Many who post here speak of BBBJ and BBFS. I participate in both activities regularly with my ATF. One time in Nashville I spent two very hot nights with a dancer OTC. The next week I had an STD which my doctor was able to take care of, but which scared the shit out of me. My ATF and I have a full panel of tests about every 6 months and fortunately there's been no problem. But when I've wandered since Nashville, I've reluctantly used a condom. My ATF once told me shed been with a guy who told her several weeks later that he was just diagnose d as HIV. She got tested after 3 months and again after 6 months. All negative, but it is a reality. I'm in my late 60's and not as worried about STD's today as I was 30 years ago, but I'm curious about how others view this scourge. Most of the women we're with are seeing lots of guys who are each seeing lots of women. What? Me worry?
A PM came to me after posting the above discussion. He says condoms don't guarantee safe sex. A friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot by the woman's husband.
“… A friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot by the woman's husband ..â€
Maybe if he would have gotten shot in the condom-covered penis, he would have been ok – condoms *are* supposed to be pretty reliable form of protection
As long as you imagine you are a RICH STUD (even if, in reality, you are maybe just a low level sales guy) then you cannot get STDs from unprotected sex. RICH STUDs are too good for that.
At 71 years I have given this a lot of thought. Weighing the risks against the pleasure. A BJ with a condom is just flat out of the question. BBFS puts me at risk for STDs but how much longer am I gonna live anyhow. It is getting tougher to keep it up with a condom on and I am almost to the point of saying fuck it and just going BB whenever I get the opportunity. But then I give myself a reality check and abstain.
Right now I prefer a BBBJ over a CFS. And I will stay that way unless some gal really gets me going.
Two years ago, I would have said "not a chance" with regard to going bareback. Now? Well, a couple of years of it has changed my perspective just a wee bit. Still won't do it raw with anybody I just met, but it's gonna be hard to put the coat back on when my SB is done with me.
This, amongst other reasons, is precisely why I don't do extras. Terrible, I know, but I've never had an STD and I don't want to be eskimo sisters with some girl that has the free clinic on speed dial.
seriously? the rate at which these girls get pregnant from their b/f's and you guys think bbfs is safe? i have never heard this 1 in 10 condoms fail statistic except here. 10 in 10 condoms fail when they're not used. i can count on one hand the number of women i've gone bareback with over the last 5 years, and that has me nervous as well.
"... that HIV was transmitted in zero to two percent of couples who correctly and consistently used male condoms for both vaginal and anal sex."
"... During a year of perfect condom use, that number drops to between 2 and 3 out of 100 sexually active women becoming pregnant. "
Improper use of a condom is noted in the article though as having a higher rate of failure. People must be idiots not to figure out how to use a condom.
@dalex: If you're looking for a stripper to have sex with, and one of your criteria is "inexperienced", I think the relevant cliche is "barking up the wrong tree."
The stripper you are doing at an xtras club may fuck half a dozen guys during her shift. Do you really want to do her bareback? One I was meeting itc at the beginning of her shift wanted me to bring condoms which were supposedly for a fellow dancer. The stores they tell....Once I met her at the end of her shift she said "Well I really cant do sex today my coutchie got burned in the tanning bed, but I can do HJ."
The stripper you meet otc may have done her drug dealer bf or pimp before seeing you. Does her pussy smell like cum?
The fact is we really have no idea who they are doing, how many, or their HIV / STD risk status. Its not like Spock can hold up a tri-corder and say "This one is safe Captain."
If she does bareback w/ *you* - then she will do it w/ anyone else and we know this means you are not only exposing yourself to her but everyone else the ho has been with (and that can be a very large circle of “friendsâ€).
papi: "If she does bareback w/ *you* - then she will do it w/ anyone else"
I have it on the very best authority that some girls will only do it with guys who think of themselves as RICH STUDs. Another reason why guys who think of themselves as RICH STUDs are basically immune to STDs. (Now there is still a 1 in 50 trillion chance of transmission, so said rich studs will spend "a small mint" to get regularly tested. Just to be doubly safe and, more importantly, protect their beloved wives.)
Having used condoms my entire adult life even when in a permanent relationship it doesn't bother me and as long as the condom is put on properly (which I am surprised at how few dancers know how to do). About the only thing that I take uncovered are hand jobs. (And one of the best HJ's I have ever gotten in a club was covered!)
Any girl willing to go uncovered with me is willing to go uncovered with most likely dozens of guys each week. Even if I might be able to get treated for whatever I catch there is also the matter of being the conduit to others. Though a guy my age might die of something else before HIV having to take thousands of dollars each year of retroviral drugs day after day is a bitch, not to mention putting a damper on the possibility for future serious relationships.
