
Why is "bitch" offensive?

avatar for randy77

Just read a thread (80s stripper songs) in which the thread originator referred to the girls as "bitches" Many took offense to the term, yet I've seen so many other terms used that I find worse. This term is used in such a generic way eveywhere.

So, I'm wondering:

  1. What's your definition of the term "bitch"

  2. Why do you find it so offensive?


last comment
avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago

I use it when referring to a place to ride on my Harley, and when speaking of female dogs. That's about it.

To me, it would be about the same as referring to my wife as "the old lady".

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

Why? Because you're comparing a woman to a dog. Why the fuck do you think it's offensive?

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

The word "bitch" is not necessarily offensive.

Life's a bitch . Ok

She has a bitchy attitude. Ok

Calling a woman a bitch. Not ok

Calling someone a bitch clearly reflects a misogynistic attitude. You're saying you're better than women. You are superior. It's a gender slur.

People get fired and called out for racial slurs, but I guess in a male dominated world, gender slurs are be viewed by some as acceptable.

avatar for randy77
12 yrs ago

"Why? Because you're comparing a woman to a dog. Why the fuck do you think it's offensive?"

Today's venacular has that term used as a generic term to describe just about anything or anyone (male or female). It is a term that evolved over time, such as 'gay', so that the original meaning isn't even used anymore. The term 'bitch' is so overused today that many wear it as a badge of honor (sadly).

avatar for randy77
12 yrs ago

MH - personally, I don't use the term or any other derogatory term for women. I do find it interesting so many took offense to this word that is so overused that it is meaningless and then seem to have no problem calling women whores as well as other derogatory terms.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

OP: "Why is 'bitch' offensive?"

Because Alucard wants to be the hero defending the whores from those who do not properly respect them.

avatar for randy77
12 yrs ago

#Dougster - LOL. You kill me. You are so funny with your responses and usually you're right on the mark.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

"Calling a woman a bitch. Not ok

Calling someone a bitch clearly reflects a misogynistic attitude. You're saying you're better than women. You are superior. It's a gender slur."


""Why? Because you're comparing a woman to a dog. Why the fuck do you think it's offensive?"

Today's venacular has that term used as a generic term to describe just about anything or anyone (male or female). It is a term that evolved over time, such as 'gay', so that the original meaning isn't even used anymore. The term 'bitch' is so overused today that many wear it as a badge of honor (sadly)"

Because it is offensive to women & misogynistic.

Well today's vernacular needs to be revised if that term is used so generally by insensitive persons. If used with mean or misogynistic intent it is wrong IMHO. If used as a generic term for anyone & particularly women it show an indifference & lack of respect for the person having the term directed toward them IMHO.

Do you randy77 find the term offensive? If not, WHY not? Please enlighten us.

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

My dog, Daisy, is a bitch.

The stripper who attempted to pick my pocket was a bitch.

Spending a year working in the desert of Saudi was a bitch.

Driving a truck the 1300km to camp last week was a bitch.

Dealing with lawyers and accountants is a REAL bitch!

avatar for randy77
12 yrs ago

#Alucard - I did state above that I don't use that term or others that demean women, but at the same time I realize others use slang terms much more than I do and slang does change constantly. Case in point: A few years ago my kids were teens and everything was characterized as, "Oh, that's so gay." The meaning was that something was lame or silly.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

In reality, it really depends on the cultural context. Words have changed meanings over time. "Gay" no longer means "homosexual", for instance if you keep up with the current culture. Similarly, "bitch" is often just a generic name for any "chick" now. Girls will call each other "bitches" even when no disrespect is intended. Often "bitch" is even a complement.

Now, the thing is you have people like Alucard determined to be the white knight. To see himself as riding the world of evil. And what could be more evil than "misogyniststs"*. So he doesn't bother to investigate things too deeply to see what is really going on. That would cause him some cognitivdissonancece, compared to feelings of goodness he gets from being the dedicated, powerful crusader that he is.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Ha, ha. Okay bottom line, Randy gets it, Alucard does not.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Yes slang does change & any slang needs to be taken & seen in the context that it is being used. 4 of the 5 examples used by Art above are a case in point.

