
Left Behind

Detroit strip clubs
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:48 AM
Last week I found a dancer's panties in my bed after I had taken her home. Undoubtedly, she had left them on purpose to remind me of her. But it got me thinking about other things that dancers have left behind in my house or my car. They include: Sunglasses Lip gloss Masquera Rings Prescription pills Stripper bag Bracelet Ear rings Jacket Parmesan cheese Cell phone Sweater Baggie full of unidentified organic substance Hair curlers Make up Baby powder Traffic ticket Anyone else have examples of things dancers have left behind?


  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    WTF? No STD's left behind?
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Parmesan cheese?!? I've had food sex before but never was parmesan cheese used...
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    A girl left her stripper purse in my hotel room once. After repeated failed attempts at contacting her on her friend's cell, I ended up throwing it away. All it contained in any event was some chewing gum, a few makeup items, two items - one paper napkin and a piece of paper - containing guys' names and telephone numbers on them, and a Super 8 motel room key. I was drunk enough at the time that I seriously thought about having a little fun with the guys whose names and numbers were in her purse, but I just couldn't do it. After all, it could have just as easily been me on the receiving end.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I'm with Doc on the Parmesan cheese one. WTF? Since I've never taken anyone home, I haven't had any left behinds there, but I've picked up hair ties, combs, cosmetics and a few of the other things on your list after a tryst in a hotel room. If I expect to see her again, and they're something I think she'll need or miss, I put them in my "fuck" bag for the next time I see them. If not, I chuck 'em. My current fave left her panties once. Kind of unusual, since she doesn't generally wear any, especially in the summer time.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I've only taken a handful home, but here you go. lipstick mirror bikini rolling papers 11 Coronas she bought two club bucks (two dances or $40, I ended up confessing and paying for these anyway) iPhone (I returned this, too)
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Oh yeah! I still have a pair of earrings, but they may not have been a dancers.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Not about dancers, but women generally: If they leave something of value (e.g., a watch) then they are hoping that you will call and keep the contact going.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Your list covers most items. For some reason earrings, G strings, and scrunchees have been left 4/6 times. Enlighten us on the Parmasean cheese!
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    This happens with non-dancer girlfriends too. I think it is a means of marking their territory. I found a pair of panties hidden away under the covers. Other stuff left here and there - not places guys would look - but I have my suspicions other women would look there.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    I am astonished to learn that some experienced strip club devotees have not heard of a Parmesan Cheese Job (PCJ). I pity the fool who has never had a PCJ.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Their dignity
  • Jackmd
    13 years ago
    One actually left her dog. It was a nasty,yappy,snappy little creature that was not house trained. Despite my best efforts to find its owner, it ended up at the pound.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    I left my watch at her apartment once. She called me before I got my car started.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    drugs " pot,meth,crack" an std tampons money the best I've herd of year to date is a sapena to show up to court to anser to a prostitution charge.
  • vivi24
    13 years ago
    I live with my cell phone doesn't everyone. I can't imagine leaving my cell phone behind but i have forgotten other things after a date. Earrings, a jacket, but never my phone! LOL
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    @vivi24 - nice profile pic
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^ Again, I agree with you, steve. What's going on this AM?
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    My short list: - an earring (not anything particularly fun to find) - the costume she wore that night (that was enjoyable to find)! - the best left behind item: Her bra (a great trophy that I'm proud of)! (PM me if you want the full story. It was pretty thoughtful of her to leave that behind.) @bang69: You get the prize. I'd say finding a subpoena for prostitution is the best on this whole list so far!
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