That doesn't sound like law enforcement language, it sounds like desperate talk.
Either way, I wouldn't have responded with any useful information. The best case is that you have your name thrown as a referral and the worst is that they get busted. You don't win.
Yea he was a cop but he might have been someone who was trying not to beat around the bush. I once pm'ed a guy on an escort review site asking him about escorts and he put me on ignore. Maybe he thought I was the police too. Sometimes regular guys just like to get straight to the point without beating around the bush, you dig..
last commentThat is pretty transparent!
If by any chance it was not L.E., then the person is darn FUCKING dumb & ignorant!!! LMFAO
You outed me. Damn you Shadowcat!
Either way, I wouldn't have responded with any useful information. The best case is that you have your name thrown as a referral and the worst is that they get busted. You don't win.