I'm sure if you are old and decrepit (like alutard) and got HIV on top of it, it would progress faster than the typical 10y (w/o AARV) that it takes to top your immune system. I'm seem to remember reading some statistics to this effect coming out African. It's very hard to believe that no matter what your age, getting HIV would not shorten your life expectancy. (That being said, when young, health people get it, the drugs are no pretty advanced, and, IIRC, it shortens your life and other complicates things about as much as having diabetes does.)
Good thing us non-IV drug using, hetro, white males are basically immune to it, huh?
I understand the sentiment dalex, but I know a few women who could change your mind about a HJ. Though to be fair it's more the entire experience than the HJ itself, even if they are quite skilled at that.
I’m kind of a sentimental guy and won’t come easily with a HJ – but being the sentimental guy that I am and kissing being my favorite/most-erotic thing to do, if a girl is kissing me while HJ(ing) me, then I will cum and often explode.
@dalex: There is a local massage provider who, in addition to giving the absolute best profession massage I've ever received, tops it off with a HJ that is an order of magnitude better than any other I've ever gotten. Better even than quite a few blow jobs. I've seen her several times now, and it simply does not get old.
Had a dancer start to put me in without a hat once a while back and I stopped her and she said "you're clean aren't you honey" I said yes and I intend to stay that way and left.
I've been doing BB with dancers for several years, also with girls at Hostess Clubs, never a STD and negative HIV tests. Can't feel a thing with a condom on. First time I did it, it was actually the dancer who initiated it. She was nude, straddling me, guided my dick toward her pussy for what I thought was going to be some pussy rubbing but she stuck it right inside her and rode me until I filled her with cum. Never went back to condoms after that.
Man fuck all y'all. I get CBJs ALL THE TIME. Shit feels as great as a bb.. it all depends on the girl. Though I'm black, so maybe its different for me. Plus wearing those cheap thin latex condoms or just trojan man thin condoms help wonders. After all, its just a BJ, not FS
First off, I wonder how many people that bring the hate on someone who confesses to bb dont hesitate to light up a cigarette? Enough of that, I absolutely will take a bbbj over a cbj any day, in fact I can only remember getting off a few times from cbj, the last time being at an amp in charlotte. That woman just had some serious suction. I have succumbed to the bbfs temptation twice, one with takeout stripper, the other time with an escort whom after being pounded from behind forever looked back and said "take it off". Two minutes later I was done. I dont chase bbfs, but if offered by a real hottie, it is hard to resist.
Most of the concerns in this topic are about catching diseases. I'd say that I would be equally worried about becoming some dancer's new baby daddy. Many of my fave dancers have kids but no SO, so I'm sure they're not on any birth control. My current fave told me in a recent VIP that I could stick it in if I like. I passed. I take enough risk being there and doing DATY. No child support payments for me, thanks.
last comment“BBFS - Bare Back Full Service (aka Russian Roulette)â€
Maybe if he would have gotten shot in the condom-covered penis, he would have been ok – condoms *are* supposed to be pretty reliable form of protection
Spreading STDs should be your concern if them killing you aren't.
Especially when you consider you like little girls that have their whole life in front of them, you fucking pedophile.
BBBJ is the only way to get a BJ, worthless with a condom.
All zero times in your life that happened, huh, jestie?
Right now I prefer a BBBJ over a CFS. And I will stay that way unless some gal really gets me going.
i have never heard this 1 in 10 condoms fail statistic except here.
10 in 10 condoms fail when they're not used.
i can count on one hand the number of women i've gone bareback with over the last 5 years, and that has me nervous as well.
"... that HIV was transmitted in zero to two percent of couples who correctly and consistently used male condoms for both vaginal and anal sex."
"... During a year of perfect condom use, that number drops to between 2 and 3 out of 100 sexually active women becoming pregnant. "
Improper use of a condom is noted in the article though as having a higher rate of failure. People must be idiots not to figure out how to use a condom.
but it worries me, being able to do that displays experience, & last thing you want is too much mileage on her.
The stripper you meet otc may have done her drug dealer bf or pimp before seeing you. Does her pussy smell like cum?
The fact is we really have no idea who they are doing, how many, or their HIV / STD risk status. Its not like Spock can hold up a tri-corder and say "This one is safe Captain."
I have it on the very best authority that some girls will only do it with guys who think of themselves as RICH STUDs. Another reason why guys who think of themselves as RICH STUDs are basically immune to STDs. (Now there is still a 1 in 50 trillion chance of transmission, so said rich studs will spend "a small mint" to get regularly tested. Just to be doubly safe and, more importantly, protect their beloved wives.)
Any girl willing to go uncovered with me is willing to go uncovered with most likely dozens of guys each week. Even if I might be able to get treated for whatever I catch there is also the matter of being the conduit to others. Though a guy my age might die of something else before HIV having to take thousands of dollars each year of retroviral drugs day after day is a bitch, not to mention putting a damper on the possibility for future serious relationships.
Good thing us non-IV drug using, hetro, white males are basically immune to it, huh?
I can do it myself much better