Derogatory terms are NEVER meaningless! They MEAN something to the person they are directed toward.

randy77, your thinking & saying that Mr Dougster's comments and responses are usually right on the mark, gives me pause for thought though.

Those members here or anyone in the real world who finds the term "bitch" offensive when directed at women and then seem to have no problem calling women whores as well as other derogatory terms, are IMHO VERY Two-Faced & insincere in their taking offense at the use of term "bitch" offensive when directed at women.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

For those who do not know much about alucard, I would like to take a moment to point out the psychology, although I apologize that is going to be pretty obvious to most already.

The first thing you'll notice about alucard is how much he likes to bounce the term "misogynist" around, like here where it was not appropriate. I think the real deal is that alucard is projecting here.

You see alucard is about 57 and only interacts with strippers and has only interacted with strippers throughout his life.

So the question that alucard is scared of is is a person who is 57 and who only interacts with strippers and only ever has a "misogynist"? I think he knows the answer is "yes" and he is just projecting by calling others that name is situations where it clearly does not apply.

Now does the fact that he is so quick to come to rescue of strippers change the fact that, deep down, he is the misogynist? He might like to think it does but it does not.

If alucard was not himself a misogynist he would interact with non-strippers from time to time, and certainly would have dated at least a few during his life, which he did not.

avatar for GoVikings
12 yrs ago

Funny thing is hip-hop is my favorite genre of music, and yet I've never picked up the foul language I hear from the music. I never call women bitches.

A lot of people who swear a lot, usually pick it up from the people they hang with, the music they listen to, or the films they watch. This hasn't happened to me.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

Dougster, yeah I get your point. We live in a world where 50 cent can say nigga' and get paid millions yet if Mitt Romney used it in a political ad, his career would be over.

Who's the judge and jury when it comes to a word used in the "proper context".

I'm the last person anyone would ever call "politically correct" but my mother (and the nuns at Catholic school) did teach me right and wrong. My opinion only, but I don't think an anonymous woman should be called a "bitch". If it's one's ex-wife, we might open it up for discussion. Just because it's in the common vernacular of 15 year girls doesn't make it right. (now you know why 15 year olds can't vote).

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago


If a derogatory term is meaningless to a person who had it directed at them, then IMHO that person has little or no self respect, especially if it is taken as complimentary.

Because of my opinions I'm a favorite target of persons like Dougster & tlkDo, etc. There are times when I'll challenge these people on their comments in general & those directed at me personally. Usually these exchanges quickly degenerate into Flame Wars, which gets boring after a while. The rest of the time I generally try to ignore their arrows. It depends on my mood! LOL

Hey I'm no End all, be all EXPERT! But neither are Mr Dougster, tlkDo and those who agree with them & defend them.

There is only a small coterie of persons here at TUSCL whose opinions & feelings that I truly care about & respect to the Nth degree. Anyone else can feel about my opinions any way they wish, that's their right.

avatar for randy77
12 yrs ago

Alucard - I find Dougster and GatorFan opinions funny, because often I believe they are tongue-in-cheek, but often they make a good point in an amusing way. Some people are just too serious and others, such as ALP, I hope he's just trying to be funny, because he's way out there.

MH - "Just because it's in the common vernacular of 15 year girls doesn't make it right. (now you know why 15 year olds can't vote)."

You got to be kidding or living under a rock if you think only 15 yr old girls are the only ones doing this.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

"I find Dougster and GatorFan opinions funny, because often I believe they are tongue-in-cheek"

gatorfan's comments are intentionally sarcastic & tongue-in-cheek most of the time, but he can & does offer fairly serious well thought out opinions at times.

I'm NOT familiar with every so called tongue-in-cheek opinion ever uttered here at TUSCL by Mr Dougster. Some or most may well be funny to some people who share his "sense" of "humor".

Personally directed derogatory comments, put downs & attacks are NOT tongue-in-cheek &/or funny. And his so called facts are so off base that they reside in Outer Space. LOL Just my 2 cents!

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

I've always found Dougster to be pretty useless and very repetitive.

But I'm starting to find Alucard to be a bit of a whiteknight and absolutely repetitive.

