What's the worst foot-in-mouth moment you've been part of?
Aspiring Global Hound
I had an ATF for several years. Recently she's has been looking for a 'normal' job. Got in the habbit of asking how the job hunt was going as part of our conversations. Aparently, that was a bad idea. (In fairness to the back story, the tone of conversations had turned negative for a little while.) So, the last time out at the club I asked how things were going... "why do you keep pressing me on this?" WTF! In hindsight, I see how we got to that point, but shit not what I intended.
Almost the exact opposite for me. The dancer told me her name was "Starr". I asked, "Were your parents some hippie freaks to name their kid that?" She says, yes, and then pulls out her license! "Starr" it was.
@club_goer- funny!
I hassled a dancer about having a drink, while I was four drinks in, and she was drinking red bulls. I loudly asked, "WHAT, ARE YOU UNDERAGED?!" after a loud shushing, she said that she was. Apparently she does drink when certain managers are not present.
One time after entering a SC, I witnessed a dancer pick up a $20 bill with her bare vajayjay, while doing the splits. Awestruck I blurted out, "I wish I could get that at home!" The manager standing nearby, whom I later found out was dating the dancer, says "our girls don't prostitute themselves. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I told him "I meant my wife can't do the splits" and he laughed. I bought one drink and left.
I have asked 3 women when I was in my twenties, if they were pregnant when they weren't. One had diabetes, one had miscarried at 5 months, and one had just plain gotten fat--but only in the stomach. I learned to just never ask.
Once in high school (gawd-the 80s) I came in at lunch time because of a dentist appointment in the morning. The normally chipper group I ate with were all quiet and frowny. I look at everyone and say, "jeez, who died?" as a joke. It turned out that an upper classman had actually died that morning. He got hit by a car while changing a flat tire.