
Question for Senior Clubbers

Avatar for jayray

A couple of years ago an angry wife entered an old college days haunt of mine and caught her husband with a dancer in his lap. She raised some understandable hell, but in the process called the club's zoning status into question. The club went from topless to bikini and stayed that way. Many dancers left, but shortly some new ones arrived and began working extra hard to please. One of them pleased a UC LEO and days later a team of them raided the club. The girls emptied their purses and out fell raincoats, rocks and weed. Several of them got shiney new bracelets and were escorted outside to awaiting rides.

Recently I was in that same club -which historically has been clean as a whistle, i might add-- and noticed that one of the "new" dancers was a bit different. Her cute country accent would sometimes disappear, she never came out of her costume (tho other dancers did--at least down to their thongs and bras) and she never made contact (tho the other dancers did.)She kept asking me if she was good, if she did o.k., etc.

Now, I am not trying to intimate anything about this new girl-really-she was just young and new. BUT, it made me want to ask you if have any of you ever heard of a suspicious or recently raided club that would actually have any LEOs disguised as dancers?


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Avatar for sharkhunter

Does having a dancer threaten to put you in handcuffs count?

I thought she was kidding but I wasn't sure.

She was actually dressed up in a police outfit so I thought it was all for fun. That would be a sneaky disguise.

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio

What I don't understand is how the undercover vice officers can go into a club and bribe girls to break the law. Then they partake of all the vices they are supposedly there to prevent.

Then days or weeks later they raid the club wearing ski masks and arrest the girls from which they got BJs or HJs or more.

And the irony of it all is that I paid them to have a happy ending and arrest my favorite dancers. They love to partake of extras, photograph their trophies in topless poses, and secretly wish their wife/girlfriend could make them come like the dancers they arrest.

There is no justice in the stripclub world. LE publically bashes dancers as filthy whores who are a scourge on the city and must be cleaned up. But secretly they love the dancers and enjoy the extras they get as "evidence".

They are a bunch of sorry hypocrites and assholes.

Avatar for Dudester

There have been cases where a dancer goes informant in return for reduced charges. I don't understand the logic because the witness becomes impeachable. In these cases, I think the prosecution is using a shotgun fired in the dark approach-hoping they'll wing a few. A few will be enough to cause a stink and then try the club in the court of public opinion.

I wouldn't want to be a prosecutor hung with a label like this. But, then again, a few federal prosecutors have been caught trying to win at any and all costs. When a porn prosecution would fail in a porn friendly city, they just make new charges and move the case to a more conservative area.

Avatar for vincemichaels

A few years back in Detroit, one underage dancer helped in closing All Stars, a club on 8 Mile in Detroit. Mysteriously a short time later, she was working in another club in Detroit that got raided. HMMMMMM, police informant??

Avatar for Clubber

Can't say I've really even heard of a raid or LEO being in a club in South Florida. Well, that is other than off duty officers being used for security. But I can imagine it does happen.

Avatar for SuperDude

VM--I remember reading about that underage dancer. I am convinced she started working undercover vice. We also remember female cops moonlighting as strippers, one of whom is under investigation for shaking down some of the clubs.

Avatar for gatorfan

I can't answer this question I didn't turn 65

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

It happened in Seattle. Not exactly as you are thinking. Dancers who were cited at a group of four now-closed clubs were given leniency, or immunity in prosecution if they agreed to cooperate with law enforcement. It was then the dancers' jobs to tell the cops which other dancers were giving extras. In a related situation, leading up to a simultaneous raid of those four clubs on June 1, 2008, an undercover officer (woman) got a job as a manager at one of those clubs.

Avatar for troop

i'm with pablo on this one.

Avatar for shadowcat

The cops get a bad rap. It is not them that deceids to raid strip clubs. It is the elected city officials that make that decision. Cops are just being paid to do a job wether they like it or not. Of course they are the ones that are visible.

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