
Comments by joewebber (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Two dancers in VIP
    a lot of the time your extras likelihood will go down. even if the girls are good friends, they don't want the other one to think that they do extras. the VIP can end up being a gigantic cock block.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Should I Live With Her?
    a dancer boyfriend is different than a dancer's one night stands. if you and she plan on her becoming your SO with this arrangement, there are a lot of things you will learn about dancers. some not so pretty. it would be nice if Jerikson40 was right. do what slickspic suggests first.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Orgasms and obligations
    if she cums, then the cost of a high-priced VIP initially decreases to a manageable level. I've heard of dancers offer to pay for the room and discount their fee to go to VIP with someone with talents. some girls that never do extras are inclined to do them if they've known someone for a long time. (2 to 3 years)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Test drives can be inconclusive.
    also, keep in mind that if a dancer does not know you, she might be vague because she thinks you might be local LEO trying to catch her. Another good thing to consider is to NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER bring two dancers back to VIP that are unfamiliar with each other. The mileage drops to nothing because both girls are afraid that the other will talk or lose respect for the other because of what she's doing. Or worse, one dancer might cock-block the other from doing higher mileage extras. plus, if you pay your VIPs different depending on the girl, and you bring two girls with different deals back to the same room, the higher price will always win out.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Sticking up strippers
    most clubs clear out the parking lot of any lookie-loos or PLs waiting outside before the bouncers and valets escort the dancers to their cars. a lot of clubs have a rule that the dancers cannot get a ride from someone that has been in the club that night. they will make every effort to steer clear of impropriety. some dancers will make arrangements to meet customers at a nearby watering hole or diner once they've taken a cab from the club. And Mark94, those cars were more than likely the boyfriends or husbands sitting in the cars outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Test drives can be inconclusive.
    I've known of situations where your dancer is giving you high mileage outside of VIP. You ask about the mileage inside VIP with a positive confirmation only to be told when you get back there that she thought that was all you wanted to do was more of the same. and NEVER EVER go back to VIP with a girl that says "we'll have fun" as her only response to you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you keep dancers phone numbers or toss them away every so often?
    I keep all my phone numbers for years. the other day, i was dialing a dancer's number as she was telling me, and it turned out I had met her before, but she looked very different and was using a different dancer name.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. Waffle House Customer Shot Dead by Cook
    this was the WH right near Fannie's.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers and Expensive/High-End Alcohol
    it has everything to do with marketing and nothing to do with quality.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    strip club financing
    if it is City of Atlanta, the club needs to already have a liquor license because the city will not issue any new ones. I think I know which club this is.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hit Up For Money
    if you are loaning money to them, you are giving money to them. they will never pay it back
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bad news for Atlanta club goers.
    forest park might make a comeback because from what i understand, the politicians that were in office when the pony south and crazy horse closed, have been voted out.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I would have done [xyz], but I didn't have the time."
    if i write "didn't have the time", the end of the sentence is "to invest or waste on yet another unknown situation" i've stayed way too long in the club many times, and if there's a new girl, or someone that finally becomes available, and she wants to go through the usual "where are you from, what do you do, how are you, are you having a good time" bs and then wants to further distort and deflect answers to direct questions about what she does or doesn't do, so much so, that it really does become about the time, then i just flatly turn it down; even if i have the money in my pocket.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Entering the mind of a dancer
    "And sometimes, they're just displaying some of the traits that led many of them to be strippers in the first case -- laziness, bad judgement, whatever." so often the case
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    10 years ago
    Follies Raid
    really good April Fool's!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucked up things we hear
    wow. i know exactly which dancer SC is talking about
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Recommendation for Club in Atlanta GA (mix/women patrons/21 bday party)
    Pink Pony
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Warning lights
    one club used to play a certain song when the le was about to come in
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The "iRemember You" scam
    Apparently, I have a doppelgänger that frequents the same club. Sometimes they confuse me with him. The truth is that some of these girls get too messed up to remember whether they've been to VIP with you. Just go with iit.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Are strippers complaining about how bad it is in clubs now just putting me on?
    I've noticed a change in strippers' attitudes in the past 10 years or so. 1) most girls will not come to your table and personally thank you after a stage set any more. 2) most girls are not interested in getting you to talk about yourself and your job. Instead, they want you to hear their sob story about their (rent, child, work, car, etc) They are no longer selling the victoria secret model earning college money fantasy. Instead,you get the full trailer trash story.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bringing your lady to the strip club
    i've dated mostly dancers since I was 18. we've gone to other clubs together, done vips with other dancers, and pretty much had a lot of fun. the girls i've dated have usually been bi, so we've been careful about the dancers who dance for us. we want to make sure that the dancer is comfortable with dancing for a woman. we trade off in who buys the dances for the other, but we both end up enjoying it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    DJ Income
    also, here in Georgia, thanks to Steve Kaplan's procedures at the Gold Club, most of the strip club DJs now tip out any where from 35% to 50% of their money to the club for DJ Booth/Lighting/ maintenance fund.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip club in "The Internship" movie?
    The Internship was filmed in Atlanta with Atlanta ladies. I'll have to take a look to find out what you're talking about.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    they just end up looking like blue and green blobs from a distance. some girls get quotes, and stars, and other b.s. it just looks like some skin cancer growth.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Sugar Baby vs ATF
    sugardaddy.com has mostly 18 and 20 year old girls looking for a 25 year old sugardaddy. yeah, right!