one special is over now. If you want to stay, you gotta pay”, etc. If you have followed the Strip Club Hound (www.stripclubhound.blogspot.com), he has written at least one story on d.j.’s. I’ll try to find one and post it here soon.
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    13 years ago
    Espresso Stand Busted for Prostitution
    I PM'd this info. to one of the posters above, thinking it was more detailed than the general TUSCL audience would be interested in, but apparently some clarification is in order: 1. These are a chain of three drive-up coffee stands. There are many chains throughout the Puget Sound region. Many of the stands are the size a guard shack. Others only a little larger. Between the three stands that Java Juggs operates, they are in two different jurisdictions. One is in the city of Edmonds, WA and the other two, which are only a mile apart are in uninicorporated Snohomish County, WA. Therefore, the laws pertaining to indecent exposure, prostitution, etc. may be different between the two different jurisdictions. 2. The article posted by Samsung isn't as informative as some of the local articles written. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer's story is the most informative of all of them. It specifically mentions that touching for money was observed. If you'd care to read about it in more detail I have provided the link for you below, as well as two of the local TV stations news video clips of the story: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Bikini-baristas-arrested-for-allegedly-exposing-1456813.php KOMO-TV story and video: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/125174814.html KIRO-TV story and video: http://www.kirotv.com/news/28478127/detail.html
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    13 years ago
    Espresso Stand Busted for Prostitution
    This subject comes up frequently on TUSCL. Drive-up coffee/esresso stands are prolific throughout the Puget Sound region. This particular chain of three coffee stands is owned by a former UHM stripper at a chain of Puget Sound region strip clubs that are now closed. She is pictured in the 9/16/2009 video news clip below. She's shown working inside of one her stands. She isn't interviewed, though. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/59469927.html?tab=video I live very close to two of the Java Juggs stands mentioned. One is just diagonally across the street from one of the now-closed strips clubs that she worked at: Honey's in Everett, WA. Apparently, as the owner, she still thinks she's giving the same kind of dances she used to give right across the street in the VIP room!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Mom&Boyfriend watch daughter strip
    Here in Seattle, I have a fave (posted among my profile pics) who stripped with her mother and two sisters in the same club at one time. This was long before I knew her. She is now 40 yrs. old. She's still dancing and still looks great! She told me that much when I was first getting to know her. What I didn't know about the mother-daughters team is that they were interviewed on TV! I read about that on another website; at least the mother and one daughter (maybe all the daughters) were interviewed on a local Seattle daytime TV show many years ago. When I mentioned it to the dancer I know, she said that she did do that. I would love to see that episode. The show was, "Northwest Afternoon," on KOMO-TV (ABC) here in Seattle. The show was taken off the air a few years ago when "Dr. Oz" came on.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper Next Door: Final Update
    Since I moved to Seattle, I'm continually amazed at how many dancers live so close to where I do. I probably have met over 25 that have said they live within a five mile radius of where I do. I can tell their not just b.s.'ing, because they can describe things in great detail about the area. Three that I have met, live within walking distance. One of those was a convenient arrangement. When I wanted to do an OTC with her and bring her to my place, all I had to do was drive a half mile and pick her up. (She didn't have a car.) One dancer, though, I said to myself, don't get involved with her. Don't even become a regular of hers in the club. It turns out she lives in the neighboring condo complex to mine. I soon found out exactly which unit. I have to drive right past hers to get to mine (not vice versa, though). Where my complex's mailboxes are located are almost in front of her unit. So I do her her on occasion. I don't wave, or acknowledge her. She doesn't notice when I drive by. She had a dancer friend as a roommate briefly. It turned out that the roommate was transitioning from dancing to escorting. The roommate is one whom I did many OTC's with. If I got friendly with this "girl next door," I could just see her coming over to my house, uninvited, for purposes I wouldn't want: "borrow" money and other stripper-related drama/headaches. It may have helped that this dancer is no longer dancing. I think I made a good decision.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Club visit without the club
    As others have suggested, definitely agree on a certain price. Don't leave it up to your judgement as to how much is appropriate. If you do, and she feels it's too little, that could ruin future opportunities between the two of you--in and out of the club. If she expects too much from your viewpoint, then you'll think you're being ripped off. So, agree on a price before hand. You've got one exceptional thing going for you. That is that she's invited you to her place! I've done OTC with a great number of dancers, and only four ever invited me to their place. (Actually, in all of those four, I could say that I liked my place better, so I'm not really disappointed that I haven't been invited more.) Go for it, and please do report back about your experience!
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    13 years ago
    Somewhat related: There was a story in the news recently. I heard about it on a Seattle talk radio station. A 30 yr.-old, intoxicated, lactating woman was involved in an altercation with police. She pulled out a boob and squirted the cop with her breast milk. She was charged with disorderly conduct. I wonder if there was any dash cam video of that. I didn't make the effort to look, but if anyone out there knows of any video of this, I'd really like to see it!
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    13 years ago
    Feds Sell Former Mob-Owned Seattle Strip Clubs at Auction
    That news is now a week old as of today. It is extremely likely that Deja Vu bought the Rick's property. Peolple interviewed after the auction recognized a Deja Vu official who held the winning bid. Word is going around that the Vu company will name the former Rick's property, "Dream Girls," a name that it already has in use in the region. Some clarification is in order: Talents West was the name of the company that ran four strip clubs in the Puget Sound Region--Ricks (Seattle), Honey's (Everett), Sugar's (Shoreline), and Fox's (Parkland) which are now all closed. The property referred to as Talents West in the article was just its offices. And that was nothing special. Deja Vu was Talents West biggest rival, and now, to add insult to (Talents West) injury, the Vu got Talents West best property--Ricks. The article above, as well as local news accounts make it sound like the feds made off like bandits themselves, with over $2 million from the sale of the auctioned property. Actually, the feds settled for only about ten percent of what they felt the Talents West empire had amassed over many years of illegal operations. Local newspaper reports described how the feds estimated Talents West illegally earned $25 million over about a five-year period, once the feds and local law enforcement began monitoring Talents West's business practices. Before the indictments were handed down, it was the feds goal to recoup the $25 million. So, you can see, they settled for a fraction of their original goals. The Talents West partners are likely still wealthy individuals. I know that one of the partners recently bought his wife a $200,000. horse!