Recently at a popular Atlanta club I was getting a $10 table dance from this spinner black chick. She was a little tipsy and was apparently breaking the house rules with me. She was in my lap and giving me a very serious lap dance to the point that I was considering taking her to VIP. Then a bouncer came over and told her to keep one foot on the floor. She got up but as soon as he left she was right back at it again. Then the manager came over and told her to go to the dressing room "NOW". She apologized to me and said that the manager was just pissed off because she would not suck his dick. I didn't see her again after that. I assume that she got sent home. Fortunately there were plenty of other dancers to fill the void.
I don't understand this kind of Shit! In the world of SC if you're going to let the Dancers "touch" patrons in any way, then let the dancer determine to what extent they touch us! Wake up Atlanta Mgr - Quit being controlling!
Don''t know the club but have had similar experiences and on one occasion, when the dust settled, I went to the manager ostensibly to make sure that I was up on his rules but really to see if I could pick up on what was happening. He apologized and said that he had done it because he thought that the club was being monitored by the county folks who regulate the business. Don't know if that was really the reason but he comped a beer and a lap dance for me and has been great with me ever since. Probably not the case here, but checking the rules is not something that has ever gotten me in trouble.
I was at Amber's cabaret in cleveland and the bouncer came over to rebuke the dancer about keeping her feet on the floor because straddling is considered too sexual.
@looneylarry: They also had that rule in college womens' dorms at one time. The concept behind it is that it's makes it difficult to have sex while having one foot touching the floor at all times.
They call it the 2 foot rule in south FL. When I first heard the name I thought the women had to be 2 feet from the customer if fully nude (which is what they do in CA). Apparently, it's because the dancers need 2 feet on the floor when giving a LD. I've never seen a single dancer, in any of the clubs I've visited in SoFL, follow that rule.
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