
Camera's in clubs

Avatar for teeshot

Like to hear from some of you SC regulars about camera's in the clubs. Are they regularly monitored, recorded, fake or just there for show?


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Avatar for georgmicrodong

Yes. The trick is to figure our which are which.

Avatar for looneylarry

My guess is that the most secure clubs have a bank of monitors that the customers never see but the girls know all about. And the girls know where the cameras are and know that there are few, if any, "dead spots". There are other clubs where there is a bank of monitors and there is a designated guy that just sits there and looks for infractions and the customer can see them and him if he looks closely. There are other clubs where there are monitors, but if you look closely enough, they show the outside parking lot, maybe a couple of areas on the floor of the club and maybe one vantage of the VIP. If the club is set up like that, then try to watch the guy and if he is distracted or disinterested most of the time, that might be the best you can expect. Then, I guess, there are the clubs in certain well-documented places here on TUSCL, where it doesn't matter what the monitors show or where the cameras are or who is watching them or not, the mileage is high and extras may be had. But I think those are fairly rare and need considerable research to confirm, as in multiple visits.

Avatar for Player11

None at any of the clubs I go to here in Houston, especially the extras club where I am VIP. If there is one there, then I guess I have been a porn star without knowing it.

Avatar for rickdugan

Life is way too short to be trying to figure out which cameras are monitored, which are not, and where the dead spots are. If there are cameras in a VIP/CR area, then I will never be in there.

Avatar for sexualchoc

Yes, thankfully my favorite dancers always find the "dead spots" in these VIP rooms and I never, ever worry about getting caught!

Avatar for sharkhunter

I thought this thread was going to be about bringing cameras in on cell phones or smart phones. Some clubs don't all this at all inside. Others will kick you out and erase the pics if they suspect you were taking pics of the dancers.

I figure dancers know about hidden cameras and will restrict activity as it needs to be. It's the strange guy sitting in the lap dance room just watching and looking around that I get nervous about especially if there is no dancer with him.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Some clubs don't allow cell phones or any cameras inside clubs is what I meant to type.

Avatar for shadowcat

I've had dancers try to bull shit me about cameras. Tell me there are cameras where I know without a doubt, there are none. I assume it was done to prevent me from going beyond her limits. Solution? Simple. Don't buy anymore dances from her.

Avatar for travelingguy

You should assume that there are cameras, whether visible or not. Then decide what your comfort level of someone watching you is - or worse, your comfort level of the police watching the video is the club is busted for some infraction. There are numerous examples of clubs, a couple in the Miami area being the ones I remember best, where the club was taping the VIP rooms where sex was obviously happening. The police raided it and got the tapes, then one of the local news outlets used Freedom of Information laws to get access to the tapes.

It is ultimately up to you and your comfort level.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

Cameras are used to document problem customers as well as dancers. On this blog, go to Wednesday, February 16, 2011. See the article entitled, "Question Time!" See question

#3) Security tapes - Do you keep them or are they erased daily, weekly?"

It describes a situation in a strip club when a famous person came in:


Avatar for inno123

I would suspect that all clubs have cameras, and it is possible to have them hidden. For example pretty much any mirror could have a camera behind it. It just isn't possible to have enough eyes in enough places and it never hurts to have something if you get sued or accused of illegal activity.

The standard setting on standalone security systems is to have them record all the time at full frame rate and resolution, but most only have enough disk space to hold about a week before overwriting. In general they have settings to only record during certain hours, or when motion is detected, or when an alarm is triggered.

There is most likely more risk of the sex tape that you made with your girlfriend becoming public than the security camera at the sex club. They know that discretion is part of their business.

Avatar for inno123

I would suspect that all clubs have cameras, and it is possible to have them hidden. For example pretty much any mirror could have a camera behind it. It just isn't possible to have enough eyes in enough places and it never hurts to have something if you get sued or accused of illegal activity.

The standard setting on standalone security systems is to have them record all the time at full frame rate and resolution, but most only have enough disk space to hold about a week before overwriting. In general they have settings to only record during certain hours, or when motion is detected, or when an alarm is triggered.

There is most likely more risk of the sex tape that you made with your girlfriend becoming public than the security camera at the sex club. They know that discretion is part of their business.

Avatar for steve229

At my usual club the bank of monitors is in the DJ booth area, so I'm guessing the DJ has the additional duty of monitoring them. However, during the day - no DJ, dancers use a jukebox. Ergo, another reason to go on dayshift!

Avatar for canny

Most clubs around here have cameras and they are actively monitored for everyone's protection. I have been told by a couple of strippers that they won't work in a club that doesn't have the cameras.

Avatar for DandyDan

I know at the club I visit the most, they have a member of the bouncer crew whose sole job is to watch the monitors for violations in the nude lap dance area. And they do take their job seriously. OTOH, my favorite club also has cameras in each of their private dance rooms, but I believe it is mostly for show on the chance LE stops by.

Avatar for 10inches

I know that a lot of the clubs I visit have cameras to cover the parking lot, front door and the entrance area to VIP but not covering the main dance room or inside the VIP rooms. this is to have a record of any trouble (robbery, fights, drug deals ...etc) they don't seem to be interested in the "gotcha" with the ordinary business of the club or its' customers

Avatar for gatorfan

You all are porn stars and don't know it

Avatar for Shamrock211

About half of the clubs I've worked at have cameras, but they're just CCTV, they don't record except for the ones over the cash registers. It would be difficult to get customers spending cash if they think they're being recorded, therefore I would guess that most cameras you see in clubs are CCTV and not actively recording.

Whether someone is actually monitoring the cameras full time is anyone's guess. The last club I worked at we monitored full time, my current club we completely ignore them.

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