I'm a big believer in things being situational. Can bitch be offensive and misogynistic? Absolutely. Is it always? Of course not. It depends on context, attitude, and tone.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

"But I'm starting to find Alucard to be a bit of a whiteknight and absolutely repetitive."

There's no rule or law that says you have to like or read my comments.

As to being repetitive, restating my stances on subjects & issues is at times needed to try to get it to sink into the hard headed or the indifferent. It doesn't appear my efforts usually successful. But if I can positively influence 1 or 2 persons, I'll be pleased.

And I'd much rather be a intelligent & caring White Knight than a rude, crude, insensitive, uncaring, mean FUCKING Asshole!!

We have enough of those on this forum.

We have not heard from the women on this forum yet about whether or not they find the term BITCH, when used about them as acceptable or not. What do you say ladies?!?

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

Calling someone a "bitch" or a "whore" is in bad taste. I look down upon people that do so. I will say that if someone were to walk up to me and call me a "whore", I would laugh my ass off. If someone walked up to me and called me a "bitch ", it would offend me.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

The obvious question is this -

If alucard is so intelligent, and caring as he claims why doesn't he date ordinary women and why does he only interact with strippers? Could it be because he is really a misogynist?

Keep up the act, alucard, and keep your tongue up the strippers asses too. Maybe between those two things you can convince the whores (doubt it) of what a hero you are. You ain't fooling anyone else though.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 yrs ago

Enough bitching about this. Let's get on to some more meaningful subjects.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

I'm for that.

avatar for gpd255
12 yrs ago

Farmerart hit the nail on the head. End of discussion

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

"You got to be kidding or living under a rock if you think only 15 yr old girls are doing this"

Just call me Fred.

Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones.

They're the modern stone age family.

From the town of Bedrock,

They're a page right out of history.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Sorry I got into the biach late. I was at da club. One of my favorites. right in front of me, said to her BFF "He's my bitch". Should I be offended?

avatar for txtittyfan
12 yrs ago

Regardless of the term being offensive or not, it's use by the OP in this case IMO shows a lack of class and sophistication.

avatar for just_sean
12 yrs ago

i started this with my use of the word bitch. I explained myself in the 80's thread.

excuse me for kind of considering this a "boy's club" and being open and vulgar. I didn't expect a strip club message board to be quite so sensitive :P

Plus I'm american, I believe in the freedom of speech. I use bitch if it happens. In the 80's thread it happened. No real motive other than that's how I talk. I'm white but I live outside of new orleans, what the fuck do you expect to happen to my vocabulary.

avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 yrs ago

I go away for the day, not even overnight, and look at the mess you guys have made.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

The funniest thing is guy whose lifestyle is paying whores for sex thinking they are classy and sophisticated. What's next? The whores thinking they are the same?

avatar for just_sean
12 yrs ago

quite a moment of zen right there.

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago

Why is any word offensive? Because we have decided that it is meant to degrade people's cruelly.

If there were no offensive words regarding women somebody wanting to be offensive would have to invent one. And they would.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

African, you are so weird.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

To the best of my knowledge, I have never fucked a bitch. Why would I want to do a thing like that?

avatar for staxwell
12 yrs ago

We take turns cumming in their mouths and laugh about it, we look for the clubs where OTC/ITC is readily available, we try to negotiate the lowest price possible for said OTC/ITC...but, we should draw the line at calling them bitches indirectly on the forum?

Someone is sensitive...

"We live in a world where 50 cent can say nigga' and get paid millions yet if Mitt Romney used it in a political ad, his career would be over."

Lol I knew that was coming.

"I've always found Dougster to be pretty useless and very repetitive.

But I'm starting to find Alucard to be a bit of a whiteknight and absolutely repetitive."

