
Comments by boatmonkey (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Feature Entertainer Dances?
    I had a pretty similar experience, although it was a long time ago and didn't cost me as much. I'll stick with my own local "stars".
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    13 years ago
    Deadly Shooting Outside Cheetah's Strip Club
    When they say "it has not always been like that" I wonder how far they are thinking back? I remember that place when it was divided into two small strip clubs, one called the Odd Frog Pub. That had to be 30 years ago! I don't remember getting the kind of service I get now at my favorite place, La Chambre, though! These are the Good Old Days!!
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    She would have to wait for me to get 8 hours of sleep and a bowl of Wheaties before I could deliver any MSOG! LMFAO!!
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    13 years ago
    "Hey, Joe!"
    My ATF is just not good with names so even after four years of at least two or three sesions a month she often forgets my actual name. But she calls me Santa, her own nickname for me, and I guess that's OK (it eveidently fits - I was known as "Jolly" years ago in another club). On the flip side, there's another dancer who has been in the VIP with me maybe 6 times in total over four years and she never fails to say hi and call me by name every time she sees me!? There was one club I used to frequent where I was often mistaken for some attorney who was a regular, too, and evidently very generous with the girls. That was good and bad - girls would flock over but they all expected that I was going to buy rounds! LOL
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I would like to see my favorite girl once a week but that isn't always possible because of schedule or finances. A quick tip about the girl not being there when you show up - I wondered how the hell my Chinese buddy was always getting phone numbers from dancers until my ATF actually offered hers to me when I said I came in one day and was disappointed to not see her there. She said "call me if you want to check that I'm going to work on the day you plan to visit". Now I have asked other girls for their numbers on that same premise and, I'll be damned, it works!
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    13 years ago
    Grinding LD
    Before my favorite club remodeled and installed booths with some semblance of privacy, VIP seating consisted of a bench built around a fair sized room. This worked OK for me but there wasn't much opportunity to let Mr. Happy out for air when others were also in the room. After a couple warm-up songs that involved lots of caressing, my ATF would absolutely fuck the hell out of me with me fully dressed, humping and grabbing my dick over the pants, too, in a way that almost made you think you were doing the real thing! Fantastic!! I always came and came hard and she and other girls had no problem with it. They would even say "you like to shoot, right?" Now with the new increased privacy, routines in our club have evolved to be less frenetic and usually end in a nice BBHJ. I love it and haven't yet asked for a return to our old wild ways, but I remember those earlier sessions fondly. It's a lot less work for the girls now, though, and they seem to like it. Obviously, I don't think you should hold back. I am not interested in BBBJs or FS myself for what I think are obvious reasons (STDs, wife), but I sure do like to unload and leave totally relaxed. I don't see my favorite club as a whorehouse, though, preferring to think of the things I take part in there as "entertainment". It works for me and the girls I frequent. Now go have some fun! And if you come to Detroit, check out La Chambre.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Returning To North America In Two Weeks - What SC Mecca Do I Hit First ??
    While in Detroit, you should check out my favorite club, LaChambre, which is conveniently located in a strip mall with plenty of free safe parking on the corner of Telegraph and I96. Check my reviews and if you see my ATF "Asia" tell her Santa sent you and she'll be sure you leave happy. Have fun!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    DEEETROIT!!! High end and low end recs...
    Try my favorite, La Chambre, with free parking in a safe little strip mall, between a Liberty Tax prep place and a big beauty supply store! They have a $10 Tuesday deal that you can't beat and last Tuesday there were at least 15 women on the day shift, all ready to make you happy for 10 bucks a dance in the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    new ads on TUSCL?
    And an automatic download attempted by Snap software, whatever that is...
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    13 years ago
    Mandatory coat checks
    Yes, my favorite club does sometimes require coat check. When they do, I check it with the girl - no big deal. It's a couple more bucks and I don't have to drag it around with me. This winter they haven't cared but I would expect them to require it just to save the room in the club that all those un-checked coats take up. They need to fill that up with customers and strippers rubbing on the patrons!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's the most ticked off you got a dancer?
    Trying to make conversation, I asked my favorite girl if she had a boyfriend and she got a little icy. So to kind of compliment her, I said I just couldn't believe someone as pretty and sweet as her wasn't hooked up. At that, she got up and marched right over to another guy and they disappeared to the VIP. After more than a year, when we were back on good terms, I learned that she had been going through a bad time with her boyfriend and he had just been in the club that day, had ignored her, and even took another dancer to the VIP! So she wasn't in a very good mood to hear any comments about her personal life at that moment. Really, most girls don't want you probing into their "Real lives". I learned that the hard way!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Cleveland and Detroit Recommendations
    While in Detroit, definitely check out La Chambre at the corner of Telegraph & I96 in a small strip mall. Plenty of safe free parking and a no-hassle atmosphere inside. I always go during the day so I am not as familiar with the night shift dancers but those girls I know are really terrific for mileage. They want you to leave satisfied and most will take care of you just fine, but my own favorite doesn't offer BBBJ or FS, and that's OK with me, so I can't tell you who does. But if this place doesn't qualify as a fun, high-mileage joint I don't know what would! There's an even mix of types with white, black and one Asian, a terific little woman named "Asia". Have fun in the Big D!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Condoms - I hate em but I use em...
    I always have a Tropical Cherry one in my pocket when I visit my ATF but so far she has just chuckled every time I show it to her. LOL
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Women in important roles.
    My regular doctor for annual checkups and so on is a woman - if I'm going to pay someone to look at me naked it's going to be a woman!
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    13 years ago
    First time at the strip club, appropriate clothing?
