
Comments by joewebber (page 19)

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    11 years ago
    bald (almost) dancer
    I saw that girl today. she looks like she'd prolly be ugly WITH HAIR too.
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    11 years ago
    obviously, all the rapes, robberies, and murders have been eliminated in Dekalb County now since the police force has time to raid strip clubs to check for valid permits. i really wish someone would keep an accurate record of 911 calls and crime reports for those 5 to 6 hour time periods (before, during, and after) to compare how badly the community is affected and how much of a disservice it is to have these law enforcement officers pre-occupied with victimless crimes.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Annoying Pet Peeves in Reviews
    i get tired of seeing a popular club reviewed with the same info: the layout, the price of a drink, the cover, the cost of a table dance. tell us what's different, not what's the same in every review.
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    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    If a stripper calls u for money
    one of the dancers i've known for a while had been out of work and texted me during christmas time asking me for an extra $100 so that her son could have at least a few toys for christmas. i told her i didn't have any $ to spare. a week later, her facebook page has new pics of her and a guy she's been fucking, her son's bedroom full of toys, and a caption reading something like "my man and my son enjoying the best christmas" ss as always
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    11 years ago
    rick ross and lil wayne pulled from radio station rotation
    Most of this garbage is played in the clubs .
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    11 years ago
    rick ross and lil wayne pulled from radio station rotation
    basically, if the noise you hear coming from the speakers is annoying, whiny, and completely worthless, it's lil wayne. if the noise you hear is spewing expletives and bragging about how much money he has, it's rick ross. the music industry would be better off without them both.
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    11 years ago
    How to get with a stripper
    Alucard: if you want to FUCK a stripper, you need to have $$$$$$. if you want to date one, you need to have less self esteem, less value, and less money than the stripper.
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    12 years ago
    Austin, TX
    how many of the dancers are drug addicted?
    by my estimation thru observation, at least 90% smoke weed all the time. probably 60% use Xanax or other prescription drugs illegally. more than half use cocaine, ecstasy(molly), or meth. I've even shown some of the girls pictures of skin rotting noses and ears as the result of tainted cocaine nationally (70% of the nations cocaine is tainted with a cattle de-wormer), and they pay no mind and continue to do drugs. about 10% use Heroin. when a stripper asks for money to get her permit renewed, it will almost always go to drugs instead. most girls need to be numb when they are in this environment, and if it's not from alcohol, it's gotta come from somewhere. if there were a mandatory drug test before getting a permit, almost no one would have one. this might account for so many pregnancies. girls think that if they're pregnant, they MUST quit doing drugs. sometimes it works.
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    12 years ago
    tattoos are the latest fad. i don't see the value in them
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    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    seriously? the rate at which these girls get pregnant from their b/f's and you guys think bbfs is safe? i have never heard this 1 in 10 condoms fail statistic except here. 10 in 10 condoms fail when they're not used. i can count on one hand the number of women i've gone bareback with over the last 5 years, and that has me nervous as well.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    dating females from the same strip club where your x or an x worked
    if your ex is working at the same club as a new girl, and the ex talks about you, it can only lead to good things. think about it. 1) your ex is a stripper and tells everyone she used to date you. that automatically generates curiosity with all the other strippers. 2) if your ex bad-mouths you, you win as well. there are tons of stupid girls out there that MUST fuck the bad boys. 3) if your ex brags about you, there are tons of dancers out there that wanna see for themselves.
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Confessions of a strip club DJ
    The DJ can make or break the club. A good DJ selects the music, works the rotations, and announces the dancers, specials in a clean understandable voice. A good DJ manages the dancers and their moods, and will not deal with dancer b.s. The Goldrush in Atlanta went from a booming popular mixed club to a ghetto shit-hole where no one can make any money. (check the reviews if you don't believe me) It wasn't an immediate change. it took two years to completely degenerate. It happened because they took the club cook and made him the DJ. He played Non-stop hip-hop during his shift which chased out all of the white customers, and 80% of the white dancers. two things: 1) He knew what he was doing was wrong, and continued to do it. (i.e. when the owner was in the club, he would change his format until the owner would leave) 2) when asked to change, he said he couldn't because he would lose a lot of money in tips from the dancers. Lee and Inno, there are A LOT of BAD DJs! A good DJ caters to his customers. And he plays music suited to where the big money is. Those crappy DJs out there cater to the college kids (who have no money), or the wannabe rappers (who have no money, but pretend to). The a.m. radio DJs of the 50s, 60s, and early 70s are what most of these crappy goons try to imitate, never coming up for air, leaving a pause in their announcements. I know one that sounds like Boomauer from King of the Hill. A DJ *might* get laid more often than the PLs because he's an employee. Most strip club employees have sex with a stripper easier than a customer will. he's an employee, the customer is the income. Radio stations can voice track all they want. there's no common sense and logic in an automated system for broadcast. The SC DJ knows the club.
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    12 years ago
    Percentage of Single Moms
    The welfare system originated from a desire to help war widows (single moms). Just like any other government program, this one has created the "free ride" from the abuse.
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    12 years ago
    Percentage of Single Moms
    What duo does not address is the number of dancers that don't care at all about contraception. Nor do they want to abort or adopt out these unplanned kids. A number of them are quick to have the child, and then immediately hand the kid off to their mother (because she did such a stellar job raising her daughter--extreme sarcasm) or place them in daycare. They treat the kids like those little toy dogs Paris Hilon carries around like a fashion accessory. And "15 and pregnant" on MTV doesn't help. One of the dancers I know has had three kids from two different men, and her first pregnancy was at 15. The main point I've gleaned from all of you is that our community is growing a generation of unplanned children from irresponsible parents, and that it seems like these kids will ultimately be our demise.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Which came first, the drugs or the club?
    it used to be that the girls would find a reason to start dancing, (bad home life, school, friends were stripping) and then make those bad choices (drugs, pregnancy, etc) now, it seems that most new dancers are already single moms, or drug addicts, or both. Seems that the environment is attractive to that type of person.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dances with lube.