Funny Jester, I've always found you to be absolutely useless and extremely cynical. Now you can add down right rude to that list.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Funny, I find jester to be alot like steve229. If I look at their post counts it's in the high hundreds in one case, and over a thousand in another. But I can't remember a single one of their posts. Two completely characterless guys. If TUSCL was a room they would just blend in with the paint. So when they pop their heads up to take a swipe at me, I am at loss of what to say, because I have no idea what their schtick is supposed to be.

avatar for randy77
12 yrs ago

Just_sean: You shouldn't apologize for the slang you used. I don't use it, but no problem with others that do. I find this thread hilarious with all these guys offended by a stupid meaningless word, yet in other threads they go on and on talking trash about the strippers. They say, "bitch is degrading", yet describe how they degrade the dancer. If that ain't the kettle calling the pot black I don't know what is. You're right, this should be a man's club where you can voice your opinion like ALP and not worry about others being so sensitive. Some people in these threads needs to check between their legs to see if they still have their balls.

avatar for lopaw
12 yrs ago

OP - Judging by the reaction to the word in the other thread - what did you expect the reaction to be here?

Personally the word doesn't offend me. Me & my women friends call each other bitch all of the time - we took the "power" out of the word a long time ago and it lost that negative connotation for us.

And if someone I don't know (male or female) calls me a bitch or other derogatory name, I wouldn't give a shit. I'd laugh in their face.

And BTW - This isn't a "man's" club - it's an anonymous forum about stripclubs, open to everyone to express their opinions about our most favorite of activities, regardless of gender. Dancer interaction is encouraged here, tho I can see why alot of them would choose not to stick around.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

The term "bitch" comes from the 1150 word bicche, which was developed from the Old English word bicce. It also may have been derived from the Old Icelandic word bikkja for "female dog." The phrase "son of a bitch" dates back to its use in Of Arthour & Merlin c. 1330. But none of that matters because my wife is the biggest bitch on the planet!

Now, I know what you're thinking:

Joe, do you really think it's a good idea to insult your wife on a humour wiki-site? I mean, I know you suffer from "foot-in-mouth" syndrome, but come on! You realise that this could be used against you in divorce court one day, right? And, what about all the other "bitches" on the Earth, like Sarah Palin? Aren't ya gonna talk about them?

Well, first off, I'd like to say that I'm being honest. My wife is a bitch. The world's bitchy-est bitch. If you'd ever talk to her for more than 20 seconds, you'd know what I'm talking about. Secondly, Jill won't leave me. I'm the Vice President of the United States of America! Hell, Dick Cheney's wife didn't leave him! And he's the fucking Devil! I'm Saint Peter compared to that fucker! And, to answer that last bit, it is my personal belief that the only bitch that needs to be covered here is my bitch. She's a much bigger bitch than Sarah Palin, anyway. If you want to read about Sarah Palin, check out "slut" or "Alaska".


A bitch is a female dog. (noun)

An example of bitch is a dog that gives birth to puppies.

Bitch is a slang word for a mean or aggressive woman. (noun)

An example of bitch is a woman who slaps another woman for no reason.

Bitch means something that is a unpleasant or difficult to do. (noun)

An example of bitch is loading manure on to a truck.


Pronunciation (US):

Dictionary entry overview: What does bitch mean?

• BITCH (noun)

The noun BITCH has 4 senses:

  1. an unpleasant difficulty

  2. a woman who is thoroughly disliked

  3. informal terms for objecting

  4. female of any member of the dog family

Familiarity information: BITCH used as a noun is uncommon.

• BITCH (verb)

The verb BITCH has 1 sense:

  1. say mean things

Familiarity information: BITCH used as a verb is very rare.

Dictionary entry details

• BITCH (noun)

Sense 1

bitch [BACK TO TOP]


An unpleasant difficulty

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs

Context example:

this problem is a real bitch

Hypernyms ("bitch" is a kind of...):

difficulty (a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome)

Domain usage:

argot; cant; jargon; lingo; patois; slang; vernacular (a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves))

Sense 2

bitch [BACK TO TOP]


A woman who is thoroughly disliked

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people


cunt; bitch

Context example:

she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch

Hypernyms ("bitch" is a kind of...):

disagreeable woman; unpleasant woman (a woman who is an unpleasant person)

Sense 3

bitch [BACK TO TOP]


Informal terms for objecting

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents


gripe; squawk; bitch; beef; kick

Context example:

I have a gripe about the service here

Hypernyms ("bitch" is a kind of...):

objection (the speech act of objecting)

Sense 4

bitch [BACK TO TOP]


Female of any member of the dog family

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("bitch" is a kind of...):

canid; canine (any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "bitch"):

brood bitch (a bitch used for breeding)

• BITCH (verb)

Sense 1

bitch [BACK TO TOP]


Say mean things

Classified under:

Verbs of telling, asking, ordering, singing


backbite; bitch

Hypernyms (to "bitch" is one way to...):

complain; kick; kvetch; plain; quetch; sound off (express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

"Funny Jester, I've always found you to be absolutely useless and extremely cynical. Now you can add down right rude to that list."