    I prefer loose fitting pants to tight ones during lap dances, and soft is better than course. I personally wear dress slacks but I like jockeys underneath because they help keep my boner from flopping all over the place and they are more absorbant than boxers. But a good dancer can work with anything. On the few occassions I did wear jeans, my girl had to just unzip me and dig right in there to get the job done, and that ain't bad either! I get a kick out of the characters who wear baggy basketball shorts or sweat pants, giving their girls super-easy access to their goods. That may be OK in Texas but in Michigan in January it looks pretty funny to see a 300 pound old man in Piston's shorts! Dress comfortably and I think you'll have fun.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Giving out dancers names.Girls what do you think?
    The place I go is no flat-out whorehouse so I have no problem naming names of the dancers who have given me the best VIP experiences. And the girls will absolutely appreciate the referrals - they are all struggling independent contractors who are not "hired" or "fired" by the club but who choose to show up and pay a tip-out for the opportunity to dance for us all. I will send as many new customers as I can to my favorite girls in the hopes they can do well. I began using the "Club Discussion Board" for this sharing of dancer names but I don't see that this feature is used much.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New Year's- anyone thinking about going to an SC?
    Holidays are the worst time to visit a club and go to the VIP. Too many guys put dancers in a feeding frenzy even though, ironically, they usually find fewer customers than when the place has just a few guys in it at a time. Party goers like to yuk it up with their pals more than go to the VIP for dances, but their sheer numbers keep the girls on edge looking for the next big score. Do yourself a favor and wait for a quiet afternoon to try the VIP. Be honest and cheerful with the girl and you'll probably have a great time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rookie trying to become a strippers regular, how much need to spend to be releva
    Becoming a "regular" with a girl can have its advantages, like really getting to know her as a person more clearly than you will as a random customer. But once she knows you are hers, and the other girls know you are hers, you'll find other dancers reluctant to approach you and her own advances will become less seductive. Hey, she knows she has you in her pocket and she'll back off on the Royal Treatment. Strippers are not dumb - they all give just enought to satisfy the customer. Ironically, that can often result in assholes and jerks actually getting farther with a girl than a decent regular. They do what they have to do to earn their living. If you're interested in just having a great time in the club, don't become exclusive to just one dancer.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tipping for their time/conversation
    I tell girls right away if I am not interested in getting a dance because I don't want to waste their time. I'm even OK with a girl who is sitting with me jumping up to take care of another customer first if she sees one walk in who she'll lose to another dancer if she waits and if I have time to wait for her return, again because these girls are trying to make a living and, usually, feed their kids. I also don't talk about other dancers with a girl because I have been told by several that they hate it when anyone gossips about them - last thing I want is for my ATF to decide I'm a prying dickwad and cut me off! Yes, I have the money but I see the "transaction" as something we should both enjoy as much as possible.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strippers Who Don't Ask You to Buy Dances
    All clubs I know of charge the girls a "tip-out fee" to work. My own favorite club charges $60 if they come in at the beginning of a shift, more if they come in a couple hours later. Girls don't get paid by the clubs - they have to "hustle" dances, as you say, to make anything at all. They aren't going to pay their bills with the tips they get while on stage! So why would you even expect to sit all afternoon with any dancer and not pay for lap dances? I don't get that at all, and I don't understand your attitude of never tipping a girl if she asks you if you want a dance. These wonderful women are operating their own little independent businesses and girls like the one you described won't be in it long if they don't approach men and ask for the dance when things are slow. Now maybe your girl has regulars she was seeing and she is into you and enjoyed talking with you - they are real people, after all. And if you like her, more power to you and I hope it works out. I know I could handle my ATF as a girlfriend and still see her dancing because I've known her for several years and know what she will and won't do for money (at least I think I do! LOL). But be sure you can be cool with it because, as many dancers have told me, they aren't going to work a regular job for 10 bucks an hour when they've made 20 bucks a dance. Not that anybody around my area is getting rich like in the old days - some girls have days they barely cover that tip-out I mentioned, and you can just stay home if you don't want to make money. So for anybody else who laments the girls who ask them for dances, open your eyes and your wallet and share the love.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit Tigers Opening Day!
    Honestly, special party days are the worst for strip club fun. The places get too crowded and, ironically, most guys don't want dances so the girls get tied up alot talking, making it hard for a real customer to get access to them, and then they still don't earn as much as on a less packed regular "good" day. So my ATF and I both skip party days altogether. But you go have fun, and throw some cash at a dancer so she hasn't wasted her time that shift.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Stopped in around 6 pm.....1 hour...
    Had the same experience with her ... Classic ROB!
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Detroit Strip Club Guide
    When in Detroit, don't overlook La Chambre, located in a strip mall next to a church (?) at the northeast corner of Telegraph Rd and I96. I recommend dayshift - they open at noon but things don't get rolling good until 1:30 pm or so, whenn all the early girls are there. And LC is home to one of Detroit's few Asian strippers, a real little Thai sweetheart named Asia. Have fun and be safe!
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    I have never lent a stripper money but I havs "pre-paid" for dances with my favorite and I was never disappointed in the return. She has always made sure I got back the sessions I paid for and we have a better relationship because I helped her out a little at a couple tough month-ends when all the bills are due.
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    13 years ago
    Levels (Journey) of a Strip Club Hobbyist
    Whoa, lay11, you are getting hit petty hard over your choice of a moniker. But in reading your piece I saw alot of interesting points that rung true to me. It's easy to become infatuated with a stripper and your realistic evaluation of your own experiences is insightful for me. So thanks for that. As far as being a Player or not, I don't know any dancers who are pros who are falling for any line of bs that doesn't include some cash but I do know some who probably offer OTC but not to everyone. So there may be room for a claim to being more adept at getting that action with the right words and atitude. I, for instance, may be "too nice" or not show the proper disregard for my money to get the right girls interested...