
Comments by boatmonkey (page 3)

  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ohio and Texas Strip Club Laws Differ, and the Reason Why
    You haven't really proven a causal relationship. And right next door in Michigan we have the same sort of legislative setup as Ohio, I think, and our strip clubs in Detroit are hands on and anything goes (if the girl is willing). Strip club regulation is really a local issue. And once the local standards are restrictive you have a hell of a time loosening them up. Who is going to get elected running on the platform of "We need more strip clubs and girls who will perform sex acts on men for money!". Hell, we have a tough enough time keeping abortion legal...
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    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    I think the shelf life of this article is about done, but if anyone wants to shoot me a private message and keep the discussion going about this or anything else, feel free to do so.
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    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    I have to side with jerikson40 on the irritation I can feel when I see girls who aren't circulating because some guy has them all tied up and is just sitting and gabbing. Not long ago, I watched a beautiful black girl I was interested in listen and listen to a guy, who actually wasn't what I would term "old" at all, maybe 45, and I figured I would wait my turn. After about 45 minutres, when I was about to return to work, she gets up and comes over to me. I laughed and said "What's he telling you - his fucking life story?" and she laughed and shushed me and said "That just happens sometimes". Another time I was gabbing it up with my ATF and another stripper came by and said "Can I borrow her for a minute?" and then she whispered to my girl that another young guy in a ballcap wanted to have her dance for him. The love of my life barely said goodbye as she rushed to take care of business. The lesson for me in these experience is don't wait forever for a girl. Be polite but tip her on stage or send the waitress or another dancer to tell her you would like to see her. At the least, you'll get in her queue. My ATF has one old dude that just likes to talk and actually pays her to sit and chat with no dances ever. But that's unusual and all the girls are there to pay their bills. Unless you are hienous, they will come see you if they know you want to spend some time AND MONEY with them. Now let's all get out there and spend some dough this week helping these angels cope with life's challenges. And let's have fun together doing it.
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    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    Thanks for all the comments, guys. This is my first article but I enjoyed writing it and will try to come up with some more of my thoughts. I appreciate your responses!
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Hints for first time visitors to a club.
    All very good advice! I especially second the point that a guy needs to approach a dancer if he wants her to come by and see him. I know several dancers who have days when even they can't stand the rejection they often receive when they ask a guy they don't know if he wants a dance, so do them and yourself a favor and be a man, baby, and ask for wht you want. I will add that once you become a regular at a club, be careful about becoming a regular of just one dancer. You will actually be treated better by all the dancers, including your favorite girl, if you keep more than one girl in your mix. A little competition keeps them on their toes and they will be more flirtatious and sexy if they know they may lose you to another girl if they don't turn you on.