I'm glad to know in the year you've been here you've really gotten to know me. I wish I had any idea about any other comment you'd ever made, but I don't recognize your name at all.

"And I'd much rather be a intelligent & caring White Knight"

I just said White Knight. I'd rather not have the same repetitive bullshit attitude thrust on us in ever topic. Whether that be yours or (admittedly worse) Dougster and Africanpimp. We get it you're a real sweetheart lady worshipper, and they're "super cool pimps who treat dancers badly".

"If TUSCL was a room they would just blend in with the paint. So when they pop their heads up to take a swipe at me, I am at loss of what to say, because I have no idea what their schtick is supposed to be."

Probably because I've averaged about 100 posts a year and a fair bit of that has been recent plus I don't have a gimmick. You have averaged over 500 posts a year, because your post the same repetitive bullshit all the time.

avatar for staxwell
12 yrs ago

We've disagreed before, you and I...

I don't know what I find most offensive: the fact that you don't remember our beefs, or you trying to pretend you don't recognize my name at all...I'M OFFENDED! OFFENDED!

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

Aww is someone holding a internet grudge? Guess you were more upset by the "disagreement" than I was. Did I tell you that the dancer probably wasn't in love with you? Sorry.

avatar for headsmash82
12 yrs ago

I am late to this but women call themselves bitches all the time and don't show respect for themselves so because I am a man I must give respect cause they are of the opposite gender ......let me think f*#k that

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

This thread is turning into complete faggotry now.

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 yrs ago

I'm late to this party, but undaunted, generally....

  1. I agree with Drac on this

  2. I disagree with Dougster

  3. Jester may have said it best "It depends on context, attitude, and tone"....

  4. As has been stated, there are many acceptable, non-offensive usages of the word "Bitch"....and, moreso every day...

  5. It's hard to divine intent, but when the line crosses into disrepect - I'll take exception to that every time....

  6. I had a lengthy conversation with a Stripper last night about how she hates the men of her (younger) generation - because "more often than not they have a TOTAL DISRESPECT for women"....Her words/not mine....

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

I agree with myself on this one

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

Ha Ha! All these blatherings and all it took was Jester and Maddog to sum things up perfectly. And Alp, if you want to insult a man, you call him a "punk ass bitch" Keep it real, see what I'm sayin?

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Well after all this dialog, I am no longer going to call them bitches, bitches. from now on I will just call them cunts. :))

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

LMAO, shadowcat

avatar for staxwell
12 yrs ago

Yes! You remember! Now I'm not so offended...thanks Jest.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

Headsmasher-Yikes! No mother in your life to teach you right from wrong I guess. Good luck with that.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

@maddog: maybe that stripper gets no respect because they know she works as a whore? Maybe she's just playing you for cash when she says that's why she likes older men better?

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

I also will refrain from using the word bitch

from now on they are


avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 yrs ago

Dougster, nice try, but I've never even spent a dime her....and btw, she's not a whore or a bitch....and, she does like me better though....

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Ok, maddog, she's not a whore, but she just grinds on guys dicks and probably more for money. Got it!

avatar for thesamurai
12 yrs ago

Stupidest. Thread. Ever.

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 yrs ago

"I like bitches. I love them dick sucking bitches.

Why do strippers get offended when they are called what they are."

ALP, outside your circle there are MANY STRIPPERS WHO DO NOT SUCK COCK NOR PROVIDE EXTRAS....and so IMO, painting them with this broad brush is offensive and disrespectful....so with you and/or others calling them this - I can understand the reaction....