    One of the girls was pointing out this customer the other day while you and I were in the club. She says he uses it on his fingers on the girls while he is getting a dance. he was sitting right next to us.
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    12 years ago
    Dating a stripper
    most PLs want to FUCK a stripper, not DATE one. Most strippers will date either 1)someone worse off than them (to make them feel superior either $$ or status-wise) or 2) someone with a lot of $$ that can allow them to work when they want (in the hopes that this sugardaddy will marry them) DATING a stripper requires a specific mind-set than dating any other woman. Most strippers have low self-esteem, and as the boyfriend, it is up to you to argue every day with them about how pretty they are. two things happened in the late 90s early 2000s to cause our new dilemma there are fewer 10s stripping because of VIP, private dances, extras. most HOT 10s were completely fine with stage dances and air dances at your table. (look but don't touch) Once VIP and crazy friction lap dances and extras came into play, a lot of these hotties said fuck it and left the business. T-Pain released "I'm in love with a stripper" which apparently made it a mandate for every rapper and every rapper-wannabe to have a stripper for a girlfriend as part of their flashy-car, pit-bull owning rapper status. so a lot of the 10s are either taken or tired of being courted by every wannabe out there.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Attn: White Knights.
    these dancers stay with these parasites because the girls are too irresponsible to manage their own affairs and lives.
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    12 years ago
    Texas law maker wants strippers to get licenses and display them!!
    they could put their license number in their tramp-stamp. there's already a whole bunch of useless info tattooed on their bodies now, why not their permit number?
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    12 years ago
    Rap Music and the decline of Strip Clubs.
    "It is the rap culture- violent, criminal, cruel, heartless, selfish, misogynistic, racist and homophobic- that I blame for much of the decline." you hit the nail on the head!
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    12 years ago
    Rap Music and the decline of Strip Clubs.
    After a while of listening to these offensive songs with offensive and suggestive lyrics, the girls become brainwashed into thinking that high mileage is acceptable and the norm. they all know the lyrics. they're mouthing them while they dance for you. while it's beneficial to us as customers that patronize the high mileage clubs, it causes the other clubs to suffer, and even more girls that don't offer high mileage to quit the business. this is a culture thing, brought on by the attitude and behavior expressed in hip-hop. it's not about race because a lot of the white dancers are either dating a rapper wannabe, or are tolerant enough to remain. the tolerant though, are out-numbered by the hip-hop requests to the dj for their stage sets, and the once predominantly white clubs are overtaken by the ghetto culture and element. In Atlanta, this happened at The Goldrush. The irony is that the black girls that came to work at The Goldrush didn't want to work at a black club like The Onyx because of the poor attitudes of the black clientele. The white clientele left The Goldrush because of the endless droning on of the hip-hop and was replaced with black clientele even more thuggish than Onyx could ever imagine. as I said. it's a culture thing. we now have words in our vocabulary like "baby daddy", stacks, bands, etc. not to mention that every rapper thinks he needs a stripper girlfriend as a status symbol now because of T-Payne's "I'm in love with a stripper". still undecided about a decline of Strip Clubs? consider this: why are there pat-downs and metal detectors at most strip clubs now? why are 80% of the dancers single moms now as opposed to around 30% in the late 70s thru the 80s? why are there more pimps hanging out in the strip clubs now? why doesn't anyone in Atlanta want to go to Shooter's Alley anymore, or hang out at Follies at night? Hip-Hop/Rap received its early financing through drug dealers and illicit activities. why do you think Tupac and Biggie had such violent ends? Surely rapping wasn't the motive to gunning down two young men. At least not then. let's consider rap lyrics now versus metal lyrics from the 80s/90s Bon Jovi Shot thru the heart, and you're to blame, you give love a bad name. Juicy J All the girls poppin' pussy, i'm just poppin' bands.
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    12 years ago
    My ATF at one of the clubs has dragged a waitress into VIP with us.
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    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer Turned On?
    I've had dancers pay the room fee and only ask me for the tip-out to the house. I'm pretty sure this is based on getting me back in the room for some fun, because she's not making any money on the VIP.
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    12 years ago
    Always Remember, They're Strippers . . . . .
    if there is one lesson that I learned this year, it's this: no matter how sweet, nice, real, and genuine she seems, don't loan her money.
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    12 years ago
    Niggers, Niggers, Niggers.
    as i remember in the early 80s, rappers stated they needed explicit lyrics in their raps because they were expressing their stories of growing up in the hood. about how violent and territorial everything was. fine. express yourself. but then don't come back 10 years later with stupid gone more stupid. the late 90s, we had tootsie roll, laffy taffy, doo doo brown, etc. and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we're inundated with lyrics about 'the vip', 'drinking patron', 'needing a brinks truck for all my money', 'blowin more money in a day than you make in a year','lojack on your ho' plus all of the other lyrics that use the n-word and fucking and abusing strippers and hoes. we have rick ross, 2chainz, lil wayne, and a handful of others to blame for this abuse of money and music. it really does sour the strip club experience. i hope two things come from these raps: 1) that there is a backlash and an outcry from all of the communities where this music is played and sold, so much so that these rappers will be guilted into investing money back into their communities. 2) that the IRS listens to these lyrics and insures that these flaunters pay their taxes. after all, those tax dollars should go toward the food stamps these offenders were forcing their 'baby mamas' to live off of. thank you nickifree for calling it to our attention, albeit the title was a little out there