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Joined Jun, 2012
Last Seen Jun, 2012


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13 years ago
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hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
I think my time is done here. Thanks again everyone :) most info. Made me feel better, some scared me of course but that's…
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13 years ago
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hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
The original post says I found out the strip club's pricing from hubby's cousin's wife (the then bachelor). He's still my husband. Just dealing…
avatar for nyhoe
13 years ago
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hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
Thank u to the people that actually thought about my post and gave a reasonable straight-forward answer. Fuck all the other hater/idiots. Obviously the…
avatar for nyhoe
13 years ago
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hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
Ok, didn't want to give too much identifying info. But, this was FL, not southern FL. This was 2 years ago. Remember, I'm finding…
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13 years ago
hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
My hubsband spent $600 at the strip club. He claims he just wanted to show his cousin a good time b/c he was out…