I'm considering it. I'm either going to hit up a SC in Richmond, or just hang out with some friends and drink/ play cards.
If I do decide to go to the SC, it's probably going to be very busy being that New Years is on Friday this year. That won't bother me, though.
If I do go I'm going to spulrge. Which is very unusual for me because normally I'm very frugal with my money. But what the hell, Christmas just passed so I have some extra cash to spend. Plus, I've never been in the VIP and I really want to try it out.
Have any of you ever been to an SC on New Years? Any good memories/stories?
Second samsung1's comment. If I go out, I will be back early. No late nighters. If I'm able, I'll go Thursday, rather than Friday.
Had a cop follow me home one New Years after I left the club at about 2 am. Pulled out of the club, and he pulled out of his parking spot across the street. I hadn't had anything to drink, but it was still a nerve-wracking 30 minutes.
I third that. I can't remember the last time I went out on New Year's and drove. Waaaaaaaaaaay too risky. I'm leery of being out past 10 after having some drinks throughout the second half of December. Cops are out in full force looking for DWIs. I've gotten one before, no fun. That money you've saved looking to blow at the titty bar will be long forgotten when you're looking at attorney's fees, the cost of alcohol education classes you'll be forced to take, the humiliation of your name in the police blotter and the threat of losing your job and not to mention losing your driving privileges for at least 3 months. Do yourself a favor, go to a house party and stay there then go to the titty bar in January when the police force dwindles down.
I'm going home and doing nothing for new years. Besides if i end up working as hard on new years eve as I did on Christmas I won't feel like driving an hour to Richmond
I have plans to hit a club. Will limit drink to O'Douls and leave soon after 12:00. IT's been a couple of years since I've done a NYE at a club but can either be a good time or bad as all the girls take off to be with their friends.
Lopaw is right. It's amateur night. People think they must get blotto or they are not truly celebrating. This one will be weird because some clubs will try to make the party last all week-end, with discounted drinks and party favors. Let the rookies have it. I'll wait until things return to normal.
I will go to my local haunt for the evening. And it is walking distance, if need be. Plus, I can leave my bike parked inside should the need arise. Now, if I needed to do that, I would still have to deal with the irate wife. She doesn't care much for a walk. :)
Holidays are the worst time to visit a club and go to the VIP. Too many guys put dancers in a feeding frenzy even though, ironically, they usually find fewer customers than when the place has just a few guys in it at a time. Party goers like to yuk it up with their pals more than go to the VIP for dances, but their sheer numbers keep the girls on edge looking for the next big score.
Do yourself a favor and wait for a quiet afternoon to try the VIP. Be honest and cheerful with the girl and you'll probably have a great time.
I don't know of anywhere which is worth the time which is actually open New Years' Eve which is also near me, so I may just end up staying home, or possibly hanging out with one of my work buddies. Hell, I might end up going to Hooter's, given I got a gift card for them.
As a onetime cop/volunteer firefighter, new years eve was always busy-working accidents. The tragic part is that the drunks are rarely injured, but their victims are horribly injured. Also, house fires go way up on the two days leading up to new years because people are clearing their yards and burning the debris.
I have gone to a nearby regular bar on New Year's eve. I don't remember traveling that far unless it happened to fall on a night when I routinely did it. I am also weary of the cops pulling people over for the slightest infraction. I remember on one night a few weeks ago, I thought there must have been an accident in one location. I found out later, it was a police checkpoint looking for DUI's.
I remember one night I got stopped and got the Gestapo treatment with the cop acting like I was a criminal from the get go. Four of them were shining flash lights in my car. One cop started making accusations saying he smelled alcohol in my car and/or on me. I had not been drinking anything in over a week. It was during this holiday period just a few years ago. Of course the cop was a liar. I heard it's their standard practice. Apparently they can lie with impunity. If you lie to the police and get caught, you go to jail. That's not funny.
