Dating a stripper

avatar for toysales
I've been lurking around Stripper Web for a few days and noticed a common complaint. Guys coming into the club thinking they can take a stripper home. I've also noticed guys here talking about the same thing. Hell, I'll even admit that I've thought about that more now than I used to. I think that I know the reason why. The fantasy of a strip club for me always was about spending time with a girl that I would never be able to get out in the real world. In today's clubs there are a lot more strippers that are 5's to 7's and very few 9's and 10's. Where in the early 90's there were more 9's and 10's. With the fewer 9's and 10's I end up spending time with the 5's to 7's. In the real world I have no problem attracting this level of civi girl, so why should I have a problem getting a stripper of this level. Have you guys noticed this trend?


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avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Perhaps those men have a problem, their OVERWELMING sense of entitlement is showing through.

Do you just toss your hat on the floor and then EVERY woman around just SWOONS and comes running to date you?

Usually doesn't work that way as much as you might imagine it does.
avatar for toysales
12 years ago
Sorry I don't wear hats. And that's not what I said. I have no problem getting dates from girls that are in the 5 to 7 range is a far cry from tossing my hat down and they swoon and come running.

I agree with your first statement to a certain degree. But where does that sense of entitlement come from. You would think it would be less seeing that more women work to support their families now and have been a different type of role model for the younger men of today.
I don't know they're talking about on SW, but I don't think we talk much about "dating" strippers. We talking about paid OTC. There's a difference.
Attractive women, strippers or civi, believe they can get any man they want any time they want him. They believe they can afford to be picky and choosy and it shows.
avatar for michael_oxbig
12 years ago
And they wind up with loser boyfriends and kids and have to strip to make ends meet. The system works, why fuck it up?
avatar for toysales
12 years ago
MOTORHEAD You have a valid point there.

I think you guys are missing my point. Where have the 9's and 10's gone? The clubs used to be loaded with them. Now it seems there's just a couple in each club. At least in my area.
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
The girls doing extras are getting the guys. I prefer a 7 who is more fun to a 9 who isn't going to put in any effort because she's hot and thinks she doesn't have to work at it.
I second rh48hr.
i'm the hardest working 9 out here, and i'll work your hard until it's all mine
avatar for StunnaBitch
12 years ago
I do see the same trend and more so of the 5-7 doing ITC and OTC. These girls need money and since they have the morals of Hitler they are easy game. But remember that you are game to them also. They will make you feel like your handsome, fun, funny....etc. Say they love you. What they love is your money and gifts.

What they love is their kids (multiple baby dad daddys), themselves, their drugs, their crazy friends, their deadbeat boy friend who knocked her up so he can sit his ass home

avatar for toysales
12 years ago
But there is just something about that 10 that is grinding on you.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I just see a trend of there being 1 to none of 8-10 strippers at clubs period. Really sucks when you have high expectations for some drop dead gorgeous girl to be your fantasy when all she is is in your dreams
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Many times I've gone into a restaurant near a college, and thought to myself that the waitresses as a group were hotter than the strippers in any strip club I know of. I rarely went to strip clubs back in the 90s. Went to one on Bourbon St. in New Orleans, and the dancers were seriously fugly. But at a local, low-contact club, the dancers were all 10s back then.

My best guess is that the biggest reason most women don't want to be strippers is they think it will ruin their chances of settling down with a decent guy. The second biggest reason is having to lead a double life. The third biggest reason is having to deal with a lot of obnoxious behavior, even more than what a waitress deals with.
avatar for toysales
12 years ago
Estafador, my point exactly.
I see the downward trend to.

9-10 very uncommon now
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
Carolynne - I would certainly like to try you out.
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
Carolynne - I would certainly like to try you out.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Why do you want to date them? taking them home is to fuck them
avatar for andresalzar
12 years ago
very true.
there are strippers all over the world, US strippers are used to having their pussys on a pedestal beware. In order to bang a stipper on a regular basis you need to be a bonafied stud or have sic $. talk to them calmly seem uninterested chill at the bar, watch them pay attention don't blow your wad on the first plasic fantastic peace of ass u see, then grab there head insert wang into ear and find the soft spot ten begin, you have to mind fuck them hard.JK, kind of some like good dope if u got it, maby try to get inbetwwen to girls that don't like eachother make them jealous to fight for you. States is wack u probably have better luck in pattaya Thailand.
toysales, you might be able to land a 5-7 in real life, but most of the old codgers on here would be lucky to date a three and certainly no one more then 5 years younger then them unless she was doin it for the cash incentives.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
"My best guess is that the biggest reason most women don't want to be strippers is they think it will ruin their chances of settling down with a decent guy. The second biggest reason is having to lead a double life. The third biggest reason is having to deal with a lot of obnoxious behavior, even more than what a waitress deals with."

Think it's more basic then that. Most women don't want to take their clothes off in front of men, or rub their asses against, or get groped by or do extras for guys they don't find attractive. Let's not overthink it.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I'm with motorhead. I don't see much talk on her about guys wanting to date strippers for free. Estafador and juice have made some minor references to it, but it's way less than 1% of their posts.

ranukam has talked about a bit, but even for him, he seems to be look more for a FB arrangement than any serious kind of dating.
I date 1,2,3
I Fuck 4,5,6
I rent 7,8,9
I don't.believe in 10
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
because 10 is 1 and 0
Can I own that juice?

