Stripper Friends on Facebook - A Security Issue?

avatar for Player11
Like a Jovian planet with its family of moons I have many x OTC gals, strippers, and current go to gals as friends on facebook. As I use the same stage name on facebook I have on the fake business cards I give strippers, hookers, or seeking arrangement gals I keep security under tight control. I do not link my phony facebook account to anything like my job, family, etc where I could be identified.

Advantages of Facebook:
1. One can keep track of what gals are doing IRL and mine for sexy pics.
2. One can hook up with old otc gals - have done this when they came back to town, separated from hubby, etc.
3. I get good SC news as the club where I am VIP posts all kinda stuff plus gals pics.

1. Security issues like wife or sneaky corporate employer scum.
2. Too much trivial garbage sometimes.
3. If security breach, account will probably have to be deleted. Process takes two weeks.

My advice don't use your real name or link your FB page to something like your job or business website.

Any of you use Facebook for your SC hobby?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
NO!! I don't do Social Media!
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
No social media here so I wouldn't think of it
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
If you use Facebook, then even when you are *not* logged, every time you visit a website that has one of those little "like" buttons on it, Facebook tracks your visit. If you have two facebook accounts, Facebook will correlate visits made on the same machine, even if they aren't directly connected.

The only way to get around that is to either delete the Facebook cookie as soon as your done, or use completely separate machines.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I'm Facebook friends with 4 ex-dancers and one current dancer.

All are very private and there is no indication they were/are dancers. We post regularly to each others's walls but never about strip clubs so there is no security or privacy concerns for friends, family, or employer.

avatar for deogol
13 years ago
I use facebook for my friends. What they do is their own business (and yes, there is an ex-stripper or two in there who has left the business.)

But foremost, I see those people as my friends, I have met them on social occasions, real life, etc.

I think it is just too dangerous from publicity and from crazies to set up an account with them. There is a reason to keep some people out of arms reach.

There are things happening on the internet that even five years ago we would have been "oh shit!" about. Who knows what is going to happen in the next five years.

Keep it tame I say.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Nobody gives a fuck about the low income, self-admitted whack job that you are Payer, so you don't have to worry about your true identity being revealed since nobody gives a fuck.
avatar for ButterMan
13 years ago
Dougster is funny as shit! And probably drunk at this moment...LOL!

But back to the subject at hand...I have an SC waitress on my FB. No strippers. They would have to discret if they were because I really don't want my family members knowing that much abt me:) That's the problem with facebook.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I am Facebook friends with several strippers and ex-strippers because they are my friends. I am not playing games or hiding behind a fake identity. However, I do not discuss past or current sexual interests on Facebook because these are private matters that don't belong on social media. For hooking up, it's better to use phone calls, texting or email.
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
George, just use a Do Not Track program like AVG (great free anti-virus, anti-adware, etc.).
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
I use Ad Block and Priv3 on my Firefox browser.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
What's Facebook?? LOL
Facebook is an incredible waste of time.
Why would I want to tell the world what color my lastest dump was?
Thought about joining in for about .1 microseconds.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
No security issue for me. I don't use facebook or any other social media.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Anti-social! :)
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I never thought I'd be part of the Facebook generation either until I started using it.

Here's what I like best - if you're into sports, it's fun to belong to one of the fan groups and interact with others during the game. Kind of makes a boring baseball game more interesting.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
It is just a hobby, remember.

Add the time I spend with tuscl to the time I spend visiting SCs and my time available for the hobby is absolutely maxxed out.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I don't have a legitimate Facebook account, only a fake one so I can read other accounts. (Yeah, I know I'm termed a "lurker," but that's as far as I want to go.) A couple of dancers I know are pushing me to get a real account, but with the SC hobby, I'd be afraid that eventually some vengeful dancer(s) might take my friends list and send messages to that list about my SC hobby. I know you can make your friends list, nonpublic, but publicly showing the friends list would be the real benefit to me of having a FB account. For that reason alone, I'm reluctant to start a Facebook account.
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
A friend had a fake FB account using a fake first name but his real last name. His wife found out about it bc it was linked to his business website and started questions like "Why do all of those women friends of your look like whores?" Needless to say he ended up deleting the FB account.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Fuck Facebook for the 1000000th time
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@Payer11: Gee, Payer, why didn't he just use your explanation, "they aren't whores, they are dancers". Right up there with "wasn't me."

@gator: Yep, fuck 'em. One of the evilest companies in existence.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Fuck you dougster and yes please fuck me 2 !
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Since I don't know what Facebook is up to, and they are usually doing something underhanded 24/7, I don't think that it is worth the risk. I have had a dancer tell me to look her up on FB, and she was certainly there, but there was no way in hell I was going to send her a friend request. For all I know, there is a way for her to see if I have been looking at her page. I have had to scrub my page of anyone I can't easily explain, and I still catch grief for it. Wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Oh, and I thought that my profile picture was unique. Seems like it has been cropping up in various places now. WTF? Too much potential for mischief by pissed-off dancers, boyfriends, dealers, low-lifes, etc.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I'm on Facebook, but I've come to the conclusion most of the stuff on there is a total waste of time. I do not want to be caught up in some pointless stripper drama even though I know a number of them, at least from my favorite club, are on there. You could friend one of them, and then some whackjob that they know could come in and whack you. That's why I limit friends to actual friends, relatives and people I work with (or used to work with).
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
some strip clubs have facebook pages. This makes it easier to find dancers and waitresses from the clubs.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I don't really care about facebook. However I do like looking at all the hot bikini pics my nieces keep posting. I am only friends with immediate relatives and people who have visited me.
avatar for Trick_of_the_Light
13 years ago
I have not friended any but occasionally tap into their profiles to see what they are up to. Of my 5 top ATF's over the last 2 years four have been arrested recently. Perhaps the 5th one has as well, for all I know. I only know that one's stage name.
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