Thanks for the warnings you guys, but it's looking more like I'll end up going. Everyone that I've talked to so far is either working or don't have anything planned for New Year's. So unless something changes within the next couple days, I'm going. :)
shadowcat, I understand Friday and Saturday night will be rowdy and have lots of people, but I like going then because I want a large selection of dancers. The problem I find with going during the day, say 5:00 or 6:00 PM, is that usually there aren't very many dancers there at all. I went at about 6:00 PM or so one day and there were only 8 girls there, and none of them caught my eye.
Night time is when all the fine dancers come out. :)
The columbus clubs seem to profit the most at night so of course several of them will be open for NYE. I already have seen or heard ads for Cols Gold, Centerfolds, and dreamgirls advertising their "champagne toast" at midnight
GoViking, the shift change at clubs is usually around 7PM so between 5-8PM it is usually pretty dead because so many dancers leaving early (already made lots of money) so the only dancers left are the losers who still need money. Also night shift is slow to start because so many dancers who up late. Best advice is to go during lunch time around 12pm-2pm. Of course this is assuming the club even has a real dayshift, lots of clubs don't even open until after 4pm and these are mostly just night shift clubs. Other benefits of dayshift is cheaper drink prices and cover (sometimes)
samsung1- The club I go to has a shift change at 8PM. That's when all the night-time dancers arrive. But the club opens at noon, that's when the day-time dancers shift begins.
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to give the day-shift another try. This time I'll get there around the time you suggested, 12-2PM. Like I said before, the one and only time I went during the day, it was around 6PM or so, so I guess I got there when all the day-time dancers were leaving/aleady left.
Trust me man, I'd rather go during the day. The cover charge is cheaper due to them being less busy, and as you said drinks are cheaper. Hopefully this time, there will be a few more dancers and I'll see someone I like.
If the party I plan on going to is dead, I will hit up a club. New Year's Eve seems to be a time to party around strangers, so I don't mind a raucous crowd tomorrow if need be. And as for drunk drivers: There are a lot more around tomorrow night, but I always have the mindset that I could get into an accident on the road any day of the week.
Whatever happens, TUSCLers, stay safe out there, OK?
last commentAlso be careful of drunk drivers.
Had a cop follow me home one New Years after I left the club at about 2 am. Pulled out of the club, and he pulled out of his parking spot across the street. I hadn't had anything to drink, but it was still a nerve-wracking 30 minutes.
Do yourself a favor and wait for a quiet afternoon to try the VIP. Be honest and cheerful with the girl and you'll probably have a great time.
As Superdude said-it's amateur night.
I remember one night I got stopped and got the Gestapo treatment with the cop acting like I was a criminal from the get go. Four of them were shining flash lights in my car. One cop started making accusations saying he smelled alcohol in my car and/or on me. I had not been drinking anything in over a week. It was during this holiday period just a few years ago. Of course the cop was a liar. I heard it's their standard practice. Apparently they can lie with impunity. If you lie to the police and get caught, you go to jail. That's not funny.
shadowcat, I understand Friday and Saturday night will be rowdy and have lots of people, but I like going then because I want a large selection of dancers. The problem I find with going during the day, say 5:00 or 6:00 PM, is that usually there aren't very many dancers there at all. I went at about 6:00 PM or so one day and there were only 8 girls there, and none of them caught my eye.
Night time is when all the fine dancers come out. :)
Other benefits of dayshift is cheaper drink prices and cover (sometimes)
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to give the day-shift another try. This time I'll get there around the time you suggested, 12-2PM. Like I said before, the one and only time I went during the day, it was around 6PM or so, so I guess I got there when all the day-time dancers were leaving/aleady left.
Trust me man, I'd rather go during the day. The cover charge is cheaper due to them being less busy, and as you said drinks are cheaper. Hopefully this time, there will be a few more dancers and I'll see someone I like.
Whatever happens, TUSCLers, stay safe out there, OK?