So now you know why she never called...
I go up to the stage to tip a fav. She gives me a hug and asks if I can do her a favor. I say sure. She slips something into my hand, and says, "Can you throw that away for me?" I take a quick glance and see it's a scrap of paper with a guy's name (might have been "Doug") and phone number. Oh, well...
Don't sweat it. Guys give my fav their number all the time. It is how dancers stay employed when you can't be there.
"@govikings- yes, alot of customers give me their numbers. I usually respond by saying "What would you like me to do with this?"
Stiletto25 did any customer ever respond to your question by saying "Please call me sometime"?
I hate the "Can you do me a favor" question. I never respond with sure but with a "what is it". Don't commit to something before you know what it is. Then you've already lost your bargaining power (aka chance to lie) to get out of it.