
Poll: Better Compliment to a Dancer?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 10:18 AM
She's: A) Hot B) Beautiful Let me know if someone has better material. I'm always on the lookout to improve my PL "A" game! [Hmmm..... for those of us who follow financial news, CNBC reporter (Simon Hobbs?) in Athens covering the riots reports aftertaste of tear gas -- too close to the action?!?]


  • creepshow
    13 years ago
    Beautiful, unless the girl is clearly fairly busted, in which case my vote changes to "Hot". If you don't speak with a lisp, "Sexy" goes a long way, too.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I think most all girls take 'hot' negatively or just 'meh'. Try pointing out specific things, 'nice tits!' 'omg, are they real?' 'can I hold them?' Start off with the shallow ones then go deeper -- first tits and ass, then eyes, hair, then personality, tastes, and intellect.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Those that deserve it, have heard every compliment there is about their physical stature. Try for inner beauty. Friendly, intelligent[sic],fun,etc.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I agree with shadow. They always get compliments about their physical stature even if they don't deserve it. You have to go for something related to intelligence or personality for a dancer to really take it as a compliment. (Just like any woman) Being sincere in your compliment also helps. The best compliment I ever served up was with a former ATF. I asked here if she did anything other than dancer, and she tells me she's a math teacher M-F and dancers on the weekend for extra $. My response: "Wow, that's really impressive!" her: "Why is that immpressive?" ME: "Becasue it's really rare to find a girl who likes math and I really like that about you." (and, fyi, that was the absolute truth... a cute girl with math skills is my #1 addiction in the world.) She gets this huge smile on her face and then kisses me (note this in in fairly low milage club.) For like the next 6 motnths we're inseperable ITC. Sadly, I screwed the transistion to OTC when she stopped dancing for a different job.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    My most recent ATF situation which just ended had a similar vibe to it. Asked her what else she was into, and over time she tells me about her school studies etc. I tell her I think her accomplishments are very impressive (truthfully) and basically I was golden with this girl for YEARS. Eventually got tired of only ITC. I again screwed things by pushing for OTC. Geting off tipic here... but it's quite fustrating that I seem to be good a transitioning from customer to 'friend' but am absoultely incompetient at geting to more than just friends.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    I am a fan of Doc_Holliday. mjx01: one of the reasons I don't club anymore. One reaches an age where fake don't do it anymore. Young man's game.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Best compliments to a dancer are in the form of currency. Yes, I am a little bitter, but its the reality of things.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I hear compliments on my physicality 37322983 times a night. While I appreciate them if they're genuine --- and I can tell -- it always makes me happier if a guy comments on something deeper he likes about me. Ex: I like when guys compliment me on my grasp of the world around us or my levelheadedness. Or when I can get a guy roaring with laughter and he comments on how I should do stand-up. Little things like that are almost always better than "YER BOOTIFUL."
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    deogol - you are as jaded as many dancers. Age makes a person wiser. I'll be 70 in January and I am having the time of my life. Sure I know most of it is about the money but put a little sugar on it and it tastes even better. I have been dumped but I get right back on the horse. Last Wednesday a stripper passing through Atlanta on her way back to Columbia SC, stopped to spend the afternoon with me. Other than buying her dinner, the 5 hours of her time did not cost me anything but I am willing to bet I scored some points. We spent an hour looking at TUSCL stuff. The next day, she registered and posted her first review(avalons07). Do you really think that I am going to get ho hum dances in the future?
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Well between hot and beautiful, if I'm working in the club, I'd rather be hot. Beautiful is a very romantic term, imo, and I just like the word hot.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ Stiletto25, Can't really tell from your avatar if you are 'hot' or not; although I suspect that the answer would be YES. I find some of your tuscl posts to be plenty 'hot'. I suspect that most of us old tuscl guys would be putty in your hands if you ever got us into the VIP.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Well then farmerart, come see me in [view link]. I'll quit bugging you about it but my dinner invitation will be good for a long time.
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    When I told my ATF that she was really awesome. She told that's better the guys telling her she's hot or beautiful. Then she went on for the next 10 min that people around her see her just as a stripper and nothing more. Then I precided to tell her that when I see you I see what you do outside the club then anything else.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I don't know which of those most dancers would prefer, but I'm with stiletto in thinking "beautiful" as a more romantic term. I know that on one occasion the best compliment was none at all. My fave and I were talking, and she started getting undressed. She was doing it slowly, stretching and sighing, and I just stopped talking in mid-sentence and stared. She finished and looked at me with my jaw hanging slack. Her: What? Me: I, uh, um, completely forgot what I was saying. Her: [slipping into bed and snuggling up] You are *sooo* sweet. SS? Hell, yeah! In general, I think shadow and f_d have it right. Dancers hear "hot" and "beautiful" and a thousand others more times than we can imagine. Compliment something unusual, or do it in an unusual way.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    C) I want to fuck you
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    Whatever you say, it should be sincere, I have said both 'hot' and 'beautiful' and I have had the speechless reaction as GMD did. I have also complimented on intelligence. If you have a feel for the dancer, you can gauge what is best to say.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    I compliment them with cash and a solicitation for p4p services. ;)
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    D) Cat's Pajamas E) Bee's Knees
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    fd, Interesting comment you made, "I like when guys compliment me on my grasp of the world around us or my levelheadedness." I have used something like that twice. Once was my ATF and the other, my current favorite. I have a different relationship with them than any other dancer. Perhaps they, too, liked that as did you.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    I'm serious here: When and only when, a dancer truly deserves it, I tell her,"You're a lovely lady." Another that I say is, "You're very good company." Nothing rude or crude, just simple, basic compliments. You should see the looks of delight I get from dancers when I tell them those things. I think those phrases have endeared me to more dancers than any other "line" I could come up with.
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the feedback folks!
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    A douchebag spewing poetic license would have nothing on a nice, sincere individual uttering a simple "you're stunning" to a dancer. Who the person is that is saying the compliment is probably more important than what is actually being said.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Depends on their mood which they'll like better. For most there will be times when they like "beautiful" better, and other times they would prefer to hear "hot".
  • Jackmd
    13 years ago
    Showing her a hard-on is the best. This also works on non-strippers
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Better compliment - repeat business.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    For my entire life (almost as long as Shadowcat's) I have been most attracted to a women 1) with beautiful eyes and 2) with a good brain. Eyes attract me, brains will keep me. If the eyes seem to be beautiful, I'll ask a dancer what color they are and if I can see them in a lighted area. Read them and they are almost windows to the soul (with only 2 exceptions in my 65+ years). Following that, a good conversation that allows me to compliment the dancer on the points made is usually well received because it is at variance with the usual "Nice honkers babe". And like Club_goer says, only say these things when the dancer deserves them - most dancers can smell a line from a mile away.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    I like the artsy girls and the personas and looks and costumes they come up with, so I compliment that. Most guys just tell them they're hot, but they'd rather hear about originality and cleverness. Tell 'em you like their look, and why, "You're so space-age Barbarella," or something like that.
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