dating females from the same strip club where your x or an x worked
New York
Females in a given strip club give signs/hints or tell you they find you attractive hot datable or dooable any or. You can surmise which ones to date/f etc... because you are single. But your X works there or an x used to work there or took time off of stripping/bartebding etc.... Should You take on someone from that same club or is that considerered a no-no in the dating rule book.(Reguardless of if the other knows your x or not-And I know this tibit makes a difference).
I need a females perspective on this the most.
I need a females perspective on this the most.
To answere your question. Who gives a shit? This site is about strippers. Not civilian females.
Sexist !!!!
I don't go by dating rule books. I either score or don't.
I have done 15 girls in the same club over the last five years. some only once many a lot. I would not give a crap what any of them think.
If I really want to bang the girl and pop is right well it's on. The exception wb if I had promised to meet an ATF for fun in VIP.
1) your ex is a stripper and tells everyone she used to date you. that automatically generates curiosity with all the other strippers.
2) if your ex bad-mouths you, you win as well. there are tons of stupid girls out there that MUST fuck the bad boys.
3) if your ex brags about you, there are tons of dancers out there that wanna see for themselves.