That's a good one!
avatar for joewebber
12 years ago
most PLs want to FUCK a stripper, not DATE one.
Most strippers will date either 1)someone worse off than them (to make them feel superior either $$ or status-wise) or 2) someone with a lot of $$ that can allow them to work when they want (in the hopes that this sugardaddy will marry them)

DATING a stripper requires a specific mind-set than dating any other woman. Most strippers have low self-esteem, and as the boyfriend, it is up to you to argue every day with them about how pretty they are.

two things happened in the late 90s early 2000s to cause our new dilemma

there are fewer 10s stripping because of VIP, private dances, extras.
most HOT 10s were completely fine with stage dances and air dances at your table. (look but don't touch) Once VIP and crazy friction lap dances and extras came into play, a lot of these hotties said fuck it and left the business.

T-Pain released "I'm in love with a stripper" which apparently made it a mandate for every rapper and every rapper-wannabe to have a stripper for a girlfriend as part of their flashy-car, pit-bull owning rapper status.

so a lot of the 10s are either taken or tired of being courted by every wannabe out there.

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I don't see the number of 9s and 10s on the decline. Think people are just naturally biased to look back at their first days with a sense of nostalgia.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I agree that there seems to be less 9's and 10'a in general at most clubs outside LA and Vegas. My favorite club approach is to get warmed up with a 9 or 10 (if possible) then take a 6 or 7 in the back to finish the job.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I remember when I drank a little bit more than normal one night, I talked to one dancer about having fun away from the club. She might have misinterpreted what I meant and started talking about dating. Uugh, I thought, I don't want to date her. She told me she didn't have a boyfriend and went on talking. If she was trying to turn me off, she did a great job. I never suggested having fun with another dancer after that.

I could easily hook up with some dancers but it would be a nightmare. I typically would not even talk to them away from a club and do not even want any dances from them when I see them in a club. I believe some in looks are about the same as some women I see at work that have made suggestions that they would like to get to know me better. I have not gone for any of them. It has been a couple of years since I had a non dancer come up to me and asked to have sex without even introducing herself. I think getting a date would be easy if I went along with whatever else they wanted. I haven't met too any ten's. They almost always already have boyfriends and if they are a dancer, have lots of guys drooling all over them willing to pay their higher than normal dance prices.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
We don't want to date dancers, we just want to have fun with the hottest piece of ass we can get.

Leave all the date crap on the other web site. I get turned off if a dancer starts talking about dating. Of course when a girl comes up to you and wants to have sex without even knowing your name or introducing herself, there is a trust issue as far as I am concerned. Unkess she is a drop dead 10, I will wonder if that is all she wants or if it's a setup to be robbed or if she has sexual diseases or if it is sex revenge on a jealous boyfriend or potentially angry significant other or if she might be a working girl who will want cash later on.
@toysales, if your "point" of your post was that you think there are fewer 9s and 10s in the stripping business, I don't agree. I see just as many as I did 10, 20 and 30 years ago.

Of course, they're all younger now. :)
Dougster is right, I have talked about dating strippers in the past. I've dated a few strippers and I can honestly say the only good thing about them is that they are freaks in the bedroom. Everything else is bad. Even if she says she doesn't give extras to her customers, you have to assume that's she's at least getting her tits sucked by other customers. I don't know about y'all, but I wouldn't be happy with my girl getting her tits sucked by another guy.
"With the fewer 9's and 10's, I end up spending more time with the 5's to 7's".

Having a few more drinks will make the 5-7's look more 9-10ish.......... (Couldn't resist this)
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
"DATING a stripper requires a specific mind-set than dating any other woman. Most strippers have low self-esteem, and as the boyfriend, it is up to you to argue every day with them about how pretty they are."

No understanding how to really manipulate do you...
It seems like customers wanting to date strippers is a common gripe amongst dancers.

I think most TUSCLers already know how the game is played and “dating” a stripper is not really the way to go since in reality what you really want to do is fuck them.

But I think those that ask dancers for dates are resorting to what guys always and have always done when around beautiful women; i.e. try to hook up with them. That has always been the case whether in a regular club/bar; high school; etc. It’s just that guys know they can’t just (normally) come out and say “can I fuck you” and instead will ask for a “date” in hopes of getting into her pants.
avatar for berge1
12 years ago
OK... at the present time I am dating 2 strippers. One is a 21 year old ... at least a 9 1/2! The other is a 35 year 7! I must tell you I am 61!!! I look at them from different points of view. The 21 year old is pure eye candy...she at one time was with Rapper Chris Brown, so you can guess what she looks like. For some wild reason, she is madly in love with me. We go out at least 3 times a week in public...not at clubs. I have had family dinners with her and her Mom and younger brother! She wants me to move in with her and talks about getting engaged. The 35 year old "dances" to pay her grad school tuition (PhD)... and has the greatest personality. I am totally in love with her.'s her BRAIN I love.... and the 21 year old' s BODY that I crave! What to do? I broke the cardinal rule of dating...I told them about each other! But it seemed to work in my favor... COMPITITION! They each try to out do each other to my advantage. Anyway. Dating a working stripped is hard. Dating 2 is harder. You do have to understand that this is how they earn their money...the FLIRT for a living. Sometimes providing a little extras too. Get used to it or get out. If you are jealous you won't be able to handle just have to realize it's her job and she will go home with you. At my age I haven'ttime for games. They both satisfy my needs but from different directions. So for as long as I can, I'm just enjoying the ride!

avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I'm in L.A. and constantly see 8s, 9s, and the occasional 10 at my favorite clubs. Sams Hofbrau, Fantasy Island, 4Play, 7557, and Dames and Games. I think it is due to the economy. I rarely have to drop down to a 7. They seem to be a lot more negotiable these days too. I hate paying $20 for a dance now. Most of the bikini/topless places are $10 or if they are more you just tell the girl I'll take 5 dances for $50 and tip you $10 or $15 and they go for it.

BTW props to Berge1, I like your style. If I was ever single I'd be doing the same thing!
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