avatar for malibucoconuts


joined Jan 2011last seen Dec 2012
Live in the Seattle area. Love strip clubs and strippers.

Comments made by malibucoconuts

13 years ago
@Stiletto25: Your's is the simplest, most straightforward comment here:
"Just blow it off and find someone new."
13 years ago
@avalons07...Regarding talking with 1 dancer to make another dancer jealous...I just don't buy it...If I'm in a club sitting there all alone with nothing to do (while waiting for my fav to finish her stage show for instance), it is sometimes very hard to damn near impossible for me to prevent other girls from coming up to me to talk. And since I tend to enjoy talking to dancers and am not very good at telling them to go immediately go away, especially if they are attractive, I sometimes end up making my fav wait a bit until I can make it clear I'm not interested and can free up. Its usually only a few minutes. It isn't case of me trying to make someone jealous...I am not nearly that clever..I'm just being friendly and respectful to the other dancer...and I can't stop them from approaching me. I think most dancers are aware enough to understand there is no bad intent here.
13 years ago
There are these two:
http://plightofthestripperherder.blogspo… - really good blog from a long-time SC employee
http://lcdejavu.blogspot.com/ - blog just for the Lake City (WA) Deja Vu club
13 years ago
@Club_Goer - It was this one:

If this site had Search you probably could've found it. :)
13 years ago
Shamrock - You're really a good writer. I enjoyed that!