
Dancer names the same as your family members.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, June 18, 2012 10:09 PM
Right now I know dancers using the same stage name as my daughter and my two grand daughters. I find it kinda creepy. I told one dancer that I couldn't get a dance from her because her name was the same as my daughter's. She said "You can call me anything you like". I said "How about bitch?" She said "That'll work". So far my mother (RIP) is safe. I have never found one named Edna.


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I was enthused about getting dances from one particular dancer once upon a time. That was until she said, ".. and name is Helen." That was my mother's name. There is no way I wanted to be reminded of my mother while getting a lap dance. So, I made some lame excuse to suddenly pretend to be disinterested. Agree with you, SC, it was creepy!
  • bustanutz
    12 years ago
    I'm like u and call them all bitch. If I like them they get promoted to skank ass hoe bitch
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I have not come across any Dancers whose real 1st name was a family 1st name.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    This is a big problem for me. Because I had a beloved Aunt Gertrude, I can never bring myself to get a lap dance from a stripper called Gertrude, not matter how hot she may be.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    @Shadowcat - shouldn't you be asking yourself why your family members are named after strippers? ;-)
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    LOL, steve229
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    steve, Which came first the stripper or the family member. :) sc, I've seen dancers with my daughter's name, my mother's, a grandmother's, and many other family members. Even one used my son's name.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Good point Steve. :) Clubber - I hope that I don't run into one with my son's name. That would be too creepy because my son was named after me. :)
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    sc, Yes, that would bother me. :)
  • EarlTee
    12 years ago
    When I encountered a dancer with my mother's name, I hesitated for a fraction of a second and then went for it. This dancer was crazy gorgeous, and the dances were excellent. A name is just a name.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    @ EarlTee: You were fortunate. The dancer I had the same encounter with wasn't hot. Just so-so.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I never realized strippers named themselves after my ex wifes name cunt bitch and whore
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I've asked strippers a few times if I could call them by some other name, usually when they had the same name as one of my ex-wives, once when her name was just plain stupid. They always oblige.
  • pacer317
    12 years ago
    I'm with the earlier poster who said a name is just a name. Of course I can't think of a time I encountered a stripper with the same name as a family member. I have, however, had trouble with seeing classmates or others I knew from school working in a club and then forgetting to call them by their stage name...
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    Oddly enough, I never met one named Diana, my mother's name. I think it's odd because that's one of those Roman goddess names and she was the goddess of childbirth. Or maybe it's not so odd. What's really weird is I've met several named Danny, or some variation of Danny, which was the name I went by as a kid and my mother still calls me that. Never met one who was worth it, though.
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