high school friend works at a SC!!!

One of my friends from high school works at a strip club as a bartender for the past year. She works in a different city that's about a 90 min drive away from where I live. The next couple of months ill be visiting in the general area she works at for carrier opportunities. I really want to visit this club because its rated number 1 by dancer looks, overall interior look and above average mileage but I havr a small problem hopefully my fellow TUSCL brothers & sisters can give advice or had similar experiences.
If i do run into her at the club what should I say for my reason coming in solo.
She does post were she works on Facebook and I don't want to new tagged with her.
Yes, I have had 2 to 3 friends o knew before they become dancer but this one is different because I known her for a long time and her dad was my teacher in high school. Have at it my TUSCL friends.
last commentIf she works at a strip club, she knows why you're coming in.
Don't understand the question
There are quite a few girls from my high school I wouldn't have minded seeing in a strip club - basically the entire varsity cheerleading squad (except for the fat girl, I still don't know how she made the squad) but I'm talking maybe thirty years ago. Now, not so much.
Any of the obvious (and true) reasons. If you want maybe toss in that you had some time to kill and were driving by.
You're running the risk that she posts this on Facebook for all to see. You have to decide whether or not that's an acceptable risk.
It sounds to me that you may have a crush on this girl from your HS days – if not, why would you care so much what she may think – after all she is there also.
I don't hang out with high school strippers
Tell her you want OTC. Pull it off and I guarantee she won't be posting that shit up on Facebook.
Fail to pull off OTC, and run the risk of her blabbing that you tried. :)
What's with all the sissy questions. Tap her ass and be done with it. Or cut your wiener off and be her best friend.
Gotta think positive here. Failure is not an option!
if she's only a bartender... I don't see the appeal. Seeing certain girls I knew in HS as dancers would be interesting, but not work having them blab about it.
"If i do run into her at the club what should I say for my reason coming in solo."
Odd question. I guess you tell her your wife had a headache.
"I don't hang out with high school strippers"
BETTER not, or you may end up in the Slammer!!!
@ papi chulo- I really never had a crush on her in high school but she is attractive.
@steeve3003- Im going to take your advice and not be a vagina
@hard10 I like you enthusiasm.
Note- she did break up with her BF and I have heard she a bit easy. If i do go visit her ill be the only one from high school to see her in that setting.
You'll probably find out that she not only tends bar but also is a dancer on other nights. You may just hit it on the right night when she's dancing and you'll fulfill those High School Fantasies. Most bartenders and servers in the Clubs I go to also become dancers because they want that Big $$$ the dancers earn LOL !!!
If she asks, tell her you are there looking for hot girls to meet OTC. If she doesn't ask, tell her that anyway. She will completely understand.
Just reiterate what Steve put so eloquantly,
"What's with all the sissy questions. Tap her ass and be done with it. Or cut your wiener off and be her best friend"
Your reasons for being apprehensive are reasons that make her more desireable. "Hey, Teach. I just fucked your little Princess." Full steam ahead and get that pussy.
"I don't hang out with high school strippers"
Are you sure? I know of two strippers in Pittsburgh who started stripping before they turned 18. The clubs hired them without checking their ID's.
@ canny: I had a four-year fave who turned 18 halfway through her senior year in high school and started stripping then! (I met her when she was 26. I believe she's still dancing, now at age 34.)
I don't see the problem. Last I checked, it was legal to enter a strip club so why are you worried about stopping by the club to say hello (or to proposition) to a former high school friend? We must be missing some background. Are you married? Are you a priest? Are you concerned that her father, a former high school teacher, would be shocked or think less of you if you tapped his daughter. If no to the above, stop by and say hello.
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then my advice changes. If you're married, call up your friend and ask her work schedule on the pretense of getting together for a coffee or drink when she's not working-- that way you can go to the club when she's not there and still see her for a drink outside the club. If you're a priest, well stay away from the underage boys and think of yourself as enjoying one of God's wonderful creations--a well proportioned woman's body. If you're worried about her father's opinion of you, quit worrying. It sounds like she's open about where she works and it would take a naive father to believe that most of the boys in his class would not want to fuck his daughter or any other reasonably hot woman.
I'm curious as to why she elected to tend bar in a strip club and why she is so open about her place of employment on Facebook.
I'll offer three hypotheses:
She dances part time
She likes naked women as much as you do
She supplements her income with take out
If any of the above are accurate, then they can work in your favor.
If, on other hand, this is the best paying job she can get and working there has convinced her that all men are over-sexed scum bags, then you're SOL.
Never had a high school friend who worked in a strip club, but I did know a lady in my college days at Northern Illinois who did work at one of the bikini bars in Rockford, IL. Don't know if I would call her a friend, but we did check her out once, which was the pretext for my one and only trip to Rockford bikini bars. Don't know what ever happened to her.
Thing is she's just a bartender which clearly means she's not actually doing anything too out of the norm. As in to say, if it wasn't at a strip club, then it would be absolutely nothing to write home about.
Sometimes bartenders have a negative way of patrons at the strip club, and you wouldn't want to fall into that. Obviously you can go there, be a gentleman, tip her well, etc. but there's the risk that she will view you differently and you have to decide whether that matters to you or not.