
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 76)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    zoning for a strip club
    Zoning ordinances differ greatly from one city to another. That's why the OP's question can't be answered here. Just one example: The first city that I worked for was a well-known Southern California suburb. It considered 15 dwelling units per acre as "medium density." The next city I worked for was in an adjoining county, very rural in character and considered 15 d.u./acre as "very high density." When planning commissioners saw projects come in at that density, they balked at them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Was I Cheated?
    And maybe it was Stacy's co-workers who were cheating by not telling YOU the truth. Have you been able to confirm their story with any other customers or reviews?
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    12 years ago
    Disastrous Canada Day For farmerart
    I'm sorry to hear that your holiday isn't going well. Thanks for thinking of your Seattle followers on TUSCL !!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody ever bought nookie off backpage??
    I know eight former or present Seattle dancers who are now escorting or have in the past. Some of those I would recommend to others if asked. Some of them advertise on Backpage. Some on other escort websites.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    zoning for a strip club
    Each city and county is different. Call the planning department or community development department of the jurisdiction you are curious about (not the Planning Commission). Maybe their zoning ordinance is on line. In the past twenty years, industrial zones have been common for strip clubs and other adult businesses. See my article, "Strip Clubs in Industrial Areas," posted Feb. 23, 2011: https://www.tuscl.net/u-a.php?UID=240605 If you really need help, you're welcome to PM me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    high school friend works at a SC!!!
    @ canny: I had a four-year fave who turned 18 halfway through her senior year in high school and started stripping then! (I met her when she was 26. I believe she's still dancing, now at age 34.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
    @ deogol: I like your sausage analogy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: No surprise that a double standard exists
    I would like to be a fly on Lopaw's shoulder when she goes clubbing!
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    12 years ago
    Stripper Friends on Facebook - A Security Issue?
    I don't have a legitimate Facebook account, only a fake one so I can read other accounts. (Yeah, I know I'm termed a "lurker," but that's as far as I want to go.) A couple of dancers I know are pushing me to get a real account, but with the SC hobby, I'd be afraid that eventually some vengeful dancer(s) might take my friends list and send messages to that list about my SC hobby. I know you can make your friends list, nonpublic, but publicly showing the friends list would be the real benefit to me of having a FB account. For that reason alone, I'm reluctant to start a Facebook account.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you have handeled this differently?
    I wonder if "Policeman" is back? Maybe under a different handle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Stripper Joke of the Day
    That is too much !!! Good for your Dad !!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I am nervous
    Strip club laws and their enforcement vary from city to city and mayoral term. Here in Seattle (and the rest of the Puget Sound Region), under the previous mayor and police chief there was a major crackdown on a particular chain of strip clubs. Although that really only affected four clubs, all the others felt it. Even now that those officials have moved on (police chief is now the police chief of Chicago), there's still an air of uneasiness among club owners, dancers, and customers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hot Time In East Coast SCs Today
    It's 71 degrees(F) in Seattle right now at 4:00 p.m.(PDT). The temp. might go up a degree or two before the high of the day which is usually at 5 p.m. Most homes in Western Washington don't have air conditioning. Mine doesn't. The most I have ever even used a fan is twice in one summer. Some summers, none. Commercial buildings still need AC. Typical of strip clubs, they seem to be either too hot, or too cold for the outside termperature. No difference on that, here in the Puget Sound Region.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Horny old bastard.
    Avoiding 2AMs
    I've often thought that afternoon club-goers mainly did their clubbing then because of the availability of higher mileage at that time. Maybe some do it because they're out in the field in their work at that time of day and have the time to hit up clubs in between appointments. I've never lived or clubbed anywhere where I felt the need to avoid a certain area at night because of safety concerns.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OTC Report: June 18
    There's definitely a moral dilemma here. The quantity that was promised was delivered, just not the quality. And the "quality" desired, is difficult to define. On the lighter side of this, I like EarlTee's comment about reporting her to the "Better Bimbos Bureau."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer names the same as your family members.
    @ EarlTee: You were fortunate. The dancer I had the same encounter with wasn't hot. Just so-so.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do strippers without brains even find out about TUSCL? This has happened at least few times in recent months that I've noticed. maddy69 was another example.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer names the same as your family members.
    I was enthused about getting dances from one particular dancer once upon a time. That was until she said, ".. and name is Helen." That was my mother's name. There is no way I wanted to be reminded of my mother while getting a lap dance. So, I made some lame excuse to suddenly pretend to be disinterested. Agree with you, SC, it was creepy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So now you know why she never called...
    I saw just the opposite happen once. At the former Rick's in Seattle, as I was leaving the club one afternoon. I noticed a beverage coaster (a frequently used item for writing phone numbers) torn into three pieces on the parking lot pavenment just where the driver side door would have been, had a car been parked there. I picked up the pieces to see what was on them. It was the name and phone number of one of the really nasty dancers in the club. Obviously, she had given a customer her phone number. Not only did he not want it, but he didn't even want it going home with him!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A Bias Against New Clubs
    Inno, the points that you and xedin raise are all valid concerns and reasons for skepticism about a new club. I sense that a common reaction is the wish for someone else to try it first and get their experience before investing the money in trying a new club. Club-going is expensive compared to other forms of entertainment. Patrons would like some assurance that their money will be well spent before going there. My own reaction to a new club opening is to go to it once at opening, then sparingly (two or three) times in its first year. After a year, it should settle into a predictable and known quantity.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Sayings from Dancers
    @ Alucard: I only saw her that one time. She was probably from San Francisco. The phone number she gave me was a (415) area code, Not anything near Seattle. @ COclubber: As I was reading your response, I was hoping it would be, "Oh, by the way, they're real...and they're spectacular." If you're not a Seinfeld fan, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Implant Read the sentence under "Production."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    Enough bitching about this. Let's get on to some more meaningful subjects.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    PMs With Fellow tusclers
    I highly recommend that you get on Art's PM list. You will learn a lot. Just make sure to have a dictionary nearby when corresponding with him.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Sayings from Dancers
    What Shadowcat and Clubber commented, are things I've heard before. But, the funniest thing any dancer ever said to me once wasn't necessarily an attempt to get me to buy dances from her. Being a boobologist, there wasn't much to admire on this one girl, so, I actually looked at her legs. They were gorgeous. I told her so. Her response: "Yeah, I know. I got more leg than a bucket o' chicken."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How Long Have Your Been With Your ATF?
    I concur with shadowcat, pabloantonio, and clubber. "ATF" means all-time favorite. That should only refer to one dancer who is or was your best ever. (No ties allowed. Make a decision!) "CF" or current favorite, means the dancer you presently enjoy the most.