I'm white, but if I were black I would be offended if someone called me a nigga....Granted, it wouldn't bother some people....but straight up I'd be offended by that - because in a certain connotation it's disrespectful....We're all equal bro, nobody's better than anybody else around here....except I might be a little better than Dougster (lol)

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

I've never understood why a woman who sells her body for the pleasure of others is worthy of disrespect and disgust, while a poressional football player who sells his body for the pleasure of others is an object of hero worship by millions.

Why is one OK and not the other?

avatar for thesamurai
12 yrs ago

Thanks Maddog for proving my earlier point. Between self appointed morality police and idiots who try to explain(feed) logic to clear (yet entertaining) trolls, you guys I just described are a collection of dumbfucks.

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 yrs ago

Samurai, the only one that's soap boxed up as morality/karma police is you douchebag....

avatar for thesamurai
12 yrs ago

Maddog, exactly where did I try to force my morality on you, idiot? As for douchebag, look in the mirror. Thanks for the laughs though, dumbfucks like you are why I read this comments section. I know that if I ever start thinking like you or Alucard its time to step back and take a serious reality check.

avatar for txtittyfan
12 yrs ago

This thread has turned into a bitch slap fest.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

@gmd: Well I can only speak for myself, but when I call strippers whores it's simply because they engage in sexual acts for money. That's simply the definition out of the dictionary. And I do consider grinding on a guy's dick until he cums a sexual act since the dictionary defines "sexual" as "of, related to, or associated with sex".

Now I agree with you that, by itself, selling sex for money does not make one worthy of being looked down upon morally. Neither does buying it, IMO.

My big problem with strippers is all the lying and thieving that accompanies their whoring. With customers it's all their delusions about what big studs they must have been to get their dick sucked by a beautiful whore, although they did, incidentally, have to pay. I am a great counter example to prove that anyone who is willing to put up the money can do that, so they accomplished nothing.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

^^^ Just to clarify my above post. If a stripper is grinding on a guy dick until he cums, even if he keeps it zipped up, I still consider it a "sexual" act, since it is not sex, but is "related" to it.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

^^^ Also I have found that well over 50% of dancers will engage in OTC sex for money at some point. I bet it's around at least 80%. In particular, if there are ones who I absolutely had to have sex with them, I can't remember it never being an option. But maybe I am just more charming, intelligent and funny than the rest of y'all. ;-)

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

For the Tuscl record, I do not have sex with customers for money or gifts. I dont suck dicks either. I dont even like doing that in my personal life. It makes my jaw tense for the rest of the day. Whatever. No sex for customers. I leave that for my personal life and a special guy would have to take alot of time and energy trying to be my boyfriend before I had sex with him. Even then, hes got a long road ahead.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@Dougster: "Well I can only speak for myself, but when I call strippers whores it's simply because they engage in sexual acts for money."

Well, for all it's technically accurate, many people aren't thinking simply "prostitute" when they use the word "whore". I'll freely admit that my own bias against the word "whore" is a result of having it unjustifiably applied to certain members of my family when I was younger. For many people, the word "whore" has an even more pejorative meaning that "prostitute" does.

While I won't disagree that many strippers are lying and thieving, those two things are separate from whether they meet the legal, or dictionary, definition of "prostitute/whore". Unless you're exaggerating for effect, I seem to have met many fewer strippers who are significantly worse than the general population than you have. And FWIW, I don't see lying about unimportant things, most of which are none of my business anyway, to be all that morally objectionable. Far less so, in fact, that telling the truth that gives some stalker an easier time of stalking.

Stealing, on the other hand, I can't abide. Cutting off their hands is one of the few good ideas I think Islam has (and I'm perfectly away they didn't originate the practice).

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 yrs ago

Samurai, I NEVER said anything about you forcing your morality on me asshole....and, I'll take you comparing me to Drac as a compliment....

Now why don't you goest forth and fucketh thyself....

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago


When may I start the training period?

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

You guys would date a girl who doesn't give head? I'm not even that big on bj's - much prefer to fuck - but that seems like a min prerequisite.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

Clubber- When can you get here? Lol

Dougster- Oh, Ill give the BJ!! Ill just be "bitching" and complaining the whole time.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Please don't do Mr Dougster ANY favors Stiletto25! NOT even if he earns the favor via good behavior!!

[Is such a thing even possible. I seriously doubt it - LMFAO]

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